A New Mission

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Nico POV

3 Days.

It Has been 3 Days since Percy has disappeared. The Army is acting like this is not that big of a deal and I took their word for it until they pulled me into their cabin.

I was walking by, on my way to Will when Luke caught my attention and motioned for me to come in. When I stepped in I saw the looks and I knew this was going to be a long conversation. The first to come up to me was of course my sister.

"We Have something to ask you." She said and I nodded for her to continue. "Did you know that Percy had Link to you?" Had. That's the word I caught. I knew Percy finding me right before I almost died wasn't a coincidence. I just didn't know he placed a link.

"What do you mean Had?" I asked, looking at all of them. They all suddenly found some random object in the room very interesting. "Wait, is that what Luke was babbling on about that day Percy fainted?" Again no answer. I was getting pissed and was done with the no answers.

"Hey!" They all met my eyes. "Look, I have no idea what is going on with all of you but snap out of it. Percy probably needs our help and avoiding the subject that he has disappeared without a trace will not help him now."

Luke spoke, breaking the silence, "He's right. We might be a family, but we are still the Chaos Army. Now we will need a plan to go find him" Everyone nodded and had a new look of determination on their faces. Luke continued "However, the camp might not comply because Percy is gone but they saw him on equal ground."

"Are you suggesting that we reveal?" Zoe asked and Luke nodded.

I knew this means a lot because the people in this room are all embarrassed to face their past. Just like Percy.

Luke because of everything he did for Kronos.

Zoe because of who her father is.

Bianca because of the guilt she felt for leaving me all those years ago.

Silena because of what she did for Luke.

Beckendorf because of leaving his cabin mates.

Micheal and Lee because they feel like they left right when they were needed in battle.

Ethan because he was the last demigod that pledged to Kronos, leading to him rising.

Castor for leaving his brother on his own for so many years.

They all had a silent agreement, they will reveal and face their past because they need to help Percy. Luke asked me to go tell Chiron and to send a message to the Gods if they wanted to come. I was about to leave but Silena asked a question that grabbed my attention.

"Do we tell everyone about Percy?" Everyone was silent once more. I knew Percy didn't want to tell until the war was over and would only do that if he had to. Luke finally broke the silence once more. "No. We wait until we find him and he can do that when he is back with us." We all had a silent agreement. I walked out and went straight to Chiron and he relayed the message to the Gods.

I found myself heading back on course to the infirmary. Luckily, it was almost completely empty besides an Ares camper, a few healers, and the one person I wanted to talk to.


He saw me headed my way yelling back at Kayla that he was taking the day off since it wasn't busy. We walked in a comfortable silence until I pulled us off course of the cabins and towards the beach. It was about 5 in the afternoon and not very hot.

I turned to Will and told him about the conversation that took place in Chaos cabin. He knew pretty much everything besides their identities. I finished and he spoke. "So, they are revealing to the camp? Man that has to be awkward for them." I nodded "Yeah, they aren't too thrilled about it either. However they know that the camp will trust them more if they see them."

Changing the subject I asked him how his day was. He went rambling on about the stupid Area camper ,his words not mine, and I had a hard time focusing on what he was saying. I was looking at his eyes while he talked and pretty much blocked out everything else but us. I slowly made my way down to his lips and I watched them move as he talked.

I guess I lost track of time because next thing I know he is snapping to get my attention. I snap out of my daydream and look him in the eyes. "I'm sorry. Did you ask me something?" He just smirked and shook his head. "I asked you if you wanted to head to dinner?" I blushed and just nodded.

He pulled me up but instead of stepping back he stood there and we were almost kissing. I rolled my eyes and leaned in. Our lips met and we stood there for a good minute or two before we pulled away. We were both smiling and looking each other in the eyes. Of course I had to look up because he was taller than me. (Stupid Tall People)

We were brought out of our moment when Luke ,or Alpha, came running up telling us it was about to start. He then headed back towards the pavilion with Will and I following hand in hand. I was smiling and so was he.

Before we got to the pavilion I turned to him and said "I love you and I can't wait till we are married." He blushed and "I love you too. We only have to wait a few more weeks then we can have moments like that forever." He leaned down and pecked me on the lips then headed towards the Apollo table and I headed towards the Army.

I noticed that they all looked nervous about what they were about to do but they had a good reason. That reason being Percy. Just as Chiron was about to speak the Gods flashed in. I noticed that they were all here but a certain sea God was not happy about it.

Zeus spoke "Alright, Let the evening begin with dinner then the army will proceed with their announcement." All the Gods then sat with their kids at the tables.

I noticed that some of the Romans were here as well. They sat with their respected tables and I found my way to the Apollo table to quickly greet them. Before I knew it Apollo was hugging me yet again. I was so used to this it didn't really bother me. Meanwhile, the table was laughing their asses off and gave them my death glare, which only made it worse. Once he let go we exchanged a quick conversation and before I knew it the army was moving towards the front and walked up to meet them.

I passed my father on the way and he looked nervous for some reason. I guessed that it was because he knew exactly who they were and how they got there. Chiron spoke "I believe it is time to let the Elite Army to make their announcements."

Luke moved forward "Thank You. This is a long story so I would get comfortable."


Hello My Wonderful Readers, I hope Everyone is doing well.

I know I'm late yet again but I have somewhat of a life and then I get distracted. I apologize and I will try to be better about updating. Anyway time for the next Trivia Question........

What Does Magnus Chase name his Sword?

The answer to the last question was....... The Tower Of Nero.

Anyway, same as all disclaimers I don't own any of the Characters. That goes to Rick Riordan. Also any similarities to other stories are completely unintentional.


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