An Anoucement is Made

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~20,000 Chaos Years

"You're getting slower, Luke. Need a break?" I said with a grin. He just glared at me and I decided to end the fight. We did sword fights quite often, it was most of the armies weapon of choice but I trained them to be able to use any of their choice. We have grown pretty close and you could tell because the rest of the army was in the stands cheering us on. He came in to try and disarm, but instead I used the advantage and ended our fight.

Luke fell on the ground out of breath and I just stood over him with a grin. "I was just trying to let you have your break. You looked like you were going to pass out. You did last longer this time though, almost..." my sentence was finished by Zoe "39 minutes and 24 seconds." We all laughed while Luke just sat there on the ground muttering now we all could shove it where the sun doesn't shine. However that just made us laugh more, and soon Luke was joining in.

"Why don't any of you see how long you'd last?" He asked and Ethan responded "Because none of us are that stupid." Like I said we were now a family and those statements didn't really bug us. Luke finally stood and we were about to leave until I heard my father summon me in his mind.

When we walked out of the arena, the rest of the elite headed to get cleaned up and I headed to talk to my father. As soon as I walked in I could tell something was wrong. He gave me the 'Please don't kill me or blow up a planet look' (Yes I may have blown up a planet when I got angry once, Long Story) I sighed and asked "Why are you looking at me like that?" He closed his eyes and walked over to the balcony, I followed.

We stood there for a minute before he finally spoke. "You have another mission." I was fine with going on missions, sometimes I actually yearned for one. "What's the problem with that?" I asked.

"The mission itself isn't the problem, it is the location." He glanced at me to see my reaction. I stood there for a minute. I knew where he was sending us, I tried to contain my anger and he could tell.

"When do we leave and what is the mission?" I replied and he looked at me sympathetically "You leave in the morning and you will be going to fight my brother End, Gaea, and Kronos." I looked out to the horizon trying to not show my emotions. I failed. He continued "I know we had a deal, Percy and I wouldn't send you and your team if I knew they couldn't beat these threats on their own. I am so sorry."

I turned to him with a calm expression but I knew I couldn't keep my emotions in for long. "I will go, but not for the Gods, or that camp, but for all the innocent people on that planet." I turned to walk out trying to find my bottled up emotions but I knew that he could read them. They tried calmness, sadness, a feeling of betrayal, and above all anger.

"Percy." I know what you're thinking, isn't your name Sigma? my full name in Sigma Perseus Jackson. I let people use whatever name they choose. The people in the galaxy and cities use Sigma and almost anyone who knows me calls me by Percy. "Are you going to be alright?"

I stopped and turned to meet his eyes, they were full of regret for breaking the one rule he had, for asking this of me. I tried to speak but all I wanted to do was let my emotions out. Before I could answer we were in my room. It was made of a special metal that absorbs my powers if I need to let them out.

"I don't know what to do father." Before I could continue we were hugging and he was telling me to let out all of my emotions. I let out the sadness, the feeling of betrayal, the mask I wore to try and show calmness, and all of the anger. When I finally felt better I was so light headed that I don't remember walking to my bed.

I woke in the late afternoon and walked down into the lounge area. I headed straight for the fridge and tried to ignore the looks. I sighed and turned around "Yes. It is true that we have a mission taking us to Earth. Yes I passed out because I was letting my emotions out and no I would not like to talk about it. Is there anything else?" Luke got up from the couch and said "Your father went to Olympus to tell them of our arrival in the morning." With that they all looked at me and I walked back to my room to pack and prepare myself for what will happen in the morning.


After almost 300 years of searching, I was still not giving up. I knew he was out here I just don't know how. He wasn't granted immortality from Gods and Hades and Nico both swore on Styx that he wasn't dead. All of the other campers had started to focus on their futures and less on the search. It was annoying but I understood.

Piper and Jason married about 250 years ago. Frank and Hazel married not long after then Leo and Calypso followed them. I was still alone, waiting for him to come back. I had a little hope until Nico and Will got engaged a few months ago. I was back at camp because the God's 6 month meeting and report was coming up.

All of the head councilors gathered to be taken to Olympus. We all caught up with each other and talked for a few minutes until a familiar flash came.

We were here again. Every time I came here I flashed back to a memory I shared with him. Honestly, I couldn't say his name without my voice changing as well. However the Gods looked grim and Zeus spoke. "There are a few enemies rising, one we don't know and the other two are all familiar. Kronos and Gaea are both becoming stronger and are working with mysterious force."

We all sat in silence until it was broken by a portal opening to our left. Out stepped a man with the darkest hair and eyes that reminded me of the galaxy.

Immediately, the campers were armed with a weapon, but I noticed the Gods looked... scared. I told the campers to stand down and suddenly the gods were starting to bow. He spoke "Please, don't do that. I hate it. I have come to tell you that I will be sending my Elite army in the morning led by my son and the prince."

Zeus spoke "We thank you very much for your help Lord Chaos. We are honored by your presence and help..." Chaos interrupted. "However, I suggest that whatever you do, don't make my son mad. He is very powerful and is not the biggest fan of this planet. I will return in the morning with the Elite army and my son."

We only stood there taking in the words then he vanished. The Gods were all silent for a while before speaking. "Will we prepare for our guests?" Zeus spoke in a whisper.


Author's Note

Hello readers. I made a few changes and you will only know if you read these. I want to say thank you for reading my story. One change I made is the time changes.

~10000 Chaos Years = 100 Earth Years

~20000 Chaos Years = 200 Earth Years

It has been a total of 30000 Chaos Years and the equivalent is 300 Earth Years.

I don't own any of the characters. That honor goes to Rick Riordan.


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