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I have been running for almost 5 weeks. I have had a few close calls with the hunters and Gods. Honestly I didn't think they cared that much. Especially after what happened when I got into the city.


I just got back into town after running from camp. My first thought was going home to my mom. However when I got there I found something else. They were sitting in the living room but what surprised me was who was there with them.

It was my dad.

He sat there and was just talking with my mom and Paul. Then I heard a kid coming down the hall and knew it was my sister. She ran past me straight to mom. I cleared my throat and they all looked up.

" I just wanted to talk to my mom." She stood up and took me to my room but she looked back at my dad and he just nodded. When we were alone she finally said " Percy, you know I love you right?"

"Yeah. I know mom. Why?"

She sighed and said " I need you to leave. For your sister's safety and ours. I love you very much and I hope you understand" I stood there shocked and before I got to say something I was on the roof with my father.

What happened next only added to my level of shock for the last hour. One sentence and then he was gone.

"Percy, I hereby disown you as my son and I now declare my favorite son to be Hunter!"

End Flashback

I have replayed that moment ever since. First was camp, then Annabeth, then my own biological family.

All I knew is that I had nothing left to live for. All of the sudden I heard a familiar growl and turned to face a hellhound. Instead of fighting, I put my sword down and stood there waiting for the hound to pounce. When it finally did I felt the claws go through my chest and the sweet sensation of freedom. All of the sudden a portal opened up. The hellhound was gone and the man walked over to me. The last thing I saw before I passed out was his eyes.

They were just how I imagined the galaxy to look like. Then all went black.


It has been 5 weeks since anybody has seen him and 5 weeks since the council meeting. I still remember every detail and I haven't slept much since because I have been looking non-stop for him.


After Zeus asked the question. I heard the campers asking what was going on. I guess the Gods heard it as well. They were all there including Hades and Hestia except I saw a certain fisherman's throne empty.

He asked again, " What happened at that camp?"

All the campers looked around confused until they all saw me and my puffy eyes. Some of my friends came over to ask what was wrong but Zeus had a nasty habit of not being patient.

"I will tell you what happened. Miss Chase turned the most powerful hero in centuries against us!"

Of course. That's why they care. It's because they are scared of what Percy would do. In other words they only cared about themselves and apparently my mouth was not in the mood to hear them out.

" Of course all you care about is the fact that you can't control him. May I ask why you can't just flash him here?"

This earned me a few sympathy looks and others glared looks at me. However I was saved when a particular Sea God flashed in. After he arrived he seemed surprised that we were all there. When he arrived he seemed weird like he did something but had no idea what happened.

" Your son has turned against us!" Zeus said as soon as Poseidon flashed in. He looked around confused but soon realized where he was. He sat looking down at the ground and only whispered a few words.

"What did I do?" As soon as he said this the campers, Gods and myself were beyond confused. I decided to ask the question nobody dared too.

"What did you do Lord Poseidon?"

" I sent him away. I disowned him." That got a lot of angry looks because as soon as he said it the Gods started yelling at each other and the campers finally realized what happened.

Finally, I was fed up with them so I screamed at the top of my lungs and got everybody's attention all at once. I asked my question again. " Why can't you just find him then bring him here?"

The gods looked disappointed then finally Apollo spoke up. "We can't. We tried. It's like he cloaked himself or someone else did."

After I snapped out of my shock I finally said " We are going to find him" I earned the questionable look from everyone and my mother replied "How?"

End Flashback

I was back at camp for a few days just to rest up but I only had one thought on my mind. And one sentence that I repeated every night.

I will find you Percy even if it is the last thing I do. I touched the ring that was on my necklace and I soon drifted into sleep.


Author's Note

Those 2 flashbacks are basically right over each other. When Poseidon flashed in he had just come from the rooftop.

Hello readers. I hope you are doing well.

Please comment on further events if you would like or certain POV'S you would like to see.

I know it said this in the description but I again am going to remind you I don't own any of the characters. That honor goes to Rick Riordan.


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