Finally Free, Time To Find My Family

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Weston up top!!

Weston POV

I’ve been free for a month. No more hell in my life. When I was rescued, it was a blessing in disguise. The men who saved me must have known where I was going to be and had details of my condition because they had came in and took out whomever had me at that point in time and they took me to their packhouse and once I was somewhat ok, I asked to leave, I didn't want to be there anymore. 

I found out it was a pack in NC and saw so many different species of supernaturals and they were all nice and didn't harm me but I prefer to be looking for my dads, they think I died which is technically true but I was saved by the goddesses and they told me my life would be hard but I was meant to live and will be saved when the time is right. 

They were there when I was rescued and told me to go to California, that I will find my destiny there so with the money they gave me and some clothes they took me to California and told me to find a youth center and told me they set up an apartment for me with everything I would need. 

So once I had the keys to it I found my way around the city, just walking around taking in the sites. I have never been allowed to do as I wanted until I was saved so I took it all in. I'm not completely comfortable around people because you never know who is in the life I had to live for so long but I try to see the best in people because I know not everyone is the same. 

Big men scare me though, I'm not a big guy being five eight and a hundred and thirty pounds and not much muscle makes you afraid of big men especially with the shit I have been through. I was even scared of the Alpha of that pack and had to be sedated when they treated my wounds because I wouldn't stop freaking out but they understood and when I woke up, the Lunos of the pack was in the room and spoke to me softly and treated me kindly. 

Once I was a little comfortable he asked if the Alpha could come in and speak to me so I said yes as long as the Lunos stayed in the room and he of course agreed. I spent a week there and when I left, the Alpha told me that if I needed anything to call him directly and he'd be there. 

I want to find my dad's, I don't even know if they are alive. The last time I saw them was when they were on the ground with their eyes closed and I was shot, woke up with no wounds thanks to the goddesses and no idea where I was. My dads must be so worried about me, probably think I'm dead and gave up looking for me. I just hope they are still together and we can be a family again. 

I don't blame daddy for what happened, the men did something to him, I saw it so I know he couldn't move, my papa wasn't there at that moment he was getting us ice cream so I don't blame him either. I just want to see them again, the thought of them is what kept me going all these years and then I met this boy, Liam. 

He tried to keep me thinking positive thoughts with being rescued one day and I hope he was saved. He was so nice and sweet despite our situation. I need to see if I can find any information about him and see if he was rescued. 

I found a library and thankfully I had an ID thanks to the goddesses and something with my address so I could get a library card. I was shown how to use the computer and asked where I could go to search for someone and the lady showed me so when she walked away I typed in my daddy's name. 

A lot of information showed up and one caught my eye, it was to a website about their organization so I clicked on it and found how to contact them. I looked through each of their photos and small descriptions of who they were and their place. I scrolled down a little to the third one and saw my daddy staring back at me, I teared up. I found him. I clicked on the link to his email and realized I didn't have one so I went to sign up for one and sent him a message. 

Be True To Yourself...Book 1 of the Silver Moon Shifter Series Where stories live. Discover now