Chapter 15: 3-E cooking festival

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Nagisa P.O.V

So we have to do a cooking festival and we will not lose to A-class no matter what.

As Mrs Bitch was flirting with our costumers I heard someone i knew to well come over. "Hey Nagi." "Hey Karma what do you want, I have to work." I said as he hugged me from the back. "Can't I get some energy, I mean I was working so hard just trying to get all those acorns for E-class the least you can do is let me do this for y-"

He was interrupted by somebody calling my name and came running towards me. "Hey Nagisa!" Sakura screamed and I turned my attention to her. "Hey Sakura you brought your teachers and friends with you."

Then she pulled me away from Karma and hugged me I swear those two are rivals. "Aw that's sweet Nagisa you kept in touch." Kataoka said as I nodded my head. "Yeah I still tutor her every day now." "I had to show up, when your personal tutor asks you to try out their restaurant you really don't have a choice and plus someone has to keep and eye out for that thing." Sakura said glaring at Karma which he glared back. "Good strategy, with this bunch we will make some good money." Meahara said as their principal added. "Sorry we don't have deeper pockets but we'll help you as much as we can."

"Hey Nagisa come and sit with me." Sakura said as Karma pulled us away from out hug. "Nope you had her long enough it's now my turn to have her." Karma said as they started to fight while I head on over to the classroom where Nakumura came in and looked at me with guilty eyes.

"Hey Nagisa I heard what happened what happened between you and your mom with you acting more like a boy and acting like on I'll go easier on you for now on." She said as I laughed at her and she gave me a confused look. "It's fine I can take it plus I had to deal with it with Karma for quite a while." I said as she started to smile at me again.

"Yeah I'll stop but speaking of Karma." She said giving me a mischievous look. "How did you guys become a couple." She said as I was saved by another person screaming my name, 'what's with people and screaming my name. "Hey Nagisa." I take it back it was the same person that was at our Vacation. "No, not you." I screamed. "You know him oh wait, it's that guy from summer vacation and has a thing for you, but when Karma comes he's gonna murder him you know." Nakumura said giving me a huge smirk. "How do you know where I go for school?!" I asked him. "I've been stalking you online." He said as Nakumura started gesturing me to go with him and we started whispering to each other.

"The kid is loaded isn't he so come on don't be shy, we have to raise our costumers likability however we can." "You know Karma is going to kill you when he finds out right." "Ya ya but atleast I lived a good life now go on."  She said pushing me out of the class and forced me to go.

"Man did I pick the right time to come or what, pretty lucky I got you as a waiter, oh and great spot to, and thanks for bringing me here love the privacy." He said eating some of the food we made. 'And i'm loving the fact that no one can see us.' Then I see someone hold up a sign that said

'Nagisa: I want you to eat all my favorites!'

"Um, so you know what I want. I uh want you to eat all of my favorites." I said reading the cue card. "Uh ya sure thing, just ask and I'll get everything on the menu. Did I tell you how I stopped smoking those cigarettes, because you were so worried about me, and it got me thinking."

"Here you g- Nagisa!" Guess the person bringing the food was non other than Karma. "Hey Karma how you doing." I said avoiding eye contact. But then he spotted Nakumura and put our food down and talked to her which she explained everything to him. "Hey let me take a picture of this." He said as he was taking pictures. 'I feel bad about it but if I don't keep it up things will get more awkward than they already are.' Then there was a sign that I guessed was from Karma and it said.

'Nagisa: Get away from me I don't like you at all your an idiot and a pervert.'

It read then he got out of the bush and started pointing towards the sign, in which I just gave him a glare that meant 'It wasn't my plan, and no I'll not say that.'

"Hey I brought you a gift Karasuma." A sniper said holding a dead turkey. "I heard some rumors that the reaper took you out." Mr K said as they continued their conversation. "Who the heck is that, want me to call the police." He said as I jumped to his phone. "Woah, it's okay we know this guy his Mr Yoshioka from the local hunt club." "Yoshioka what kind of name is that for a forener?!" "Oh he changed his name because he's a big anime fan." I explained to him which he started to understand. "Well enough about this Yoshioka dude and can I ask you what you think-"

"Hey Nagisa how are you doing I was wondering where is your phone I need to check something on it." Karma said as he shoved the guy out of the way and I just handed him my phone and he walked away giving me a little wink.

Then I started panicking on how some of the assassins were acting, then he stopped me from talking. "I can tell you're lying, my old man is a big name in the industry, I know a lier when I see one, when I saw a girl on the island let me just say that smile doesn't suit her." He said as I looked at floor in guilt. "You got me their. Listen I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings I didn't mean to lie to you, from the right angle our flaws can be weapons, if I have learned nothing else from this classroom it is that." Then he started leaving and Karma came over.

"Finally he left, now never do that again." He said to me and gave me a quick peck on the cheek.

~The next day~

Then when Karma and I walked up the mountain we were shocked to see that alot of people came just for our food. "If you're wondering why it's because of a famous boy called Yuji Norita was writing a review about our food." Ritsu said on my phone as we started running towards the classroom and put on our aprons and stared working as hard as we could.

~When the festival was done~

We were 3rd place not bad since we ended our restaurant halfway through the compestion and then we celebrated by going out as a class

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