Chapter 12: His prince charming

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If I'm being honest I have a huge crush on Isogai, his just so handsome, his a gentleman, sweet and the list goes on.

Nagisa P.O.V

Having gotten our hands on some juicy intel, we took it upon ourselves to investigate, at least that was our alibi, to be honest we only came here because we wanted to. "Wow he looks just like a prince." Kayano said as Isogai walks down the ile accessing the customers. "Hi welcome madams." He said as two middle age women entered the cafe.

"Our leader is not just a man but a prince among men." Meahare said as we all smirk. "Don't you mean your prince." Kataoka said as Meahara blushed and Kayano and I awed.

"Guys this ones on me." He said pouring some tea for us. 'His prince charming'. "Look at how much he can carry at once." Kataoka said, as he passed us. 'His prince charming.' "Sweetheart don't tell me your mother has fallen ill again." One of the ladies said. "Well you know it's just the two of us, so sometimes I have to help out." "His prince charming." We all said then Kayano eyed me. "Hay Nagisa isn't Karma going to be jealous hearing you call Isogai that." Then I shook my head. "No, well if I don't explain myself." I said as they all said 'oh'. "But the only bad thing is that he is dirt poor, except he even makes that look cool, guy keeps his clothes so neat that you think it costs alot, oh and he is an amazing cook." Meahara was about to continue as we all smirked at him which causes him to blush. "So you've tasted his cooking." I said to him then he blushes a deeper red.

Then the cafe door opened again. "Hello welco-" he stopped himself as he looked at who walked in, it was the big five. "Breaking the rules again, you didn't learn the first time remember they sent you to E-class without a second thought now think about what would happen if they hear you doing this again." Asano said as we look petrified of what would happen to him. "Asano please don't tell your father, I need the money." He said as Asano just looked at him showing no pity. "Fine then, but you're going to have to show me your fighting spirit, be there before 12am tomorrow." Asano said as he left with the rest of the big five.

~The next day~

"Hey Nagisa wish me luck." Karma said as he walked over to me. "Well good luck." I said as he frowned. "Not like that." He said as I gave him a confused look then he sighed and gave me a quick peck on the cheek. "That's what I meant, well gotta go bye Nagi." He said waving to me then left.

~After the game (E-class won)~

So as we won Karma walked over to me. "So did you wish me luck." Karma said as he smirked at me. "You'll never know~." I say as he pouts.

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