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Third person POV

Winter had finally passed, the cold weather becoming warmer. It was one of the best seasons- not too cold, but not too hot. Plus the flowers were in bloom, leaving every garden flourishing. There were no longer heavy, grey clouds, only fluffy remains and blue skies- it was beautiful.

It was also March- March the fourteenth- the day of Alice and Klein's wedding.

Currently, Alice was preparing with Lisbeth. Their bond had grown over the past month, and they thought of themselves as close friends, Lisbeth was happy to have another person to care about in her life.

Klein was with Kirito and Eugeo- he was panicking, which made the couple laugh. Eugeo knew Alice would never turn down Klein, he had seen that way they had looked at each other. It was the same way he found himself looking at Kirito.

"Klein! Stop pacing, you're going to wrinkle your suit!" Eugeo yelled, running up to the man and pushing him over to the sofa- Klein thought that Eugeo would make a good mother.

"I know, I know! But I can't help feeling scared, man!" Klein replied, shoving his face into his hands.

Eugeo and Kirito shared a wordless conversation as they looked at each other- the two knew that Klein was worrying for no reason.

"We don't want you worrying about nothing- you know Alice more than I do, and even I know she isn't going to ditch you." Kirito reassured, moving towards Klein and giving him a firm pat on the back.

"And I've known her longer than you have, but still know she isn't going anywhere!" Eugeo added, letting out an amused laugh.

Klein let his shoulders slump, knowing that he was crinkling his suit- just like Eugeo told him not to. Eugeo and Kirito knew they were right, and Klein knew deep down that they were right, too.

"L-let's just get going, I don't want to turn up late to my own wedding." Klein mumbled, standing up. He didn't even noticed Eugeo straighten out his suit, getting rid of the wrinkles.

They all left Eugeo's flat- well it was more like Eugeo's and Kirito's flat now- a taxi was waiting outside for them. Despite Kirito's complaints- he got into the taxi, since he knew Eugeo would lecture him on making a scene, later.

Klein was visibly shaking for most of the ride, and it was more worrying than humourous at this point- Klein wasn't usually this anxious, but nothing Eugeo or Kirito said seemed to snap him out of it.

We'll just have to let it play out...


After arriving at the gardens, Klein went to go and talk to some family members- he was always excited to see them, since they rarely visited.

Meanwhile, Eugeo and Kirito started having a good look around- they weren't snooping- just looking!

But the duo did enjoy these gardens, it reminded them of their first date- and seeing it all decorated made it feel a lot more sentimental.

"I can't belive it's only been three months of knowing each other..." Eugeo mumbled, his grip tightening around Kirito's hand.

Kirito hummed in response, then began swinging their hands back and forth. It made Eugeo laugh, and they probably looked like lovestruck teenagers- well they wouldn't call themselves teenagers, nineteen is quite old- and Eugeo was nearly twenty-one!

"Look! It's Alice!" Kirito suddenly said, pointing a finger in the opposite way they had been walking. Eugeo had looked up, and watched as Alice was walking towards the pair, Lisbeth following close behind.

Alice was wearing one of the most beautiful dresses, the ruffelled skirt looked like flowing water- and it fit her figure well. It was also an astonishing white- it almost looked blue in certain light. Lisbeth was wearing a dress similar to the bridesmaids' but because she was Alice's maid of honour, it had a few different features.

They had definitely put a lot of effort into their outfits.

Eugeo and Kirito had originally wanted to wear 'matching suits', but after a lengthy conversation, Eugeo decided to have matching ties instead. 'I don't have the money to buy a new suit!' Eugeo had said- and he knew Kirito didn't have enough money either.

But they did go along with the idea, Eugeo had worn his blue suit, but had a black tie- and Kirito was the opposite. They still looked like they were matching , so in the end there plan didn't really change.

"Hey guys!" Lisbeth exclaimed, then picked up her pace. She had probably been more excited for this wedding than anyone else here- Kirito had known it would happen.

"Yo, you two look good- Alice, don't let Klein see you before the ceremony starts." Kirito said, laughing slightly. Alice pouted in return, placing a hand on her hip.

"Me and Klein agreed that not everything we do will be traditional, so it's fine if we see each other." She replied.

The group spent some time talking, they hadn't really had the chance to all get together and have a catch up.

Kirito and Eugeo had been too busy moving in together, I guess you could say they were so busy being stuck in the 'honeymoon phase' of their relationship. They did love each other a lot, and it was obvious that their bond had grown through the past months.

Lisbeth had been job hunting- she wanted to move out the city and reunited with her soulmate. She didn't really want to leave her friends- but they had promised to keep in contact with each other if she had no other choice.

Alice had, obviously, been busy planning the wedding- a day she had wanted everyone to enjoy. Her and Klein had paid special attention to decoration, as well as having things that they knew their friends would like.

For example, Alice had ordered blue roses as the flowers for her bridesmaids. She knew they were Eugeo's favourite flower, and she wanted there to be something around to remind her of who got her this far in life. Eugeo was the reason they had moved to japan, after all.

Their conversation was interrupted by the church bells- just down the street- telling them that it was now midday.

"Alice, it's time! Let's get a move on!" Lisbeth squealed, then added- "We'll see you boys soon!"


The wedding was beautiful, Alice had looked like a princess when she walked down the aisle. It was obvious that Klein had thought that too. Everyone was struck by Alice's pure beauty, and I'm sure a few people were even jealous!

It truly was a day to remember, the uniting of two souls.

Soulmates are a beautiful concept.

Eugeo had been so moved by the event that he ended up crying. Kirito had held his hand tightly, and he thought it was nice to see Eugeo so happy.

I guess it'll be us next.


Once again, thanks for reading! Love you all <3

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