I Take a Tour with a Friend

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Percy POV
Nico and I walked in silence for a while just to make sure nobody could here us. "So, Long time no see." I said trying to break the silence.

I looked at him and I could tell his head was spinning with questions or actions. He looked over and finally said "You've changed. I mean your appearance." I just shrugged.

"Dad thought it best if they saw us on more even ground. I won't keep it long though. I prefer how I look normally and I will only keep it when I have too."

He nodded. "Anything new with you?" I asked. He held up his right hand and I noticed the ring. "Will and I got engaged a few weeks ago!" He said with a blushing smile.

"That's fantastic. When are you guys supposed to have the wedding?" He went into great detail about what they planned and by the time he was done we were already back to the throne room.

As we walked in everyone was arguing and I noticed that my father was just standing there with his head in his hands like he was waiting for me to come back. He noticed me and looked relieved. He mind messaged me.

'How did you deal with this?'

'You got used to it.'

I heard bits of what people were yelling about then I said "Enough. What is going on?" Everyone looked scared but that broke when they all started yelling. I rolled my eyes and Nico saw me and was  mouthing sorry.

"One at a time."

Annabeth's POV

As soon as the prince left all the eyes turned to the army and Chaos. Mine however turned to Hunter. I noticed the rest of the 7 turned as well.

Before I could speak, Alpha said "That was a minute longer than I expected." The army and Chaos then started handing out money to each other.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"Exchanging the bets. Before we came we all had a silent bet as to how long it would be before he found a way to leave."

I looked at them with shock although I can imagine they wouldn't get in trouble because if the creator of the freaking universe bet then what would happen. I guess Alpha saw this because he spoke.

"We do this all the time. Don't worry. Anyway, you know who I am. Now the rest of the army will tell their names."

"I am Star, third in command. "
"I am Angel."
"I am Charmer."
"I am Blaze."
"I am Arrow."
"I am Bow."
"I am Revenge."
"I am Harvest."

They finished and then looked at all of us expecting us to introduce ourselves. Thalia started and we went in the same order that we got our god ship. Then the Gods introduces themselves.

"I thought there were 12 Olympians. Why are there only 11?"

We all looked at each other but I didn't meet anybody's eyes and found a sudden interest in the floor. Zeus spoke "Today, 300 years ago my brother, Poseidon lost his favorite son. He doesn't talk to anybody today."

When I looked up the army looked over to Chaos, their eyes wide. He looked surprised as well. Why?

I was about to ask what was wrong but Hunter had the nerve to speak. "Everyone gets super gloomy today. I don't see why. He was nothing but a coward!"

That is when all the yelling started and it was only stopped by a vice that boomed through the room. I looked towards the door and noticed that the prince was standing there.

He asked what happened and everything again went crazy. He looked like he was so over this and said one at a time. I was about to speak but Alpha beat me to it.

"That demigod said that Percy was nothing but a coward."

He looked angry. " I can't wait to dual you tomorrow." That is when I got to my feet. "Wait, you know Percy Jackson?" I asked hopefully. The entire room was silent and he looked me straight in the eyes.

"I knew him. He was once part of my army until he died protecting a royal family from harm." I sighed and sat down discouraged.

He spoke again. "Elite, go down to the camp and my new friend will take you on a tour then go to the cabin I have created. Father, could I talk to you in private before you leave. After he finished a portal was created and the Army including Nico walked through.

Then another portal opened and Sigma and his father walked through leaving the Olympians and all of us completely confused. Me on the other hand, I was on the verge of crying and I could tell a lot of people could as well.

The search was over. I held back my tears, saving them for when I was alone. We were flashed back to camp and headed straight for my cabin. All I knew was Percy couldn't be dead. Right?


Hello readers. I hoped you enjoyed the chapter. The next trivia question is....

What mountain did Percy accidentally blow up?

The answer to the last question was: 12

Reminder, I own nothing. That honor goes to Rick Riordan.


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