The Start Of Something New

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Caleb POV 

I can't believe he, they, abandoned us. I thought he'd make a difference in dad's life but he's caused more pain than he knows or that dad shows. 

"Caleb?" I heard the man I thought I could trust knock. 

"He's not in here." Jace replied before I could. 

"Caleb I know you're in there, your scent is stronger in the room." I sighed and opened the door and he walked in. 

"Can you please give me a chance to explain?" He pleaded. 

I just nod but zoned him out just getting ready to go to the hospital with everyone. 

"That's great and all Sebastian, but I've heard that all before." I said getting up. 

"I trusted you to be different, and although you didn't cause dad physical pain, you left with a piece of his heart and you can't even see that. Until you can realize how much you hurt him, I wouldn't blame him for moving on. You three left him alone with a man he has yet to build a solid bond with. Mr. Gabe who could have said 'screw you, mate or not I have no ties to you, they should be the ones here not me, I have a son to reconnect with'. Now Mr. Gabe is in our living room in whatever condition he's in right now and none of you care. Now I'm going with dad, Alder, and Jace to the hospital to figure out what's wrong and I pray dad isn't so hurt he'll leave you three like you three did but for good." I was breathing heavy and I looked back at him but shook my head pulling Jace along and followed Adler down the steps.

"Caleb, can you grab my keys and go start the truck, open the back door for me please?" Dad asked when I walked into the living room. I nod and grab his keys from the table and go outside to the truck. I unlocked the doors and I'm glad the truck has a bar that comes down to get in because I'm too short to climb in without it

I get in the driver's seat and push the button to start the truck and lay the keys in the cup holder, get out and open the backdoor and I hear dad and look to see him carrying Mr. Gabe by himself in his situation so I rush over and try to help dad as best I can. Adler is having a baby, he can't lift anything heavy and the three others aren't even outside to help so it's me and dad. 

"Adler, can you get in the back and just help us gently pull him into the seat? You don't have to lift him." Dad said and Adler got into the truck and grabbed Mr. Gabe's shoulders and held him and scooted back as we lifted his body into the backseat. Jace climbed into the back with dad's help and Adler had Mr. Gabes head in his lap so I got into the passenger front seat. 

"Who are you taking him to since there is still no pack doctor?" I asked dad and he looked back at Mr. Gabe. 

"Jaylen, I called him when you were upstairs and he is going to have Connor bring him so he should be there by the time we get there." Dad said and pulled out of the driveway and we were on our way. 

"How is he doing?" Dad asked Adler. 

"His breathing is normal but he's still passed out and his skin is clammy. He's getting a little color back but not much." 

"Ok." Dad said and bit his lip and was bouncing his left leg, something he does when he is nervous, much like myself. I watch dad a lot, when he is busy working or talking to someone or is alone, I watch to see how he reacts to things and today when he was giving his mates a lecture I hope to never hear from him, I knew he was mad and knew he wanted to leave, just like they did. Now Mr. Gabe is sick and he's worried about that, Jace just got his daddy back, Mr. Gabe can only do so much before he has had enough. 

"Caleb I can hear your thoughts, you can talk to me you know." Dad said and reached over and grabbed my hand and held it. 

"I know. I wanted to yell and scream at them but it wouldn't do me any good or you. I just want you to be a happy dad and whatever you decide to do, I'll be by your side through it all. You and me against the world remember?" I said and he chuckled. 

Be True To Yourself...Book 1 of the Silver Moon Shifter Series Where stories live. Discover now