A Not So Iris Message

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Annabeth POV

I was so happy to see that my old friends were a part of Chaos Army. I was also disappointed that Percy wasn't one of them. I guess it showed because my mother gave me a sympathetic look.

I was also starting to piece so many things together. Like why Nico got along with them so fast, why they hid before now, and why they didn't make Chaos mad.

"I'll ask again, Where is Sigma?" Chaos said with a scary steady voice.

"How did you know he was gone?" Luke said with a hesitant voice

"I had a feeling. What happened, Luke?" Chaos said with a more sad tone

"Sigma left a letter. He said that End gave him an ultimatum, leave and he doesn't attack the camp or stay and risk everyone again. We both know what option he was going to choose once he was given the choice." Luke said in a rushed tone.

Chaos looked like he was going to respond, but the army all grabbed their heads and had a look of hurt on their faces. Chaos knew what it was right away and he took the image and feelings from their heads and placed it in a mist looking setting.

It looked like it was from a person's point of view. He was in a darker room and looked chained up. However, there was a man sitting in a dark corner, just watching. When he stepped more into the light, I saw him have a very similar look to Chaos. Then he spoke.

"Did your father ever tell you why he sent you to Earth?" He asked in a calm manner. Another voice that I recognized as Sigma spoke. "Yes. Do you have an actual answer that I will care about as to why he sent you to the void?" Chaos shook his head with a sad smile playing on his lips.

I looked around the pavilion. Everyone, minus the big 3 were watching this message. I glanced at the army they were watching intently. I went back to the 'message' and saw this man shaking his head with an annoyed smile. He then picked up a knife from the table and threw it at the person we were seeing this through. He winced, but it sounded more annoyed than actually hurt.

"I could glance out of the Void, from time to time, and I saw you when you were younger with your father. Let me guess he told you he sent you to that planet because of a war that was a threat to you." He glanced back at 'us'. "What if I told you that wasn't true?"

The prince stayed silent. "Finally got your full attention. Only very few know this but he sent you to Earth, as one of those Demigods, because your power was growing faster than what he could control. He was scared that you would grow up and try to take the title of King. He sent you away because you were a problem. Just like me, I was only a problem to my brother." He said with an evil smile on his lips.

"NO. Your lying, my father didn't send me away because I was a problem that needed to be solved. He couldn't, He wouldn't."

"You think you're any different from me? I could almost pity your ignorance. He sent you away because he knew that you would surpass his power in only a few months. He placed a cap on all of your powers, then sent you to Earth as a Demigod. He placed memories that made it seem like you had a family, but it was all an illusion, nothing but a trick."

This got the prince to stand and face him. "Shut UP! My father would never do that to me." He was trying not to show his true emotions, but you could tell by the sound of his voice, he was taking it to heart.

I quickly glanced at Chaos, and he had a tear coming from his eyes. This is when the Big 3 came back in and stopped looking at the 'Iris Message'

The man walked up to this prince and placed his fingers on his temples and the image shifted to what looked like a memory. He was now in only dark. But there were voices coming from all around.

There were many voices but one was louder than the rest. It was Chaos "I have to send him away. It is the only way to ensure everyone's safety." Then we were back in the dark room. The man was looking at the prince with a satisfied smile. "You see? You're no different from me. He simply fixed a problem."

Suddenly he was blasted back. He got up easily and spoke with a satisfied tone "Twisted the cap didn't I? Guess all I had to do was tell you the truth. If I had known that, I would have told you that on day one." He paused to see Sigma's reaction and I guess it was to his satisfaction. "I leave you for the day to deal with your new found feelings." And he left and the message was cut off.

Everyone was silent for what felt like hours. Luke broke the silence "Is that true? Any of it?" He was looking at Chaos, he simply didn't answer and I guess Luke got his answer. He looked furious but kept it in and walked towards the cabin. He stopped and turned "Elite Army, there will be a meeting in the cabin in 1 hour. First, have a nice reunion with your friends and family." He continued on his way.

Chaos flashed out but I caught his face. He looked so ashamed.

For the next hour there was tension in the air, but everyone was eating and talking until the Army left for the cabin, along with Nico. Big Surprise!

I excused myself, and headed towards the beach. I just needed to think. Many thoughts passed through my head ranging from Percy to any upcoming attacks. Before I realized it, the horn signaling lights out sounded and I walked back to my cabin with my thoughts still swirling.


Hello again readers. I am trying to be on a schedule but life kinda gets in the way. Sorry.

Anyway the next Trivia question is......... What satyr led Apollo and Meg through the Burning Maze?

Answer to previous Trivia...... Her Grandparents

Same disclaimer as always I own nothing that honor is Uncle Ricks. Any similarities are unintentional.


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