We Have an Immortal Meeting

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I was about to head back out on my search when Chiron called out to me. I stopped but didn't want to turn. I was determined to find Percy. I finally turned to him and he spoke. "The Gods wish to have a meeting with the head councilors for each cabin." Before I could reply I was flashed to Olympus with the other campers.

We stood there for a second before realizing what had happened. Finally, Zeus spoke up. "The Gods have come up with a solution to a certain problem. We wish to turn you all immortal."

Suddenly a burst of screaming came from the campers and the Gods looked surprised. I stood there quietly until I finally spoke and everyone was silent. "Why?"

My mother answered. "We wish to have campers that are experienced and can find a certain missing Demigod. Until he is found we wish to send the best campers that were also his closest friends."

Everyone seemed to become quiet while we took in the information. Finally we all began to agree and the gods called us forward to give us their gift. I was fine until a certain guy cleared his throat in the back. The head councilor for cabin 3. Hunter Penn. Everyone turned and he said "Why would anybody want immortality just to find a coward like Percy Jackson!"

I was about to walk up and punch him, just like I had on the beach so long ago. Unfortunately, Nico beat me to it. He came from behind him from the shadows and punched him until he had a bloody nose. He then turned to me and gave me glare.

"I will accept your gift." He walked past me and bumped my shoulder. He walked to his father and bowed. He was told to stand and he stood next to his father glaring at me and looking at the campers.

One by one the campers all accepted the gift and I was left with the rest of the 7. We were hesitant because we were offered this gift after the war and we all turned it down. We all looked at each other and seemed to have an understanding. For Percy.

We went in order of the cabin numbers so of course Zeus/Jupiter was first.

"I Zeus, God of the sky, here by grant god ship to Thalia Grace. Her title will be Goddess of height."

I found this ironic since she was terrified of heights but she accepted and was the first to become a Goddess. There was a small flicker and Zeus was a little leaner and meaner looking. I knew this was his Roman aspect, Jupiter.

"I Jupiter, King of the Gods and Lord of the Sky, here by grant god ship to Jason Grace. His title will be God of Flight." I saw this coming because it was rare that a kid of Jupiter or Zeus could fly. Jason stood and Jupiter was gone and there sat the familiar Zeus.

Next was Poseidon because Hera didn't have anybody to bless. Hunter walked up with his head held high but still bleeding. I swear I saw Poseidon glance at everyone asking 'Do I really have to?' The campers all shook their heads but Zeus glared and Poseidon sighed.

"I Poseidon, God of the Sea, here by grant god ship to Hunter Penn. His title will be the God of currents and waves."

One by one the Gods granted their children.

Demeter declared Miranda Gardiner the Goddess of flowers.

Ares blessed Clarisse the Goddess of Spears.

Mars blessed Frank the God of shape shifting.

I was declared the Goddess of Architecture.

Apollo declared Will the Minor God of Medical Care.

Hephaestus declared Leo the God of Humor and Fire.

Aphrodite declared Piper the Goddess of Inner Beauty.

Hermes declared Connor and Travis the Gods of Pranks.

Dionysus declared Pollux the God of Sodas.

Hades declared Nico the God of Shadows.

Finally, Pluto declared Hazel the Goddess of Gems.

When the rest of the minor Gods finished blessing their children Zeus said. "You are all given more power. Don't try to use it for the wrong reasons because it can be taken away just as easily!"

With that the campers looked around and were flashed back to camp. We all went our different ways. Some coming back to rest from their previous searches and others leaving to finish what we started.

I looked back at camp and then turned heading back out into the real world to find Percy.


Author's Note

Hello readers. I hope you are doing well. I know that some of the titles are crazy but I tried my best.

Comment if you would like to see a certain event or character happen. In the next chapter I will be introducing the Army.

I will write the next part tomorrow. Just in case some people want to comment who they would like to see.


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