Chapter Eight

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Kirito's POV

I was discharged quite early the next day, since I didn't really have any physical injuries.

I was getting a lift back home in Asuna's car- she didn't want me to learn how to drive, as she was too afraid I'd leave her.

"Thanks for the ride Asuna..." I said, as she pulled up outside my small apartment complex.

"Oh, anytime! Stay safe now okay? I'm a call away if you need anything, because I love you, don't forget that." She replied, a small smile on her face.

I gave her a quick nod, and got out of the car. Her words kept echoing through my head- she's making this situation difficult for me. It's going to be really difficult to leave her, I don't want her to do something stupid like... kill herself because I left her.

Even if she mistreats me a lot, I don't want her dead. There's also no way I could deal with the guilt of her death on my conscious...

I gave a final wave as she started to drive away again, I watched as the car disappeared around the corner. I'm surprised she didn't take me to her house, she's usually quite overprotective and... 'worried'.

I shook my head and pulled my door key out of my pocket, I lived on the first floor so I didn't have the burden of climbing any steps, this was very useful for someone as lazy as myself.

I walked in, greeted by closed curtains and general mess. I should really clean up... if I wanted to start seeing my soulmate, it would be best if my flat wasn't an absolute mess.

Deciding that it was the right thing to do, I hung my coat up and started on some tidying.

Opening the curtains was certainly rewarding, I had never seen this room illuminated by the morning sun before... it was actually beautiful to see. The golden light made the previous dark, gloomy furniture look welcoming.

I stood by the window a little longer, gazing out at the few houses on the horizon. I then pushed the window open and breathed in the cold, refreshing air.

It was a wonderful day to be alive.


After a couple hours of cleaning, my flat looked completely

Par from the multiple bin bags piled up at the doorway...

I was proud of my work, and would  definitely be opening the curtains more often.

As I sat down on the sofa, I heard the crinkling of paper. I reached into my pocket and remembered the note Eugeo had given me.

I smiled as I looked at the note yet again, I would treasure this... maybe I should start some kind of journal?

I pulled out my phone and copied the number into it, I now had a contact I could name 'soulmate'...
It gave me a warm feeling, my heart felt like it was finally getting what it deserved.

It all happened too quickly for me to notice- but I must have accidentally pressed the call button while I was stuck in thought.
Now, there was a small voice on the other end of this phone call, who no doubt had no clue who was calling him.

"...Hello? Is anyone there?" The voice said, as I brought the phone up to my ear.

"Hi... I-it's Kirito." I decided to say. Well, maybe it was fate that told me to accidentally call him.

"Oh, Kirito I wasn't expecting a call from you this early. Have you been discharged already?" He said, his voice sounded so genuine... it was completely different to the way Asuna was speaking earlier- even on the phone I could tell.

"Yeah... I found your note too, thanks for leaving your number." I replied, not really knowing what to say. Was I being too awkward?

"That's okay, say, I've been wondering... no actually never mind. Do you want to meet up tomorrow?" He spoke.
I was a bit confused about the hesitation at the start of his sentence, but I decided not to pry for now...

Wait he's asking to see me?

"Uhm, Yeah sure, I'm not working tomorrow... did you have a place in mind?" I asked, the words just seemed to tumble out- without me controlling them.

I was scared, to say the least, about meeting Eugeo. I have a feeling I'm just going to mess up and ruin everything... this boy was being so nice to me, and we hadn't even held a proper conversation yet.

"Well there's the Rikugien gardens not too far from where you work... we could meet each other there if you like- at two, tomorrow?" He said, his voice quivering slightly.

At least I'm not the only one who's nervous.

I thought about it, two in the afternoon was a bit of an awkward time...

"How about we meet there at twelve instead? I could even treat you to that drink you so desperately need!" I said, a small laugh escaping my throat.

I heard a similar laugh come from the other end of the line, it was such a beautiful laugh...

"Of course, it sounds like a plan! Well I'll see you tomorrow then..." he mumbled.

"Yeah, see you soon Eugeo..." I replied, pulling the phone away from my ear slowly.

I noticed that he was waiting for me to hang up first. Hesitating slightly, I pressed the red button and watched my screen turn blank.

I let out a breath I hadn't realised I was holding in, and flopped backwards so I was lying on the sofa.

I was meeting my soulmate tomorrow... that weirdly attractive boy I had met at my own cafe...

I was going to miss seeing his beautiful eye next to my own, but I wouldn't mind it- as long as I was able to see those eyes when I wake up in the morning, or to see them smiling with the rest of his face... eyes do show the most emotion on someone's face, so I'll wait.

I'll wait for him to smile tomorrow, and treasure the sight for my whole life.


My Soulmate [ Kirito x Eugeo ]Where stories live. Discover now