Liam's Doctors Appointment

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Liam POV

I look at the clothes laying on my bed, I have to go to a doctor appointment to see about getting the tracker removed, I never really did like doctors or hospitals, not when doctors would be clients who raped me so when Reece told me the doctor he knew couldn’t come to the house and we had to go to his office, I was terrified to say the least. What if this doctor is one of them? I can’t help but think that since so many men have come and gone over the past six years so I’m scared of people in general. I sighed and picked up the shirt which is my size because someone, I have no idea who went shopping for me I guess because one afternoon I walked into my bedroom and saw a lot of bags on my bed. I put the clothes away, no need to wear them when I don’t go anywhere and am still a “sex slave” so I have only worn the uniform, t-shirts and stupid freaking panties, I’m not a woman so they make me uncomfortable but I have to. After I put the shirt on, I picked up the boxers, they were a little big looking so I guess they were bought for me to wear and not feel like I’m being suffocated by clothes. I put them on and looked in the mirror, I don’t feel right wearing clothes, not when I have been naked most of my teenage years. 

“You doing ok Liam?” Reece asked from my doorway. 

“No, I don’t want to wear this stuff.” 

“You have to, you can’t go in public naked, you will be arrested and taken to jail Liam and neither of us wants that. It’s just for a couple of hours, I promise.” He said and picked up the shorts, at least they were not pants and handed them to me. 

“You look nice in that outfit Liam.” Reece said once I put the damn shorts on, it’s just for a couple of hours Liam, you can do this. 

“Thanks, it feels weird though. I feel like I am breaking a lot of rules wearing clothes.” I said and sat on the bed looking at the shoes, shoes I have hardly worn even when I was at home. I love being barefooted except when there is snow on the ground, that’s when I would wear boots.

“You aren’t breaking any rules Liam, you don’t need to live how you did before any longer. You are free and once that tracker is removed and you get a little better, you can go home. I know how much you want to go home.” He said and he’s right, it’s all I have wanted since I got taken, I miss my mama and papa so much. 

“Will you be coming back? I know you went home and found out I was missing so now that I’m found, will you be coming home?” I asked with a hopeful look on my face. I just met my brother and I don’t want to be without him in my life anymore. He took my hand and he smiled gently at me.

“I want to Liam, Felix is ok with moving back to the US now that we found you and I can do my job from anywhere in the world, it’s just up to mama and papa if they want me back home.” He said and I smiled at him.

“I have a way, they will be happy once I’m back right? Well, you saved me and I can talk to them and tell them how you help people, that you save people and that you are a good person. Once they see I’m healing and healthy, they will have to welcome you back even if you are the one who left because of how they felt. It’ll all work out, you’ll see.” 

“Ok Mr. Optimistic, let’s get to your appointment and we’ll talk more later, alright?” He said and I nodded, putting the sandals on my feet, I’m glad whoever bought my stuff thought about my comfort. We went outside to his car and I took a deep breath, loving the fresh air. I spend a lot of time outside, not being able to for six years so when I can, I’m outside in the garden or in the woods, either by myself or with the children playing. The drive took only about fifteen minutes to the doctor’s office and once we got there, I composed myself and opened the door and got out. 

“I need to tell you something, Liam.” Reece said as we walked into the building. After he told the nurse my name we sat down and waited, Reece was filling out paperwork on me and I answered as best I could to the questions that were on the paperwork. Once we were done he took the paperwork to the window and the nurse took it. He sat back down beside me and sighed.

Be True To Yourself...Book 1 of the Silver Moon Shifter Series Where stories live. Discover now