Secret's Out

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To say that the camp was scared was an understatement. I could practically feel their want for answers to questions they've had for years, but their fears of said answers.

Luke continued to speak. "Almost 20,000 years ago, 200 for you guys, we were approached by Sigma and given an offer. We all accepted and in return we have trained and grown as a family since. We have bonded over missions, our time on Chaos' planet, and we have only grown closer. However, we have been hiding from our past and we need to face them. Everyone standing up here wants to hide from something here, myself included. I say this because once we show you who we are, all of you will realize our reason for hiding. Today we will share a secret with you that not many people in all of the galaxies even know. We share our real names and faces. We ask that you wait until all of us are revealed before you ask questions. Harvest, if you will kick us off." He finished and Castor stepped up and nodded.

"The new generation of campers won't know me or any of my family standing beside me. My Elite Army name is Harvest but I was known as Castor, Son of Dionysus." He lowered his hood and a similar kid stood from his table and ran to hug his brother.

"I have no way of following that but some will know me. I am Revenge but I was once known as Ethan, Son of Nemesis." He lowered his hood and some of his cabin mates ran to ask him questions but caught my glare to be quiet till the end.

Micheal and Lee went together seeing as they had the same Godly parent. Lee started "We will reveal at the same time in order to shorten this process. We are known as Bow and Arrow-" and Michael finished " but you know us as Micheal and Lee, Sons of Apollo."

For once in my life Apollo was actually too stunned to respond but Will walked up to his brothers and hugged them. As he was leaving he sent me a look saying 'we will be talking about this later'. I sent him a smile and he rolled his eyes.

Beckendorf and Silena went together. "We have known and loved each other for a long time. We are known as Blaze and Charmer but I am better known as Silena, Daughter of Aphrodite-" Beckendorf continued "and Charles Beckendorf, Son of Hephaestus." As they lowered their hoods many people then stood excitedly.

None more than Leo, who set his hair on fire and everyone backed away in case something else happened. He then went into a rant about how he always wanted to meet Charles and all the Aphrodite kids crowded Silena.

I cleared my throat, "Alright, wait till the end for comments, questions, or rants." I said with a smile that made people sit back down. I nodded for them to continue. However, I caught a glance of Annabeth and she looked really mad at me. She was putting pieces together, and hated that she didn't understand sooner.

My sister stepped forward next and went to stand by her side. "Very few of you will know me but I am known as Angel, more commonly as Bianca Di Angelo, Daughter of Hades and Sister of Nico." She lowered her hood and I hugged her. We were interrupted by our father and instead of yelling or commenting he hugged us. This caused a few 'Awwws' and a glare from each of us.

(A/N: I don't remember if the hunters were there in the last chapter but they are there now along with Artemis.)

Zoe saved time with no formality and just quickly said " I am known as Star, but you will know me better by Zoe Nightshade. Third in Command" Thalia stood from the table and i caught a glance at Artemis and she looked so happy. They both ran and hugged Zoe then returned to their seats.

Last was Luke and I knew that he was dreading it. He was the one who didn't want to reveal because of his past and I could feel the fear coming from him. He glanced at me and caught my eye and we both nodded. "I am the one here that wants to erase their past the most however, I will share my name now. I am Second in Command, Known as Alpha, but my Real name is Luke Castellan, Son of Hermes."

Everyone went quiet for a minute but it was broken by his father getting up and hugging him. He reluctantly hugged back and stayed that way for a minute. They broke apart but Luke wouldn't raise his eyes from the floor until Thalia spoke, making her way to him. He glanced up but looked down quickly. She ran and hugged him and this was followed by Annabeth also running to hug him. They all cried a little and just stared at one another.

Their little family is complete again, just like all those years ago.

Luke finally spoke again breaking their little circle. "Any questions?" This was replied with a lot, and I mean a lot of yelling. I could definitely see the similarities between us and our parents again, when it comes to being patient we all seem to yell. I stood off next to my sister and I rolled my eyes before yelling "One at a time, come on guys." They all went quiet and the trusty Daughter of Athena spoke "You knew? For their entire visit? You knew who they were. That's why you got along with them so easily, so fast."

The question was directed at me and all eyes turned on me. I quickly glared at her before answering. "Yes, I knew since they disappeared from the underworld. I was there when Sigma chose them. My father knew that Sigma was there and Sigma asked if he could train them for the elite army."

This caused more yelling from Demigods and Gods alike. They mostly yelled at me and my father although I wasn't having it. I caused a little split in the ground and this caused quite a stir from the Demigods, however the Gods continued yelling at Hades and all grew quite when Zeus got up.

I glanced and they were having a heated conversation and I looked at them. They were both furious however they both shut up when they got hit in the face with water. I glanced at Poseidon, who I forgot was even here, and he stood from the table and his son making his way to his brothers with a bored expression.

"That's enough from both of you! We all have a reason to be a little mad, but honestly be thankful." With that he walked off the beach and I knew why.

Hades got his daughter back and Zeus had a son that he got along with. The Sea God didn't have either. He vowed to not have any more kids until he found Percy. Both brothers looked at each other and had a mutual understanding. They then followed their brother down towards the beach.

An awkward silence settled until it was broken by Athena. "Why would you guys reveal now?" We all glanced at each other and Luke spoke again "That a good question with a complicated answer. You see, Sigma has an instinct to protect as many people as possible. Well, he sorta handed himself over to End, as sort of a peace offering, but He could only get End to back down, so Kronos and Gaea will still be attacking. We figured you would trust us more if we told you who we were."

Athena was about to ask another question but was cut by a black portal and Chaos steeping through. He made eye contact with Luke, ignoring everyone else and asked one question with a look I could only call fear for him.

"Where is Sigma?"


Hello, Dear readers. I know I really am not keeping to a schedule and I am sorry but I am dealing with stuff outside of my life of writing. I will try to update more but all I can do is ask for some patience.

Any Who Next Trivia Question....... Who did Sadie live with before The Red Pyramid?

Answer to Last one was ........ Frey

Same disclaimers. I don't own anything that honor goes to Rick Riordan. Any similarities are unintentional. I don't own the song or the art within it.


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