Chapter 2 bombing inciedent part 2

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Nagisa P.O.V

"Karma?" I saw him glaring at Terasaka. "Hey Nagi-chan glad to see your still alive." He said giving me a innocent smile. "TERASAKA, YOSHIDA, OROMADSU NOW YOU'VE DONE IT." They looked terrified as Karma came and hugged me protectively.

That's a new face so pitch black may mean pissed. "SO THIS WAS YOUR DOING WASN'T IT." I hugged Karma tighter cause of how scared I was. "Us no it was all Nagisa doing." Karma nor the octopus believed them Karma was glaring at Terasaka trying not to kill him. Then all of a sudden the octopus left in Marc 20 speed and came back with everyone's house number including Karma's. "LISTEN HERE KIDS NOW I MADE A DEAL WITH THE GOVERNMENT THAT SAID I CAN'T HURT YOU BUT THAT DOESN'T MEAN I GET TO HURT YOUR LOVED ONES."

Suddenly it's becoming clear of how hard this is going to be we can't hide and we definitely can't run the only way out is to kill him.

"Listen here I ain't afraid of no squid we have right you know." Terasaka said his voice trembling then the octopus suddenly turns orange with a circle. "Of course I get it I'm not mad at that no no Nagisa here gets full marks for technique and creativity however none of you cared if he died not even Nagisa herself, at least the rest of her class and her friend cared and with that attitude you are not fit to become assassins." The octopus says as he puts a tentacle on my head. "Well we're going to talk about his whole situation." Oh no and here is the part I get scolded.

~Outside of the classroom~

"Mind explaining why you were almost blown up in front of your boyfriend." This was not what I was looking forward to. "Um well you see I uh-" I was interrupted by karma kissing me. "DON'T EVER DO THAT AGAIN DO YOU KNOW HOW SCARED I WAS WHEN I SAW WHAT YOU DID." He shouted leaving me in shock. "I won't..."

I hoped you enjoyed this chapter I will be skipping episodes from the series but I'll try my best to include most of the episodes

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