Being Clayton Barone

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Clayton up top!!

Clayton POV

"Clayton, how are you, today brother?" I turned to see Reece walking up behind me as I was watching the children we've rescued. 

"I'm doing quite well, although the anniversary of his kidnapping is coming up." I sighed looking up at the sky fighting the tears threatening to fall. 

"Clayton I know this job is too close to home for you and me as well but I've been on the receiving end just like these kids. You, on the other hand, are new to all of it. No one would blame you for taking a desk job if you can't do fieldwork. Look, I know the anniversary is in two days, and dad has you going on a recovery mission. Maybe if you talk to him he'll pardon you and allow you to work with the psychology department." I hate it when he's right but my father is a prideful man. If I tell him I can't do fieldwork he'll have my hide. He'll say 'why didn't you tell me this before. I'd do anything for you boys. ' It's too late to turn back now. I need to be a model veteran to the underlings.

"You may be right Reece but who is more qualified than you, me or Felix? You have Liam now and he may not be your blood brother but his parents adopted you from that damn orphanage after they couldn't have kids." Reece has been through hell. Eight years as a sex slave only to be rescued by Liam's parents. It's no shock they disowned him. The child you saved is back in this mess and you disown him out of fear. 

"You have a point… most of the underlings have weaker stomachs, they can't do fieldwork like we can. Maybe I can ask dad to look into hiring outside help. Like some who're good at recovery type missions." I nodded. 

"Good luck, we're a highly private and classified organization and only a handful of people know who we are. The more people that know about us the harder it is to do our jobs." He knows I'm right, almost ten plus years in the organization and he has that mentality… he knows how dad gets. 

"Fair enough, it was just an idea." He huffed and I did a mental happy dance. Score one for moi. 

"Do you need me to get anything before I head home for the day?" I really don't want to go home, in fact, I hardly ever sleep at home. I always sleep at a hotel. 

"Actually, yeah, Jaylen told Liam he's underweight for his height and age so he recommended lots of protein and exercise so I need you to take some of the workers and get me some high protein groceries and possibly stop at Miranda and see if you can get some of her herbs for fertility boosting. Jaylen says Liam doesn't have a womb but I think it's being hidden by black magic or his wolf is too weak to the point his womb is underdeveloped so whatever she recommends for him, get it. She's the best and oldest witch here and she knows her stuff." He took a deep breath and I couldn't help but laugh. 

"Not, funny, asshole." He whacked me in the back of the head. 

"It was to me thank you very much." I jumped off the porch laughing and drove into town with four workers. 

"Ok guys, I have the groceries split up into aisles so each of you, go grab what's on your list and meet me at check out, I have to talk to Miranda at the pharmacy." They nodded and went off and I went to the pharmacy. 

"Password." I heard someone say from behind the door. 

"The Raven Is Our Guide To The Light." I said. Password, more like phase I scoffed. 

As the person confirmed the password with whoever was on the other side of the door I looked around to see if the workers were still within my sight and I was grateful they were. It makes my job easier that I don't have to roam this big ass grocery store for four workers. 

Be True To Yourself...Book 1 of the Silver Moon Shifter Series Where stories live. Discover now