I Choose My Elite Army

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~10,000 Chaos Years

I had just finished my training for the day when I got a summons from my father. As I was walking towards his office, I was using my powers to clean up a little.

When I finally arrived Chaos turned to face me and spoke. "No matter how much you try to clean yourself up from training, your hair just seems to get messier." I gave him a smirk and said. "Well, I did get my hair from you, so I don't think it is my fault." With that I sat across from him.

"Anyway I called you here because I believe you are ready to choose your elite forces. There is a catch however." I gave him a questionable look and nodded for him to continue. "They must have passed on."

I sat there thinking for a while, then I gave him a smile. "I'm okay with that. None of the people I want to choose betrayed me like that place did. When will I leave?"

"Right Now." With that I was flashed to the front door of Hades' castle. My father also sent me with a cloak and my least favorite object, my crown. I put the cloak and crown on and when I entered I flashed back to my first adventure that took me down here.

I focused and walked into the throne room. Lucky me, my cloak prevented anybody from seeing my face unless I pulled the hood back. I walked towards my uncle then he finally noticed me.

"Who dares enter my throne room without an invitation?" Hades boomed.

I just rolled my eyes and walked further on then stopped, sighed and spoke. "My name is Sigma. I am the Prince of the Galaxies, Heir to the Universal Throne, Son of Chaos and I have come to select my elite army from your domain."

He looked as if someone had just slapped him across the face. I stood there until he finally spoke. "I am honored by your presence. Please continue with your journey."

I flashed myself to the Isle of the Blessed and went on my search until I finally spotted the first one, Luke.

I walked up and in the process I removed my hood and crown. He turned and looked at me with glee in his eyes. "Percy you're here. Wait, how did you die?" I met his eyes and told the truth about everything that I went through. Then I made my offer "Would you like to join my elite force as my second in command?"

He looked shocked. "Why me, I betrayed you and tried to kill you multiple times." I only laughed and gave him a sympathetic look. "I don't blame you Luke. You did what was right in the end and I believe that you would be a great elite member."

He looked at me and nodded then I asked where I could find the rest of them and he led me all around. I told my story and one by one I had an Elite Army.

At the end, I had Luke, Zoe, Bianca, Silena, Beckendorf, Micheal, Lee, Ethan, and Castor. We were almost about to leave when I heard a voice behind me. I turned and I faced Nico.

He stood there in shock and before I could explain he was running up to hug me. After a few seconds, he punched me. This caused a few laughs from the crowd behind me.

"Where the Hell have you been? We have been searching for almost 100 years!"

I explained my story and he looked like he was going to pass out at any second. Finally I finished and he stood there with his mouth wide open. Finally I asked him "Nico, I need you to keep this a secret. You can't tell anyone about me or the army or Chaos. Please?"

He looked at me sad and nodded. He was walking away when I called out "Hey, I'm glad you saw me. Guess you don't have to worry anymore. Remember nobody can know!"

He nodded and I turned to my group and asked a simple question "Ready?"


Author's Note

Hello Readers. I hope you are all doing well. Don't judge this chapter harshly I rewrote it several times and this one seemed the best.

Remember to comment if you want me to write something in.

Another Disclaimer, I don't own any of the characters. That honor goes to Rick Riordan.


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