An Unexpected Truth

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For the last few weeks I have had a dream every night. That is how I managed to avoid everyone who looked for me. Although when I woke up I was 1) In a bright white room that resembled a hospital and 2) I didn't have a single dream.

As I was trying to get up a man flashed in. The same man that I last saw before I blacked out. I only recognized his eyes. I stared at him for a second and only one question came to my mind. "Why did you bring me here?"

He replied "This is the best place I could think of to heal your wounds." I guess he could read minds because what he said next surprised me. "I know that you wanted to give up but I had another idea. You could join me and become my commander in my army."

I thought about it for a second. I asked "Who are you?"

He replied with a sigh like he hated his title. "I am Lord Chaos. The ruler and creator of the universe." I looked at him dumbfounded then replied with an answer to his earlier question.

"Yes. On one condition. I never have to go to that place again!"

He gave me a smirk that could match mine in sarcasm. "Deal."

A few days later I was completely healed and then led through a gigantic castle. When I looked around on the landscape I could only assume we weren't on Earth. That place could never compare with the streams and the clear blue sky.

When I finally arrived in a throne room I noticed that there were a few empty thrones and only one was occupied. I knew that was Chaos. However, one especially caught my eye. It was on the right side of Chaos' and it was well kept but in a way that made me think no one has sat there in years.

He finally noticed me and waved at my tour guide. I guess the look on his face gave it away. I was beyond impressed with this place. The people were nice, the landscape was beautiful, and I could start a new life where nobody would know me.

Chaos spoke. "I suppose it is a lot to take in. My origin planet has always been my favorite. How are you feeling today Percy?" I finally snapped out of my gaze. "I feel better then I have in a few weeks. Thank you for bringing me here."

He noticed what I was staring at. "That throne belongs to my son and heir. As you can see it has been empty for quite a while now." He looked at me sad and I decided not to push the most powerful person I have ever met.

"I'm sorry. I don't mean to pry." I said. He looked at me a little happier and spoke. "It doesn't matter. I have asked you here so I could give you your new powers. As my commander you will be given years of intense training with weapons and your powers. Do you understand?" I nodded and before I knew what was happening a ball of pure light was flying into my chest.

I instantly fell to my knees and I almost felt better but when the pain subsided I felt another sharp pain on my back. It felt like something was cutting through my skin to get out. Suddenly the pain was gone and faced a very surprised looking Chaos.

When I tried to speak I was out of breath and started stuttering. "W-was i-t-that sup-p-osed to have h-h-happened?" He only stared and shook his head. He was staring at something behind me and when I turned I wanted to faint.

There were a pair of dark dark blue wings with green streaks and white specks that reminded me a lot of the galaxy. When I turned around to him he was even closer and asked me a question. "Can you go sit on the throne right to mine?"

I only nodded and walked over to the throne.

There were a million thoughts running through my head. 'This is his son's throne. My dad is, was, Poseidon. Why do I have wings?' When I sat on the throne I felt nothing different then all of the sudden something fell on my head. It was the crown of the prince.

When I looked to Chaos I could swear he was in tears. He spoke only a few words in a whisper only I could hear.

"My son is back."

I got up and walked over to him. I asked what he was talking about and all he did was hold his hand up to my forehead.

I was in the castle but I was shorter. When I passed a mirror I looked maybe 2 or 3. A familiar voice called my name. My father. "Sigma? Where are you?" When I turned I saw Chaos and ran to him. He picked me up and we hugged.

When I was back in the present the only word that came to me was "Father!" We stood there in the throne room only staring at one another until we finally hugged again. Just like we had so long ago.


Author's Note

I hope that all of you guys are doing well.

I know this is very cliche for all Chaos stories but it is always my favorite part to read.

Comment if you would like me to change something or add a POV.


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