We Fight Another Wave

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Hello Readers, So I had a major Writers block throughout this chapter. I had to step away many times and it's shorter than previous chapters but the following ones should be average if not longer.

Anyway, I reached out to @KenyaDacoulis and asked for some advice. I got some Ideas from our messages and some are used here.

Anyway I would again like to say Thank You to anyone who has commented, voted, or even read this book. It means a lot to me. I hope you enjoy the chapter.

Annabeth POV

I was walking around in the woods when I ran into Luke. It was surprising because I heard the rumor that he left to try and rescue the price. I caught up to him "Hey Luke, What are you doing all the way out here? Where have you been for the last day?"

He turned around and looked surprised. "I just needed to get away from everything and decided to walk the long way back. Why are you all the way out here?" I shrugged "Just like the quiet. Easier to think that way. You know, come up with a plan for the future."

We walked in silence for a few moments until I voiced a question I have had since they arrived. "When you guys first arrived, you said Percy was dead. Why didn't Hades or Nico feel it?" He tensed "Chaos found a way to hide it from everyone here."

By the time we reached camp we were talking just like old times. However, when we walked out of the forest we were met by Nico. He was surprised to see Luke, but addressed him like he was looking for him in the first place. "The scouts came back. We have a day or two before the army gets here."

"Okay. Get everyone together in the pavilion and we will start preparations right away." Luke responded. He turned to me, gave me a nod and walked towards his cabin.

------------ T I M E S K I P ------------------- 2 D A Y S-------------

Everyone was on edge. We all knew that there was an army coming today, but we had no idea when they would actually arrive. You could tell that all of the warriors were on edge, more than normal.

I knew something was up with them, they were being more cut off, stayed back a little more when it came to planning, and all around they had secret meetings that nobody, besides Nico, were allowed to.

I tried talking to Luke and the others but it was no use. When I tried to talk to Nico about them, he said some colorful things in, English, Italian, and Greek.

Anyway, all the campers have been preparing, the warriors helping some, but everyone was still unsure. Even Hunter started taking instruction better, and stopped being the idiot that we have known for the last 300 Years. In all honesty, I think we were as ready as we could ever be, good thing too because I just heard 2 conch sounds, signaling an attack.

The warrior sped off towards the hill like they were expecting something, but what I saw made my blood boil. I saw an army of monsters being led by Kronos and Gaea. We have already fought them once, but we have to fight them again, without the one person we need most.

As I was staring at the monster army, I noticed how they were all monsters we've beaten before. Monsters that Grover, Percy, and I beat. Monsters that the 7 and I have faced and defeated. The saving grace is that there are no Titans or Giants. That would have been even worse.

The two armies were standing and waiting for orders. With a simple nod of the head from Kronos the monster's army attacked. The Demigods, Minor Gods, and Warriors all stood together then charged.

When the armies clashed together, we all started fighting. I was on a cycle of slash, dodge, block, slash. As the battle went on I started to notice that we had an upper hand. The monster's army was growing smaller, and we still were standing strong. I glanced around and caught sight of Nico fighting like a demon, all of the warriors were doing the same although they looked like they were expecting something else to happen soon. I was so caught up in thought that I didn't see an arrow flying right at me.

Did you think that was the End?

The arrow was about to pierce me when it was knocked aside by none other than Hunter. I was a little surprised. He normally doesn't come out and fight. I nodded my thanks and he ran off to help some other campers. I went back to fighting as well.

After what seemed like hours, probably only minutes, of fighting Kronos and Gaea started forward. They had a dangerous look in their eyes. I ran to meet them. Luckily, Luke had the same idea. We met about halfway there and while we were walking towards each other Kronos called out "So, Where is the Hero that everyone here pushed away?"

I was furious and so was Luke, but for a different reason. He looked angry because he seemed like he was expecting something, that wasn't here. I was angry for the reason that he turned the blame on us. Luke spoke "Why not just say that you're thankful he isn't here because you would both be dead by now if he was?"

They both looked 100 times angrier. They swung at us but were interrupted by a blinding flash coming from behind them. Everyone looked away and when the light died down there stood End. He looked smug and then I saw why Sigma was standing right next to him.


Hello again readers. The author's note is at the top if you care.

Here is the next Trivia Question........ What is the name of the augur that almost everyone hates?

Answer............. Zeus *cough Drama Queen cough*, Poseidon, and Hades


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