Chapter Four

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Kirito's POV

I had arrived to work on time today, even though I was usually always on time.

I was greeted by Lisbeth and Asuna, and I waved towards them while hanging up my coat. It was especially cold this morning, a thick layer of frost covered the sidewalks and could easily be mistaken as snow.

The regular hustle and bustle had started in the world outside, even if the sun had not yet fully risen. A blueish haze seemed to cover the whole town, making the world seem colder than it really was.

I was just in time to see our regular, Klein, walk into the cafe. He seemed to bring in a positive vibe, and was smiling brightly towards us.

As he got closer I noticed that his eyes were both the same colour.

"Klein! Your eyes! Did you find your soulmate?" Asuna called out, a hand over her mouth.

"Heh! I sure did! Just yesterday actually... she was walking out of this cafe with her friend. Just as I was walking past." Klein said, his gaze softened slightly, and anyone could tell that he was overjoyed.

"That sounds amazing... what's her name?" I asked, as I started to make his regular morning coffee.

"Her names Alice... it was like I was drawn straight to her, she's so beautiful." He swooned. I shook my head slightly and smiled, handing him his coffee.

"We're so happy for you Klein!" Lisbeth cheered, and went around the counter to give him a hug. "I'm sure it's fine if you have that coffee on the house for today." She added, smiling brightly. We all nodded in agreement.

"Thanks guys. I best get going now, see you tomorrow!" He replied, starting the small walk to the exit. "Oh and Kirito... I would keep an eye out, I think I saw someone yesterday that you might like..." he added, winking slyly and then he left.

I blushed lightly, and watched him leave. Does that mean he saw my soulmate?

"Now, now Kirito, don't let his words get to you. It'll probably be busy again today." Asuna said, laying a hand on my shoulder. I could almost feel the anger radiating off her, so I decided to just get started with my work.

Lisbeth gave me that look again, but I didn't have the energy to even do anything back. So I stayed quiet for now.


Asuna was right, we seemed to be even busier today than we were a couple days ago. It's almost as if the colder it gets, the more customers we have.

Speaking of it being busy, I had somehow managed to get myself in a bit of a dilemma. Lisbeth's shift ended about an hour ago, and Asuna had disappeared in the back room for quite a while now. She knew how I got in stressful situations, and yet I was out here making everyone's orders and carrying it to tables by myself. It was too busy to do this with only one person.

I was on the verge of tears, as more people were complaining about it taking to long. We were also losing customers because of the long wait, and they just left.

Asuna finally decided to appear, when a majority of people had already left, now there were only about eight people left to serve.

"Asuna! What took you so long? We lost a tonne of customers because I couldn't work by myself." I said, I tried my best to stay calm, but it didn't really work.

"Sorry Kirito. I was busy. And look, there's no one here. I think you're exaggerating a bit, we aren't that busy." She scowled, her voice raising in volume.

I flinched slightly, I was trying to avoid her getting angry at me, but now it's started I don't think it will stop.

I carried on making some of the orders, delivering them to the right tables and apologising for the wait.

Asuna didn't stop however, and pulled me to the side.

"You know you shouldn't raise your voice to me like that." She whisper yelled. "You'll make a bad impression to our customers."

I didn't reply, and avoided making eye contact with her.

???'s POV

I couldn't help but overhear the conversation between those two people. I wasn't sitting too far away, so even in their hushed tones I could hear what they were saying.

"L-listen I'm sorry. I was just stressed out..." the boy said.

"You're just being stupid, you're too sensitive sometimes you know? You need to learn how to deal with things without me all the time." The girl said. I didn't at all agree with what she was saying, but I couldn't stand up for him... I felt too out of place as just a customer.

I gave a quick glance in their direction, noticing that the boy was facing away from me. The girl looked furious, but I don't understand why.

I heard the girl sigh.

"Stop thinking your soulmate is going to save you as-well, I'm the only person you need right now." She snapped, and I heard her footsteps come towards me.

I noticed that she still had two different coloured eyes, meaning that the boy she was with isn't her soulmate.

"I'm sorry for the wait! Here's your order." She said to me, her voice had changed from threatening to sweet in a matter of seconds.

"Thank you." I replied, not really wanting to talk to her.

She lingered for a bit too long, and I noticed that she was studying my different eye colours.

I always loved my soulmates eye colour. It reminded me of the night sky.

She quickly walked away after that, and the boy was back behind the counter. Not making eye contact with anyone.

It made me worry, was he being controlled by that girl?

At those thoughts, I felt a light pressure on my chest, and turned back to the tray that had been placed in front of me.

That wasn't what I ordered.


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