9 Training

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"I found a way to mimic the responses of humans in these sentinel shells. I've injected them with fake blood and weakened their chest plates so when you scream, they'll either bleed or explode."

"You're pretty damn smart, aren't ya, Hank?"

"I suppose so. With time, anyone could do what I'm doing."

"I doubt it."

Hank blushed softly and chuckled, him and (Y/n) walked into the training room with Charles and Kurt watching behind a specially made window.

"Hank, I think you should go with them. I don't think this mansion would survive if I killed you."

"Oh, no, that's quite alright. With distance, you have no effect on mutants at all."

"Still, I'd much rather be safe than sorry."

"If it would make you more comfortable, then I will. Let me just..."

He walked over to a stand and typed away for a moment before walking out and to the window with Charles and Kurt. He gave a thumbs up and (Y/n) nodded back. She looked over at the sentinel shells and wondered just what her powers could do. She took a deep breath and closed her eyes. Envisioning herself alone with just one of them, the one in the middle, taking a deep breath and letting out a scream; a loud and ear-piercing scream. She thought for a moment about how nice it felt to just scream with no repercussions. When she opened her eyes, the one in the middle had exploded but the other two still bled, the chest plates on the one on the right were on the verge of giving out. (Y/n) looked over and Hank walked in.

"Well the middle one exploded before anything happened to the others, so you're getting there. You just need practice."

"How can we practice this?"

"Well, I'll take a look at the results on the chart and see what I can do, in the meantime, you can just lay back and relax."

She stood a little taller, knowing Hank wouldn't stop until she was able to successfully and repeatedly target just one enemy. Then she could execute her plan.

"Would you like to stick around to watch the others train? See what your friends can do."

(Y/n) shook her head before heading out, Kurt following close behind. She and Jaedon had been avoiding each other religiously and sticking around to watch him train wasn't something she was eager to do. (Y/n) and Kurt went to her room to relax. (Y/n) collapsed on the bed and Kurt was sitting with her after closing the door. Kurt found it interesting to watch his beloved let go completely and just scream. He had seen her scream before, but she always held back in fear of hurting him. He found it so intriguing that she let go so freely just then.

"How does it feel?"

"Hmm?" (Y/n) hummed softly in question as she sat up, leaning against Kurt as he wrapped his arm around her.

"To let go."

"It felt good, I'll admit that. I haven't screamed without fear since... well, y'know."

Kurt nodded and held her a little tighter, feeling her body start to shake a little. Then there was a knock at the door. (Y/n) answered it to see Peter leaning in the doorway.

"Hey, is Kurt with you?"

"Mhm." (Y/n) nodded and moved over to let Kurt approach Peter.

"It's time for training." Then Peter zipped away. Kurt looked over at (Y/n) and she nodded slowly, telling him to go train. They shared a quick kiss before he teleported away. She closed her door, wanting to be alone for a bit. She walked over to her bed and just laid down, almost sinking into the mattress.

Broken - Reader x Kurt Wagner - an X-men fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now