Saving The Light In A World Of Darkness

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The gorgeous Sebastian up top, yummy!

Reece POV 

It’s been five months since Liam has been gone. I have no idea what went wrong. The plan was foolproof. 

When his men were found unconscious or barely clinging to life without Liam, we knew that bastard had him. The shock of knowing my baby brother was in the hands of the man who made his life hell for six years. I went into labor a week early. 

So other than trying to occupy myself anyway I can like taking care of my little princess and training new wolves for Thayne, I have to be the one to tell Caleb where his guardian is. I know this isn’t a good idea with all he’s been through but we can’t keep lying to him. He knows something is wrong but we can’t break him like that when he’s been doing so well. 

“I just put Becca down for a nap my beacon of hope.” I looked to see Felix in our bedroom doorway.

“Thank you my guiding light.” I sighed. 

“Thayne called a few packs to help in the search to find him including his uncle’s pack and they sent out their best guys.” I only nodded feeling my wolf weakening. He needs Liam near. Liam may not have a wolf or one that’s not active but Ajax needs his brother. 

“What if they’re already out of the country? What if Nikolai kills him? And if he is alive and we rescue him he’ll never be the same again.” I started hyperventilating.

“My beacon of hope, if he is worse than before, it will be challenging no doubt… but he will get better. I just wished he’d find his mate while in this madness whoever it may be.” I couldn’t fight the pain or tears anymore and just broke down in Felix’s arms. 

“Is Liam really gone?” We looked to see a terrified Caleb in our bedroom doorway. You can tell he was going to be physically sick and was getting lightheaded so Felix rushed to him before he could hit the hardwood flooring. 

I guess it’s now or… well, there’s no later. He knows now. 

When he woke up he just stared at us crying and it broke our hearts. The man who’s been like a father to him was now in the hands of the man who caused them both hell. 

“How long?” He asked looking at us.

“Five months…” Clayton said.

“No no no no no no no no no…” He started to shake and cry again. 

“We’re so sorry Caleb.” I said hugging him.

“We have to find him.” He said into my shoulder. 

“And we will.” I said, looking into his beautiful bright blue tear and pain-filled eyes.

Someone cleared their throat behind us and we saw Thayne.

“I’m calling an emergency pack meeting.”

We all followed him but Caleb as we went to the auditorium.

“I got word from my uncle that the last known location for Nikolai was in Florida but he only left old documents and his plans but unfortunately there’s nothing else. I’ve managed to contact a few international packs and we’ve narrowed the search to the south, east, and northern countries so that will be our main focus. Charles knows of this plan and has already sent out a few troops. We will bring him home if it’s the last thing we do. No wolf left behind.”

We all howled and set plans in motion and I called a few old friends of mine to be on standby. I fear he’ll need more help than we can offer and Connor is my best hope. 

Be True To Yourself...Book 1 of the Silver Moon Shifter Series Where stories live. Discover now