The Reunion

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Annabeth's POV

The next morning I could tell that the head councilors were nervous for the meeting today. They were barely talking to their cabin mates and were barely eating.

I sat at my table and picked up an apple and it until Malcom asked "What's with all of the head councilors? You guys are acting like it is the end of the world."

We were told not to tell anybody so we wouldn't spread panic but Chiron was told to announce it after breakfast. "Wait for the announcements after breakfast. Chiron will tell you."

With that I decided to head to the big house early. I was sitting and waiting for everyone else. When they finally arrived the Gods transported us to Olympus. However upon arrival we were surprised. The Gods were wearing their "Sunday Best" and when they noticed us they looked like they were about to faint.

The next thing I knew all of the councilors were wearing a traditional Greek outfit that matched their parentage.

All went silent after a portal opened and 9 hooded figures stepped through. We were taken aback and the Gods didn't seem much better.

I noticed how they were in a V formation but the leader looked missing.

The one on the right spoke, "I am Alpha, the second in command to the Elite Army. Chaos needed to talk to his son before we left"

A few seconds later another portal opened and 2 figures walked through. They weren't wearing hoods and I can see why they were father and son.

(I was going to stop and do like a 2 part thing but I decided that would be cruel. )

Sigma's POV

My father and I were walking in silence to the throne room where we were supposed to meet everyone. As we walked in the Elite Army looked like I felt. They were not happy about going but they probably knew that if we didn't the planet would be ruined even more.

My father started to make a long speech and I stood to his right not really paying attention until I heard "Sigma and I will be following you a few minutes later."

I looked at him and was going to say something but I didn't trust my voice.

After he finished the Elite got in the V formation and walked through the portal my father created. He got rid of the portal after they were gone and turned to me.

"I know that this is hard, but I think they won't trust you guys if they don't see that you are you." I looked at him and understood and began shaking my head "No. Absolutely not happening. If they see me they know who I am and I'm not doing that!"

"I mean that we should change how we look in order to keep your identity and secret and to look like father and son, as we do now."

I got what he was saying we do look a lot alike. Same black hair, same annoying habits like running out hand through our hair and same sarcastic attitude that we both used almost constantly. "Fine."

We agreed on how we wanted to look. We chose a dark brown hair color and I donned his eyes that were more Galaxy like. I added a little more hazel to mine. I also changed my height and face shape. Lastly we both dawned the crowns we despised and I let my wings out. My father kept them out but unless I was in battle I kept mine tucked.

With one final look we walked through the portal and were greeted differently by everyone in the room. The army was looking at us super surprised, the Gods looked like they were about to faint and the Demigods looked like their world was turned upside down.

I scanned their faces and I saw Nico smile a little. Then I saw her and decided to focus on the Gods. However all but one throne was filled. My former "father's" throne was empty. At the seat of the thrones sat a Demigod.

I noticed that most of the faces I saw were people who would know me if I hadn't changed my appearance. I stopped at the point of the army and we Luke started talking to me mentally.

'Dude. Why no cloak?'

'Chaos thought it would be better if they saw us on similar ground'

'We need to reveal?'

'No you guys are fine. Only if you want to.'

He told the rest of the guys and while we were all talking my father was doing his formal things and motioned for me to step forward.

"This is my son Sigma, he is my heir and the commander of my Elite forces." I was going to talk but I was cut off by him.

"Well. Nice title but I doubt you earned it" he said.

The Gods literally froze and the Demigods just looked annoyed. The army however took a few steps back and my father gave me a smile to continue. Just to have a little fun I played along. "What is your name?"

"I'm Hunter Penn. The God of Currents and Waves."

"Oh. So I guess you're the best swordsman at that camp and you have beaten many people who claim to be the best. Prove it. Tomorrow, You and Me, Dual."

I could see that he was beyond terrified and yet he still continued. "Deal. If I win your army will reveal themselves and I will get your title." I turned around and glanced at everyone. I could see the army trying and failing to hide their laughter. "Fine. If I win I just want to not have to talk to you and your idiotic ideas."

With that I turned to my father and I gave him a look and he nodded. "I wish to see this city. However I haven't been here in a while and I need a guide. Any volunteers?" They all sat in silence until I looked at Nico hoping he got the message.

"I will."

He said and we walked through the doors ignoring everyone who was whispering behind us.


Author's Note

Hey readers. I'm back. This chapter was hard to write because I tried to make it different while still trying to keep it entertaining.

Also I decided to do a little trivia at the end of each chapter.

How old is Percy when we officially meet him in the books?

Remember to comment if you would like a POV.

I don't own the song or any of the characters.


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