Chapter 8: assassination vacation

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So this thing is is going from episode 17 - 18

3rd person P.O.V

As 3-E were training to kill Koro-sensei Professor bitch was laying around and watching us. Mr Lavaro (or however you spell his name) somehow convince professor Bitch to change and she was acting different."Thank you for your co-operation." Mr Karasuma said turning his head towards Lavaro." Do not thank me yet my upright friend i'm afraid I can not do everything as you requested." Mr Lavaro said. Then we started to explain our plan to assassinate him. "That's Chiba his a long range sniper and if I dare say he barley misses a shot, then thier is his partner in crime Hami she can take down any moving target." Mr Karasuma said showing Mr Lavaro the two best snipers and mr Lavaro was explaining how he would take in any off the students, but as he was explaining how to shoot to one of the students Nagisa walked up to him to ask a question. "Mr Laravo sir." Nagisa asked surprising Mr Lavaro.

'Her!?' Mr Lavaro thought. "Young lady" He said turning toward Nagisa. "You know the top assassin what are they like." 'At first glance this girl is not much but I cannot say the same once you see her in action.' "Why do want to know?" "I was just curious." Nagisa said turning his head away from him. "Well in my defence I would have to say the assassin who wants to be known as the reaper, mysterious (I think I can think of somebody user name is also Mysterious eh ok I'll stop) , cold as ice no one manages to get come back alive." 'We better kill Koro-sensei before someone like him appears.' Nagisa thought with his chin down. "Pay attention young lady I will teach you a technique that works without fail." Mr Lavaro said to her as they began the training.

~Time skip~

While 3-E were on the boat they found out Koro-sensei get sea sick.

Nagisa P.O.V

We were splitting up in groups to prepare our assassination attempts and my group was with Karma, Sugino, Kayano, Rio and I. Before we went scuba diving I handed Karma the goggles and he kisses me as a thank you then we headed off. 'The idea we are trying to set off is that we are having fun, even though we are working, each group keeps Koro-sensei busy, while the others set thier plans in motion.'

As we were on the boat we were trying to get Koro-sensei sea sick it is assassination 101. Then Koro-sensei removed his over tanned skin and then we learned that he can remove his skin only when the occasion warrens then he started getting sea sick when he was done explaining. 'This is it we've been training all summer long for this moment, no mistakes everything is in place, this time we hit the target.' Then someone tapped my shoulder it was Karma and he signalled me to come outside.


"This is one crazy think we've got going." He said as we sat down out fingers entwine together and I just nod my head in agreement. "Just think about it this plan is going to change our lives." I say to karma leaning my head onto his shoulder because I was tired then Rio and Okuda walked up to us. "Hey Karma mind if we steal Nagisa from you." She said smirking to us and Karma just nodded to her and we headed the opposite direction I wonder what we are going to talk about.

"Nagisa details I have always wondered how you guys met." Rio said as Okuda nodded in agreement then I spotted them it was all the girls even Professor Bitch, damn they all want to know. "Why now maybe when we are by the hot Springs." I said trying to not say now. "Oh no you don't Shiota your going to tells us now." Think of a excuse, ha I got it. "Hey what's that over there." I said pointing to a random direction and they all turned their head facing the way I pointed and made a run for it. "She's getting away get her girls!" I have to hide but where damn their coming in close and before I knew it I was tackled onto the ground and tickled and I bursted out laughing. "HAHAHA NO LEAVE ME ALONE I'M GOING TO DIE." "Not until I you tell us how you guys got together." Rio said but lady luck was in my favour because we arrived distracting them and I made a run for it. "DON'T THINK YOUR OFF THE HOOK SHIOTA." Professor bitch said as I caught up with Karma.

"What was that about you look like a mess." Oh ya my hair was all tangled up so I undid my hair and before I could tie it back up, Karma took the hair bands and he did my hair which surprised me, sure he has done it before but this just felt odd somehow...

When we got out Koro-sensei looked so dead, now this is where the assassination attempt starts.

"What did you guys come up with." Koro sensei said a bit suspicious. "First off we would like you enjoy this little video we came up with, then the high rollers will cash in on those seven tentacles, when your incapacitated that'll be the signal for everyone else to  join, what do you think sir works for you." Isogai explained to Koro-Sensei. "Let's see what you kids came up with." Ok let's begin so first I restrained him seeing if he has a swim suit on and then the movie started...

~After the movie~

"Your teacher is dead I tell you dead." Koro-Sensei said after the embarrassing movie about him.Then it started the venue was starting to flood. The shooters were ready so they each shot a tentacle off when the tentacles were all off, the people that were on the jet skies all went into opposite directions braking the venue open. "Time elapse 35 seconds." Ritsu said as her countdown went by fast. Then people on flyboards came out of the water  coming together forming a hydraulic cage. "Yeah that's right we know a change of environment throws you." I screamed to him as Sugino added. "First your in a chapel now you're in a cage." "If you're confused good, because we'll take anything that slows your reaction time." Meahara said, then our new countdown was 53 seconds. "Commencing tactical valley in 5.. 4.. 3.. 2.. 1.. fire." Ritsu said as we were distracting him by firing around him which gave the snipers time to plan where to aim, they really in the water the ones on shore are just decoys infused with thier sent and....

Fire! Two Anti Sensei went flying toward Koro-sensei which caused a massive explosion which sent the people on the flyboards flying including myself luckily we all landed on the ocean. "Nagisa!" Karma said as he came over to me with his jet ski. 'This feels different from out other attempt this one feels like it works.' "Don't let your guard down it is still possible for him to regenerate. Isogai you and Kataoka go keep an eye out for the target." Mr Karasuma said as they went swiming to the direction towards the explosion then w spotted him in the ocean with a weird looking think came out of the water wich we found out to be him and also that it was indestructible.

As Terasaka tried braking it, Karma asked for him to hand it over so Terasaka threw it to him which as you guessed he was torturing Koro-Sensei and Koro-sensei was screaming terrified then Karasuma took away Koro-sensei from Karma so HQ can decide what to do but then Koro-sensei predicted that they would put him in a pool of anti Sensei liquid but it will backfire and explode the HQ including the people inside.

~Time skip~

Everybody was so bummed out about the assassination attempt, sure Koro-sensei did say congrats on how we were the first people to every get this close in assassinating him, this was our biggest plan yet.

'Something seems off I mean I know we are all exuasted but' "Hey do me a favor and let me lean on you for a sec I feel kind o-" Then all of a sudden Rio passed out luckily I caught her just in time, but it wasn't just her it was nearly the whole class. Then Karasuma came over to help, Karma came over to see if my temperature was fine and of course it was but who would do this to Jonior students.

Then Karasuma got a call and put it on speaker. "Hey teacher man, I'd say your students are under the weather right about now." "And who is this." Karasuma said shouting to the mysterious figure (Listen I swear I'm not the mysterious figure, sure my name is mysterious0804 but you have to believe me.) "Take it easy friend there is no need for you to know who I am, just know I have the antidote got it so bring the two shortest girls in the class." 'The two shortest girls wait that is me and Kayano.' "So there is no way we would know who they are unless we meet him damn well I'm not handing over Nagisa got it." Karma said clearly pissed at the mysterious figure.

"There is no way i'm going to do what he tells us to do like come on use the runts as a proxy, send these two runts in to close the deal and we might as well lay down and die right now!" Terasaka shouted hitting our heads and clearly pissed. "Maybe I think I know what to do in one hour, can all the healthy students come forward and be sure you are wearing something you don't mind getting dirty."

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