Chapter 1 bombing incident

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In this one I am going to make Nagisa a girl of this book because I want to have and imagination if the crew had stuck with thier original idea enjoy

3rd person P.O.V

A huge yellow octopus enters the classroom "So class you know the drill class monitor." The octopus says as all the students stand up and a blue haired girl started speaking. "Right ready, aim, FIRE." and with those words the whole class started firing at the yellow octopus. "Well while you guys tire yourself out lets do role call ISOGAI!" the octopus calls out. "Here." a man with back hair and yellow eyes answers. "What's that I can't here you after all the gun noises." "HERE!" He shouts and the octopus carries on with the role call.

~After role call~

After that all the students were all tired out due to the using their voices and firing anti me BB's. "And that's everyone congrats no late kids today." he said as his face turns orange with a circle. "How did he manage to doge all those bullets." Meahara said and Sugino added. "How we know that these are not fake cause there is no way you could've dodge that at even if you had Mach 20 speed." "Ugh Toka pass the gun as you all know there are anti me BB harmless to humans but to me." All of a sudden he shoots his arm off and it started moving on the ground leaving everyone shocked. "Now class you see it can hurt or kill me but you have to think outside the box to do so and now im going to make a rule saying you can't use your weapons during class because you can't regenerate like me." *ring* "looks like class is over and if you feel like shooting me you have my number." The yellow octopus said as he went to Hawaii.

"Nagisa outside now." Terasaka said as the blue haired girl went outside.

Nagisa P.O.V

(Im to lazy to edit all if you watched the anime you should know what they talked about)

As Terasaka handed me a bag I knew what I had to do I swear if he figured out what im doing he was going to come and beat Terasaka up. *ring* speak of the devil.

"Hey Nagi~" the mysterious man said. "Hey love what did you do this time?" I said knowing he did something. "I didn't do anything yet but I have good news i'm coming to your classroom in 2 more days and i'm going to pick you up today isn't that great." Oh no then he is going to find about Terasaka and his friends have been doing. "Yep see you later bye love class is starting love ya." I say. "Love you too bye Nagi."

~In the classroom~

"So class your going to do a poem that ends with it was tentacles all along." When Kayano was going to ask a question he started to turn colour I think that he was tired now is the chance to strike I go over to the octopus with the rubber knife hidden when I was close enough I attacked with the knife I almost hit him but he caught my hand with a tissue on his tentacle to put the knife away. "What did we say about thinking outside the box." As he said that I jumped on him with the grenade it exploded as anti Me-BB flew everywhere when it was done Terasaka and his friends celebrated while they were celebrating I saw him look at Terasaka with eyes as if he was going to murder him. "And I thought I could surprise you with ditching class and coming early."


And that was it I hope you enjoyed this book you see I made some changes with the anime and the book

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