Bringing Casper Home

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Casper (Caleb) up top

Liam POV 

To say I was happy and relieved to leave the hospital after my surgery would be the right words. Reece was by my side the whole time. I know he and Felix just reconnected after so long and I felt bad for him staying with me so yes, I was happy to finally go back home. I spoke to Reece about Casper to see what we could do about him. I don’t want that sweet boy in that homeless shelter any longer, he’s too sweet to be left alone with no one to care for him or love him. He didn’t like where I was going with my thoughts about taking care of him when I’m still healing but I feel I was meant to meet him and do this. I love him but I’m an adult and he can’t tell me yes or no about anything unless it will harm me and taking care of Casper won't hurt me. I will talk to Clayton if I have to but I really don’t want to go behind Reece’s back unless he gives me no choice. I am so thankful for everything he has done for me so far so I hope he listened to my feelings about this. 

“Hey Liam, what has you in deep thought?” I looked to my right and saw Felix standing in the doorway to the living room and I sighed. 

“Casper. I want to help him.” I said and he walked in and sat beside me on the couch.

“Help him with what exactly?” He asked and I debated on telling him what I planned on doing if Reece told me no.

“Well I told Reece I wanted to take care of Casper.” 

“How do you plan on doing that when he’s not even here?” 

“That’s my point Felix, we can go get him and I can take responsibility for him if I’m given the chance. I know I just got home from surgery but Felix, I feel this is the right thing to do. I feel I was meant to meet that sweet boy and have him in my life.” I said all that in one breath and he smiled at me, surprising me that he wasn’t saying no or giving me a look like I was nuts.

“Well I think that is a great idea, you seem like you have a good head on your shoulders despite everything and you would know how he feels better than we would so why don’t you and I go to this homeless shelter and see if we can’t get him into your care?” He asked and I smiled and hugged him. 

“Really?!” I asked and he chuckled. 

“Yes really and besides, Reece knows what we’re going to do. He talked to me about it and I told him that I think he should be open minded about your decision because it’s your life, not his. So go get your shoes on and let’s go. Casper is waiting on you.” He said and I didn’t question how he knew Casper was waiting and got off the couch and went up to my room to grab my tennis shoes. I have been wearing them and normal clothes more now that I know I won’t get into trouble or feel I’m breaking a rule. Once I have them on, Reece walks into my room and I sigh, sitting on my bed.

“Did you come to tell me you aren’t letting me go?” 

“No, I can’t tell you what to do Liam, you are right. You are old enough to make your own decisions and you were stripped of that privilege for so long so I won’t make you choose like that. I just came to tell you that a room will be ready when you return for Casper and you are to take him shopping so here, take this. It’s yours to do as you please with it, no need to give it back. I love you Liam, I just want what’s best for you.” Reece said and I took the credit card he offered and he hugged me. I hugged him back and sighed softly.

“Thank you Reece for this. Felix is waiting so I should get going. We’ll be back in a few hours. I love you.” 

“I love you too bro.” He said and I left my room with my phone and wallet that now has something in it. I need to get an ID or something so I can show who I am or at least have something saying who I am. 

Be True To Yourself...Book 1 of the Silver Moon Shifter Series Where stories live. Discover now