Authors Note

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Hey Guys. So I have a few updates. First, I want to get on a more specific schedule for updates. Second, I want your suggestions about what I should put at the top of the chapters. (This one is one of my favorite songs!) Finally, I want to run some ideas by so you guys can vote on which story I should write next.

1st: Schedule. I will be writing one maybe two stories at a time. I don't what to have to feel the pressure. Anyway I was thinking about doing 2 updates per story per week. Does that sound like a good deal. If so I was gonna write on.....

Sunday: Story 1
Tuesday: Story 2
Thursday: Story 1
Saturday:Story 2

If I am only working on one story it will be on those days so no worries.

2nd: Top of the Chapters. I want your guys suggestions on what to put at the top. I was thinking of doing a simple pattern of maybe picture then a song or something like that but I want to make my stories fun for you guys to read. I know that some people like to listen to music while others find it annoying. Anyway please comment on what you guys prefer and I will go with majority rule.

3rd: Future Ideas. I have been on Wattpad a lot and have been inspired by a lot of writers to try out some different types of stories. I would like you guys to vote on what story will follow this one. Here you guys go.....

1. A sequel to my Chaos story

2.Percy Jackson AU were everyone is human including their parents.

3.A story were the kids of the big 3 are hunted by the Gods.

4. Were the same big 3 kids are raised on Olympus.

5.Percy is raised under the water before going to camp.

6. One were Percy turns dark against the gods.

7. A Percabeth story. (Smut or not. Haven't decided).

Keep in mind I will eventually do all of these stories but I want try and plan some ideas in advance. However, I want to make my readers happy with my writing. Please vote/ comment on what you guys think. I would love to read about your thoughts on my writing and future ideas.

So.... I hope you guys consider commenting and sharing your opinions. I love to read them. Anyways, I'm gonna give this some time to settle so I will not be updating till June 28th 2020.

If you are still here after reading all of this I would like to say thank you for sticking around especially since most people hate Author Notes. Myself included.

Luv you guys.


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