An Attempted Rescue

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Sigma POV

Lies. My entire Life, even as a Demigod was a lie. For years, I have lived a lie. However, that little voice in the back of my head kept telling me 'He was lying' but it grew weaker by the minute. How could my father lie so easily to me. Does the army know?

For many hours these were the only thoughts I had. They were on replay and by every minute I felt something grow. Anger. Frustration. Disappointment. Sadness. Power. What had End said? He placed a cap on some of my powers. He got to the core of them.

For the following few hours I focused on the feeling I had when I felt the surge of power. I focused on the anger I have had for the last 30,000 Chaos years and my 20 years on Earth. Right when I was getting something there was a commotion coming from down some of the halls that broke my concentration.

It sounded like it was getting closer however, it died down about 5 minutes after it started. It was quiet for a few more minutes and that's when End came in. He walked over to his stupid chair and sat before he spoke "Your friend is very dedicated. I'll give him that. However, he didn't make it far." I met his eyes and he had a smile. "I swear if you killed him I will find a way to punish you more than my father did."

"I didn't kill him, but I did knock him out. He will join you shortly for another one of our sessions. However, we will have one more in private, " He stood Up and picked up that damn sword "and I don't think this one will be as mental as our last one. Speaking of that, have you been dealing with the fact that your father threw you out like you were nothing?" I looked back down and he gave an evil chuckle. "Guess that answers my question. Let's get started shall we?"

He ran the sword across both of my shins, deep cuts, they were bleeding badly but I didn't give him a reaction. He moved up to my thighs and plunged the sword, threw both, then removed it and walked back over to the fire. I was already bleeding bad but I don't think I cared. I still didn't give him the right reaction.

He took the blade out and went to my arms cutting deep cuts from my shoulder to my wrist. He did this to both arms, and if I didn't have healing powers I would be dead. He still didn't get the right reaction and was starting to become irritated.

Again, he walked over to the fire and stuck the blade in then sat down. I tried to raise my head but I was still light headed. He spoke "I know that you have a high tolerance for pain but I think it is more than that. You don't seem to care that you could die." I still didn't learn to shut up. "Well, as much as I hate to admit but I don't have much faith in anyone anymore." He stood again and took out the sword and placed it under my chin, burning it slightly, raising my head to meet his.

"Trust. It is the hardest thing to gain but one of the easiest things to lose. Am I right? I mean, first it was all of your friends, then your lover, then your family, then your father, then the gods and just when you thought you found it again. It was gone. I get the satisfaction of knowing that I took that from you." He snared then removed the blade. He ran it over my chest and stomach multiple times. I gave a little bit of a whimper and he stopped and smiled, like he had won the lottery.

I was breathing heavily and he then moved behind me and poked my back getting my wings to appear. The last round, I thought. Just let him get what he wants and then pass out and heal. However, he mostly stuck to the end of the wings, but he went further in. He slashed down and before I knew it he sliced close to my back and I screamed out in pain.

This damn sword. It is one of the very few weapons that can actually do some real damage to me. They are very rare, but I guess End has been planning this for a while.

My wings were the most sensitive part and very hard to heal, even at full strength, I knew it would take a few days if not a week to heal something like that. He walked and repeated the same thing on the other wing and I again screamed. It was starting to become darker but I saw him walk over to the table, put the sword down, after wiping the blood off, and turned with a very genuine smile.

Sigma, Prince of the GalaxiesWhere stories live. Discover now