Chapter Six

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Eugeo's POV

What are you supposed to do when you meet your soulmate?

What are you supposed to do when you witness your soulmate having a panic attack?

How do you help your soulmate?

These were currently the only thoughts spiralling around my head, and I think they are definitely necessary!

I couldn't help but watch the person- soulmate, I had just met walk back to the counter. I was trying to piece everything together, and was waiting for everything to sink in.

This 'Kirito' Guy seemed really sweet, but... he looks broken.

His figure was very frail, and his skin a sickly porcelain. It can't be healthy to be that underweight, I don't doubt that it's started to have negative effects on his body.

Seeing that he is my soulmate, I already know that I want to help him, I want to see him happy and healthy. This bond... it's so strong, even if we have never met before.

I was peacefully drinking my hot beverage, pondering on all the things me and my soulmate would do now that we've finally met, when I started to hear stern voices near the counter.

I looked over, it was that auburn haired girl again.

She was shouting at Kirito.

She was shouting at, and mistreating, my soulmate.

I already knew I didn't like this girl. Who was she to him? There's no way she's just his boss, they've clearly known each other a while.

I couldn't help myself, placing my drink down, I made my way over to the counter swiftly. I was getting ready to shout at this girl, but was interrupted by a thud on the floor.

This leads me up to what was happening right now, Kirito had fainted.

"Kirito!" I called, quickly moving behind the counter. I didn't care that I didn't work here, or that I wasn't allowed in the staff areas. My soulmate had just collapsed, and this girl wasn't doing anything about it!

"Who are you?" She asked, taking a step towards me.

I ignored her words for now, and knelt beside this boy I had only just met. I raised his head onto my lap, and took out my phone ready to call an ambulance.

"Excuse me? Are you deaf? I asked you a question." She repeated, her tone was harsh, nothing like earlier when she was serving food.

"Are you this rude to everyone? I'm Eugeo. Kirito's soulmate." I replied, placing the phone to my ear. "Ambulance please." I spoke, my thoughts were all over the place, but I tried to stay calm.

"You? Your Kirito's soulmate? He doesn't like boys, me and him are actually dating. So back off and let me sort this out." She said, folding her arms across her chest.

"I think you should tell the customers to leave, not me." I mumbled, trying to concentrate on the phone call I was taking.

She clicked her tongue, and pushed pass me. I'm assuming she's actually listening to me, because if she wants to keep business she wouldn't want her customers to witness an ambulance at the cafe.

I told the operator the name of the cafe, and the condition Kirito was in. They should be here soon...

I looked down at the boy, one of my hands made it's way onto his head, and I began stroking his hair.

It's so soft.

"What an interesting way to meet you... I hope you'll be okay." I whispered, taking in this strange feeling of comfort as I looked at his face. Even when he wasn't conscious, he didn't look relaxed or peaceful. There was something on his mind, and it seemed to be taking over his life.


I didn't know if it was really my place to stay at the hospital with Kirito, but I wanted to make sure he was okay.

Unfortunately, the girl, who's name I learnt was Asuna, had come along as well.

She had changed attitude completely, and began asking me about my life. It made me wonder if she was bipolar or had multiple personalities... but I wouldn't know, and it isn't my place to ask.

But this side of Asuna was actually really sweet, she was the kindest person I had ever talked to. There was warmth in her eyes that I had never seen before, however there was clearly a sad story behind it.

It made me wonder how Kirito ended up with Asuna, I also learnt that they had been 'dating' though Asuna knows she isn't the one for Kirito deep down.

"Kirito is always so stubborn... and I feel bad for mistreating him, I just miss my soulmate." She said, as I handed her some tea that was served at the hospital.

I sat down beside her, with some tea of my own, and held it firmly. We were waiting for a nurse to give us news on Kirito's condition, and while we were waiting we shared some stories about our lives.

"Now that Kirito's found me... what will you do?" I asked, taking a small sip of tea.

She hesitated, and looked down at the floor. Her mood had changed quickly, and the atmosphere seemed to change with her.

"I don't want him to go." She finally said.

I gulped, I don't know if that meant she didn't want him to stop dating her, or if it meant she didn't want him to live his own life.

"O-only Kirito can decide what's best for him... I'm sure you'll meet your new soulmate one day Asuna..." I replied, glancing at her quickly.

She didn't reply, and we sat in silence for a while. That was until we saw the nurse walking out of Kirito's room.

I stood up as she walked towards us.

"I'm glad to inform you two that Kirito-san is in a stable condition. He had a panic attack, but his heart rate has steadied and will be awake soon. I advise having only one visitor at a time, since it could be stressful to have many people in there at once." She said, reading from a small chart in her hands.

I visibly sighed in relief.

"Thank you so much, miss." I replied, and smiled towards her as she walked away.

"I'm seeing him first. You'll get your chance later." Asuna said quickly, before I got the chance to disagree.

I don't know if I can trust her...


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