Chapter Thirteen

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Kirito's POV

It had been seven weeks since the cafe 'event'.

Seven weeks of Asuna not working with us, seven weeks of me being able to stay at my own apartment.

Seven weeks of not getting any updates from Asuna or Klein.

It was worrying, to say the least, Asuna had been taken by Klein to a hospital, and she was referred to rehabilitation.

Apparently there was something wrong in her head, it was an unspoken truth that we all decided to ignore until now.

In the seven weeks away from Asuna, me and Eugeo had been on plenty of dates and get togethers. My friend group had accepted Eugeo happily, and they were already getting to know him.

I'm still worried about what Asuna thinks about Eugeo- she definitely doesn't like him, and I don't want him in any possible danger.

I just hope Asuna will understand, will find her new soulmate- her real soulmate- and let me live my life how I'm supposed to.

I'm fed up with all the self loathing, the hatred I have that is supposed to be aimed at others- yet is now aimed at myself. I am sick of it...

It'll be hard to get through it all, but I am wishing and praying to every being out there, that I will make it- that I'll survive.

Asuna is, and always has been, a close friend, someone I could always rely on and ask advice. She may have ruined that trust- our bond- but I am hoping...

Hoping she will get through this... see her mistakes... and accept the fact Eugeo is my soulmate.

Eugeo and I still hadn't given our relationship a label yet... we are soulmates, but we're also human- so it's still nerve wracking to ask Eugeo if he wants to be my boyfriend yet...

I was currently walking to the cafe for a morning shift, when I felt the buzz of my phone in my pocket. I was expecting it to be Eugeo- he was always up early.

But instead, it was from an unknown number.

'Hello, this is an automated message system from Rikugien Rehabilitation Centre. This is a message on behalf of patient #011 Asuna, Yuuki:

I want to apologise for what happened a few weeks back, my actions were completely uncalled for. I have been getting treatment, and I am seeing now that everything I have done to you was immoral... and not just the recent incident- everything. I'm really sorry Kirito, I understand if you don't want anything to do with me once I am discharged. I am already searching for new jobs in the area, going back to the cafe might cause me to relapse- I don't want to put anyone in danger. I... am also sorry about what I've said about Eugeo... he's done nothing wrong.
However, I have got some exciting news to tell you! I found my soulmate here, she's one of the nurses. Once I am healthy again, I must introduce her to the group. Again, I truly am sorry for all that I have put you through.
Yours, Asuna.'

You have the right for 2 free text message replies before you are charged. Thank you.'

That was unexpected...

After seven weeks of nothing, I get a long winded apology and life update.

I don't really know if I can accept her apology, at least not yet.

She had ruined my life, and if not for Klein taking her to the hospital, she would still be ruining my life to this day.

As much as I loved Asuna (platonically) and as much as I care for her- there will be things I cannot forgive.

I decided I would answer the message later, right now I still had work to do.

Placing the phone back into my pocket, I turned my attention back to the pavement. Listening to the early morning hustle of cars and rushed footsteps.

It was still very cold out, snow had become more frequent the past month, making the city almost angelic on those certain mornings.

It was weird how the snow reminded me of Eugeo...


Lisbeth and I were halfway through our morning shifts when a familiar face popped in.

Alice was making her way over to the counter- but without our regular, Klein- with a bright smile on her face.

"Hey guys! May I get a double-chocolate brownie and, hmm, a hot chocolate with peppermint sticks please? I have something to tell you guys!" The blond beamed, taking off her gloves and placing them on the counter.

I quickly wrote her order into the register as Lisbeth got started on the drink.

"What's got you so excited then?" Lisbeth asked, raising her eyebrows suspiciously.

Alice gave a hearty laugh as she sat down, her face becoming noticeably flushed.

"Just wait a little longer, I invited Eugeo here so I could tell you all at the same time!" Alice replied, her smile never fading.

I felt my heart warm from the idea of seeing Eugeo during a work shift- it might just make my day better.

"It's that important huh? Damn I'm getting excited now!" Lisbeth squealed, her hands clasped together.

While Alice was paying for her order, I heard the familiar bell on the door ring- as well as a soft voice.

"Sorry I'm late!" The flaxen haired boy spoke.

I noticed how much he had bundled up in warm clothing, and couldn't help but think he looked adorable.

"Eugeo! Finally, quick come sit down." Alice said, then took a large bite from her brownie.

Eugeo made his way over, removing his hat and coat, and gave me a warm smile when our eyes met.

That smile will be the death of me... have I said that already?

Lisbeth was now leaning against the counter, a giddy smile on her face as she waited patiently for Alice to explain herself.

Even I was starting to feel suspicious- I have the inkling feeling it has to do with Klein...

Once Eugeo was sat down, Alice started digging through her bag, pulling out some pieces of paper.

"So... as you may know, me and Klein have been together for some time. We hadn't really given our relationship a label, but we are soulmates and... we really are in love with each other..." She paused, moving a hand to her chest.

Her words were so soothing, and I wanted to take them as relationship advice.
Eugeo and I should really have a talk about our relationship... I feel like I might... no, never mind.

"Me and Klein decided, a couple days ago, to make some things official, and I want you guys to be there as witnesses..." Alice smiled, shuffling through her papers.

There was a moment of silence before everyone seemed to realise what she was hinting at- and I knew Lisbeth was about to scream, or something.

"Wait- Alice are you saying what I think you're saying?!" Lisbeth squealed, she had started jumping up and down with excitement.

"Alice, come on don't give us the dramatic pause!" Eugeo commented, he was practically vibrating from excitement.

I gave Alice a pointed look, then glanced at the papers in her hand.

"Are you—" I was cut off by Alice, who practically yelled:

"Me and Klein are engaged!"


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