I Make A Choice

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As soon as my head hit the pillow I knew I was going to have another dream. It was at the same spot but only End decided to show up.

"Have you thought about my offer to you? Leave and surrender yourself to me and I will leave the camp alone or choose to risk their lives in more battles."

I still stared at the horizon watching the sun rise. I knew what was going to happen as soon as I was given the ultimatum and so did End. My flaws haven't changed over the years. It is still Personal Loyalty. I was loyal to my new family and even though I have tried to deny it, my old one. Talking with Nico again. Revealing myself to Will because of Nico. Annabeth and me talking like old times, before things became complicated. I knew what I was going to do but I also knew that I would disappoint a lot of others as well.

My Elite Army was a new family. I finally started talking to Nico again and he opened up about Will to me making me happy. My Father. He might have only been proud after I found out who I was but he was proud nonetheless.

"Do you have a specific spot for me to meet you?" I asked, still watching the sun rise.

"I knew you would choose correctly. Meet me where it all went wrong for you. I will give you till midnight tonight to say your goodbyes."

With that he disappeared. I couldn't help but say "How generous of you."

I stayed there for a while. Finally when the sun was all the way up I decided to wake up. It was about 9 in the morning. Meaning I missed breakfast and training has already started.

I skipped breakfast and decided to walk to the arena where I knew some training was going to take place. Shortly after I arrived I noticed everyone was split up working in different areas of weapons and different ages. I noticed Luke was training the 7, Nico and Renya. I walked over to them and I noticed that they all had some pent up emotions. They were not going easy on each other and it took them a while to notice I was watching. They all looked at me and smiled. "You all look great. Definitely tell you are not new to this. Take it easy when you dual em Alpha. They all look ready to hack something up." I said with a smirk. He simply flipped me off and I continue to look at the other groups. Everyone was getting better.

After I finished my walk through with only a few suggestions I decided to head back to the cabin but along the way the familiar Son of Hades stopped me.

"Hey. We never did finish the conversation we were having before the battle." He said catching up to me.

"Yeah. Sorry, I guess I was a little distracted. What were you going to ask?" We headed towards the forest.

"I was going to ask if you were ever going to tell the others about you know .... you?" I was a little surprised by the question and I guess he could see. "I mean not that you have to tell them but I mean. They all still think you are dead or missing."

"I know. I should tell them but I was going to wait until after the war. Why?"

"Well seeing as I kinda pushed everyone else away besides Will. I was wondering if you could be my best man?" He was blushing and looked a little scared of my answer. Before I knew it I was hugging him and said "I would be honored."

He looked like I had just made his entire future better. "Oh my Gods. That has been working me up for no reason. Thank you Percy. Are you okay? You seem troubled."

"I'm fine. Just a lot going through my head. You should probably go tell your fiancé!" I said with a smile.

"You're probably right. Thank you so much." He left with a smile on his face but I couldn't help but think I would break this promise. This was my best option. Everyone would be safe and they could all live better lives because they wouldn't be forced to go through another war.

I found myself walking back to my cabin and to my room. I sat at the desk and began to write a few letters. Once I had finished them all and was satisfied I heard the horn signaling dinner. I headed down to dinner and sat with my family.

They all looked so happy and I couldn't help but smile. I then looked over to the campers. There was a sense in the air but they all seemed light nonetheless. Before I knew it we were heading to the campfire. By the time it was over it was about 10 at night. I had 2 hours to spend. I spent most of the time in the living room of the cabin with the army, Nico, and Will. We were watching a movie. Around 11:45 it ended and we all went our separate ways. I flashed to the beach and sat there waiting for End to come. I stared at the water and before I knew it I heard a voice behind me.

"I knew you would keep your word." I stood and faced End knowing this was not a dream.

"I kept my word. Now you have to swear on the Styx to leave the camp alone and not attack them."

He smiled an evil smile that looked void of any emotion. "I swear on the Styx that I will not attack the camp and will leave them alone in their world."

With that I took one more look towards the sky, knowing I might not see it again and looked at him. With a nod he placed a hand on my shoulder and we disappeared into the darkness.


Hello readers. I know the update is really late and I apologize. I was getting worried about the stuff in my life but I am back and will update sometime tomorrow along with Sunday to make up for missing the days.

Next trivia question is ......What is the title of the next Trials Of Apollo installment?

The last answer was ...... Battle of the Labyrinth.

Anyway as usual I don't own any characters, the honor goes to Rick Riordan and any similarities to other stories are completely unintentional.

Hope all is well.


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