Pack Life

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Thayne POV 

My father is gone and as I thought, my mother abandoned the pack in the middle of the night leaving our pack panicked and I had to leave my comfy city life for the country life, it's too quiet and everything is far from reach. Luckily I’ve been saving enough money that I supplied everyone with a car. Those that deserved it that is. Everyone who didn’t approve of my sexuality either left or tried challenging me for the title. They didn’t last very long.

If you ask me if I’m upset about the old man dying. I am but not as much as I should. You see, Claire was my stepmom and my father’s second chance mate after my mom Isabella passed away during a rogue attack. 

“Hello?” I answered my phone.

“Thayne, I checked our database and there’s a rogue pack looking for an Alpha. “ I smiled to myself.

“What’s their background?” I asked Clayton on the other end.

“The alpha was assassinated and there was no heir to take the title.”

“Why didn’t they leave the packlands?”

“It’s a very old pack, there are several generations of the family still there, that’s been their home for so long but because there’s just no alpha. Well, they need one to lead them.” He sighed.

“How many and where are they located?”

“They’re in Arizona but I’m not sure on how many.”

“I need the number of people so I know how many houses need building. I need to know so I can have my architect start doing some drawings and figuring out what we’re going to do.” I sounded stressed.

“Ok let me do some digging and I’ll call you back and Thayne, take a breath.”  

With Weston home, he’s been helping in his recovery and the kids and also helping Felix and Reece find a big enough place for their family. 

Speaking of family, Weston has started the first steps to adopting Ronnie. Everyone was thrilled and Weston’s kids were so excited. They’ve even gone to visit Ronnie with Weston and had a blast.

A few hours later I got a call back from Clayton and I found out how many members are in the pack. Two hundred members will be joining our pack. 

“While I have you on the phone, can you take care of my pack while I go to Arizona? I know you have things going on but I’d greatly appreciate it.”

“Sure I guess… when are you leaving?”

“I want to leave by tomorrow morning. I’ll also be calling my architect and have him drive down and see what they can do. I have no one else to ask that is close to Clayton, I need some help. My stepmother left in the middle of the night after my dad passed away leaving me a whole big mess to take care of.” I said and sat down on the edge of the desk.

“I understand and I’d be happy to help. I’ll be there early in the morning.” He said and I sighed.

“Thank you, Clayton. See you in the morning.” We hung up and I sat at the desk and just looked at the office, at my dad’s office. Everything is him, from the worn-out carpet to the paintings on the walls. I need to redo this office for me and have one done for Weston. He’s going to need one as well. 

As I was throwing shit away that was dated from thirty years ago, I heard some noise and looked to see it was almost midnight so I opened the office door and listened to the sound for where it was coming from. I walk down the hall and listen closely and squint my eyes when I hear a whine like a puppy. I open a door to one of the rooms and see an adult female laying on a dog bed with four pups. I don’t dare enter the room, I don’t know the dog so I don’t want her to get scared and hurt herself or her pups after giving birth so I slowly shut the door and back away. I’ll need to find out who her owner is. She looked healthy so I’m not too worried about her right now. 

Be True To Yourself...Book 1 of the Silver Moon Shifter Series Where stories live. Discover now