My story

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My name is Annabeth and I just made the biggest mistake of my life. As I saw him run away all I could do was stand there. I was too stunned by what happened to react until Hunter spoke up next to me.

"If you ask me, that was cowardly!"

I turned and punched him very hard in the face. I guess I hit him harder than I thought because he didn't get up. When I looked down at him I saw a black velvet box.

When I opened it I saw the most beautiful ring.

It was a silver metal with a pearl, surrounded by green gems. When I saw them they reminded me of his eyes. I wasn't aware of my surroundings or the time passing because when I got up the sun had already set.

I ran to the place I thought he would be. When I arrived I saw none of his clothes and the room looked ransacked. My next thought was to go to the big house to tell Chiron.

When I arrived I saw Nico talking with him. When I ran in Nico turned to me and asked a question. However his face said if you don't answer correctly I will attack you.

"What happened when Percy went to the beach?"

Sadly, I looked down not wanting to meet their eyes and told them the story. How I was waiting for Hunter and when he got there he kissed me. Then when Percy came out of the woods with the look of betrayal on his face. Then how he ran and I got lost in my own head. When I looked up I swear to all of the Gods that Nico was going to kill me with his glare.

" Why the hell would you willingly kiss Hunter? Percy just got back from his 7 month quest for you! You cheated on the most loyal person at camp and now he is God knows where!!"

I guess by the look on my face he answered the question before I asked.

" He left about 1 hour ago saying he had no intention of coming back. IT WAS ALL YOUR FAULT THAT HE LEFT!!"

With that he turned out and I was left with a silent Chiron. When I met his eyes all I saw was disappointment. After a few minutes of silence he was about to speak when there was a sudden flash of light.

We were now in the Throne room of Olympus. I was standing there and so were all of the other head councilors.

" What happened at that camp?" Zeus boomed


Author's Note

Hello again readers. I really like writing fan fictions or fantasies. I will most likely be updating a lot because of being stuck in my house with nothing else to do.

Again I hope you like the story and comment if you want me to add an event or add a POV.


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