Fixing Us

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Sebastian POV 

"Do you think we have a fighting chance when we get to Liam's?" I asked Thayne and Weston as I drove to Liam's. I can't even call it my home right now, not after abandoning him and Caleb, plus our other mates. 

"Fuck if I know." Thayne sighed and I held his hand and put our hands on his small baby bump. Weston was sleeping in the backseat peacefully. 

"He is going to probably kill us." I said and he nodded. I’m nervous to face Liam, I know he has to be angry for not contacting them while we were gone and I don’t know if he or they will ever forgive us. 

“Weston, wake up.” Thayne said and shook Weston’s leg. He groaned and opened his eyes and yawned.

“We’re here.” I said and pulled into the drive. Liam’s truck is still here so hopefully, he will talk to us. We get out of the car and head to the door when it opens and there stood Liam with Caleb, Gabe, Adler, and Jace. 

“Liam, listen we…” I tried to say but he cut me off.

“We’ll all talk when we get home. I don’t want to do this now with you three in front of the kids. By the way, Adler is pregnant.” He said shocking the shit out of me and we looked at Adler. 

“Come on kids, we have things to do.” He said and kept walking to his truck. 

“Caleb?” I tried to get his attention but he looked like he wanted nothing to do with me.

“You hurt my dad.” He said in such a chilling tone that I fell to my knees wondering what the hell that voice was. I watched as half of my family drove away and I sighed. 

“Well let’s go see what we missed.” I said and we went into the house since the door was still open. We walked into the house and I took a deep breath, their scents were strong. They must not have gone out a lot if their scents are so strong. 

“This place looks amazing.” Weston said looking at the decorations all over the place and pictures hanging in the hall along the wall going up the stairs. There was a photo of all of us hanging in the middle of a photo of us alone in a circle around the big frame. Adler and Gabe were even in the circle so it must have just been done. I smiled at the big photo remembering the day after we met Gabe when everything was fine. Liam wanted a photo of all of us even when he felt bad but we did it to make him feel better. I felt even worse seeing all of our happy faces to how they look now, that’s not what I want for my family. 

“Do you think this means he still wants us?” Thayne asked walking up to me standing on the stairs looking at the photos.

“If I know Liam, he did this for the kids mostly.” 

“He always puts others before himself, no matter how he feels. Hopefully what we did for him will help him understand why we were gone and why we couldn’t call home, not where we were. We need to get him to forgive us somehow and be the family he deserves.” He said and I couldn’t agree more. 

We went upstairs and we decided to clean up the bedrooms and bathroom Caleb and Jace use in the hallway as well as their own bathrooms. We cleaned Liam’s bedroom and I noticed Gabe has been sleeping in the bed from their scents mixing in the air. Adler’s is a little faint so maybe a couple of nights ago is when he was last in the bed. Weston made the bed up nice and gathered the laundry. I wiped down the furniture and Thayne cleaned his bathroom. We gotta do something to help out and if cleaning is it, so be it. I didn’t have maids growing up, I’m not afraid to get my hands dirty and military training has it in my head to have everything nice and neat. 

Around five we heard the truck doors shut and them talking as they walked up and when the door opened, I looked at my family and wanted to hold them and never let them go. Liam told the kids to go outside and play while we talked, well more like they talk and we listen. We knew this was going to happen so we just sat there and took it. The words they said were hard to listen to but were true to a point. We do care, if Liam would calm down a little and let us get a word in to answer his questions, he would know that but I’m not going to interrupt him, I don’t want to get slapped. He may be an omega but that man has some power behind him. He isn’t weak by any means in every way there is. That is what I admire about him the most, his strength is inspiring to me, since the day I met him and he woke up. 

Be True To Yourself...Book 1 of the Silver Moon Shifter Series Where stories live. Discover now