Hard Times and New Starts

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Thayne POV

“You’re leaving? We just put your father in the ground and you're leaving?” I heard when I walked into the packhouse and I knew this wasn’t going to go well.

“I know, I’m the reason he fucking died dammit! Don’t you think I feel guilty enough about this? He is my fucking hero and he killed himself for me! You weren’t there, you don’t know what happened and you never will.” David sounded so depressed and like he was giving up. I heard a door slamming and it was quiet for a few seconds.

“You can come in Thayne.” David said and I walked into the living room.

“You alright man?” I asked and he shook his head no and it broke my heart when I saw tears in his eyes. I walked over to him and took his big ass body into my smaller one and just held him as he cried. I hate seeing him so broken, so lost and feeling so guilty. 

“Shhh it’s ok, it’s ok.” I said softly as I rubbed his back gently, trying to comfort him in his time of need. He is always so strong, been through a lot in such a short time and he doesn’t deserve to feel this pain or guilt. 

“No it isn’t Thayne, I should be the one in the ground. He had so much more to live for, his calling in life wasn’t fulfilled and there are a lot more people who need him.” He said and he held me even tighter and I felt my throat getting tight and my chest as well. I felt my heart stop when he moved back and looked down into my eyes and I could see his pain in his brown eyes with the flecks of blue like his daddy's eye color, making them a beautiful color. He is beautiful. I can’t deny that fact so when he put his fingers on my chin to raise my head and leaned down slowly looking in my eyes, I didn’t move an inch. He may be my best friend but I always wondered how his lips felt so when they brushed mine gently, I froze and didn’t move, I couldn’t. He smiled and let me go. He was about to walk away but I grabbed his arm and pulled him to me and put my hand on his neck and pulled him down to my height, he’s taller than me and kissed him. I kissed my best friend like I have always dreamed of doing. It didn’t last too long but it felt amazing. He looked at me and smiled softly and walked out of the living room, leaving me wondering what just happened and why I did that or him. We aren’t mates, we would have known by now but there is this connection with him that has always been there since day one. I guess we’ll see what the future holds but I do know he will always be in my life, mates or not. 

“Hey, how’s things going?” I heard one of my uncle's kids ask me as I walked into the kitchen and I sat down at the island. 

“About as good as it can be, how are you doing?” I asked him and he didn’t look too well, I understand though. 

“I...I just can’t believe he’s gone. God gained a wonderful angel when daddy died and I take comfort knowing he is in Heaven looking down on us, smiling his bright beautiful smile and telling us it’s ok that he’s with us no matter what. I just miss him. I wish we could have seen him one last time. He was gone for nine months before he died so the last time we saw him was right after Christmas last year.” It was over a year since I last saw him because I was in Paris boxing. I came into their lives when his older boys were adults and his youngest were young teens and David was a teenager so I didn’t know him as long as they did obviously but I still felt the same pain of the loss of him. 

“I am sure he is doing just that, maybe even sitting beside God talking shit about us all with the stuff we did growing up, laughing it up. I can see him doing that with God himself, making jokes and high fiving the big man upstairs.” I chuckled and he wiped his eyes and laughed and nodded.

“I can do, he could get anyone to laugh even if they were in a bad mood or upset, he just had this way about him that you felt you could trust him and want to be near him, his comfort and warmth, no one can ever replace him.” He said and I agreed, no one could ever replace him. He was an Angel on earth, no one ever could compare to him, David comes close though. He is so much like his daddy in a lot of ways. The kitchen filled up with all of his kids and grandkids and in-laws and we all sat around and talked about uncle Ethan and his mates and David joined in and they hugged him and from the looks of it, they will be ok. This family will be ok, we all will be.

Be True To Yourself...Book 1 of the Silver Moon Shifter Series Where stories live. Discover now