The Aftermath

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Nico POV

The battle was going well. I was managing to fend off monsters then help around with other Demigods. That's when everything started going wrong. I felt a pain deep down in my chest that someone I was close to was hurt.

I glanced around and saw that Percy and End were talking and it caused everyone to turn in their direction but everyone around me seemed fine. That's when I caught sight of the Infirmary.

It looked like it took some fire damage but the worst part was I saw them trying to get people out. I ran faster as the pain in my chest got more intense. I almost ran over Kayla. She was ordering people around but when she caught sight of me she looked at me with pity.

I picked up speed ignoring her protest to not go in but I now knew what I was feeling. As soon as I got in I noticed that the inside was worse than the outside. Some parts still had a little fire but I was looking around when I heard a noise above me that caused me to jump out of the way just in time.

Beams of wood now blocked the door. I was getting frantic "Will!" Nothing. The only sound I heard was the fire crackling around me. I started taking in smoke and I had to squint to see. "Will! Where are y-" I stopped dead in me sentence. There he was. He was trapped under a beam but the lucky thing is the fire died out around him.

I ran over and tried to wake him up. I immediately felt for a pulse and I breathed out in relief when I found it. It was faint but there.

I moved some of the debris off him and then quickly shadow traveled us out. I caught Kayla off guard but she ran to us nonetheless. She started checking for everything but her eyes then went wide. I felt it too, something was wrong. Will then coughed on me, but when I looked down I saw the blood.

Everything seemed to slow down around me. I only focused on Will. What we had been through for the past 300 years together. When I had to spend 3 days in the infirmary. When we began to grow closer than friends. When we were offered immortality. When we kept running out of new ideas for dates and eventually just had a picnic somewhere in camp. When he finally proposed and told me the story of talking to my father about it. He was totally chill by the way. We spent hours planning the ceremony.

However, one memory stuck out more than any other.

It was the date we had before he proposed. We were sitting on the beach and he was playing with my hair while I just stared at him. (Not as creepy as it sounds). He soon began to hum and I recognized the tune.

It was You Are My Sunshine. He then started to sing the lyrics and I closed my eyes listening and relaxing. When he finished the song he stopped messing with my hair and I opened my eyes and they met with his.

"Promise me that no matter what, we will always be together?" He asked it as a question. I leaned in and closed the gap between our lips. After a few seconds I pulled away and said "Promise."

Then reality pulled me back as Will coughed more. Kayla and a few others were trying to stabilize him but I had another idea. I started running and looking frantically for Percy. When I saw that he was surrounded by his warriors I called out to him.

Percy POV

I immediately flashed Nico and I to where Will was. I knew I didn't have much left in me but I had enough to do this. I glanced at Nico and caught his eyes. I then started to try and heal him but it took a lot from me when I had strength and I was almost running on empty.

I was very determined though. Will made Nico so happy, and Nico deserved to be happy. I kept on healing him until I almost passed out and leaned over to take a breath. Kayla then went to check on her brother, she glanced between our anxious faces and nodded.

He would be fine, or good enough for the medics to cure now. Nico then began crying tears of joy. He looked me in the eye then stroked Wills hair out of his face and it seemed to dawn on him now that I looked like Percy.

He was about to ask me something but I cut him off. "I'll tell you later. For now, just be with your fiance."

I tried to get up, but it took some energy I definitely didn't have. Lucky me Luke figured out where we had gone to. He showed up behind me just as I was slipping away. I felt him put his arm around me as I put more and more weight on him. "Relax Perce. It's over."

I slipped away but not before realizing he was walking away with me towards our cabin.


Hi Readers,

Hope all is well. I'm just gonna ask, Did anyone feel some tears come to their eyes as they watched the video? I had to listen multiple times to write this chapter and I shed a few tears in the process.

Anyway, Trivia................ How many books are there in PJO, HoO, TOA, Magnus Chase, and The Kane Chronicles?

Answer to Last Question............... The Son Of Sobek

Usual Disclaimer. I don't own any of the characters. That honor is all Uncle Rick's. Any similarities to other stories are completely unintentional. I don't own the video above either.


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