Chapter 4 New teacher

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Warning contains swearing due to Mrs Irina's name you have been warned

~Nagisa P.O.V~

A women with blond hair and big breasts enters the room and hugs Koro-Sensei's arm. "Hello my name is miss Irana Jelavich and I'll be your new English teacher." Wow she is a fake I mean who would do that to Koro-Sensei.

When class was over we were training with Koro-Sensei and then Miss Jelavich said he must go get something. "Uh miss Irana class is starting let's go." Isogai said pointing to class. "Sure whatever teacher needs peace and quite oh and lets agree to call me miss when the octopus is away and hold off on the first name bases so rather call me Miss Jelavich and lastly I'm looking for Shoita Nagisa." She said as she popped a cigarette on her mouth. "Uh here Miss." I said walking to her and she pulls me in and kissed me at a hit of 30 then Karma grabs me and wipes my mouth with his shirt. "Anyway I need all the intel I can get got it and then you can go home as these men take your place." Karma glares at her with disgust.

'This would be so cool if she wasn't such a you know bitch.' I thought

~After class~

We saw bitch sensei and Koro-sensei enter a shack and we hear gun shots, a scream, a slithering noise and finally moaning that's coming out of Bitch sensei. We run over there and see Koro-sensei exit the room and is pink. "Koro-sensei-" "Did you touch her boobs." Okajima yelled interrupting me. Then Bitch sensei exits the classroom in a change of clothes. "It will take more time to describe what he did then the time he did it." Then she passed out. "Koro-sensei what is she talking about." I asked pointing to Bitch-sensei. "Um Adults need special treatment."

'I don't trust that face'

~In class~

bitch sensei complains about the Wifi. "Looks like Yella bitch is pissed off, I know my pride will be broken if my plan failed." Karma says then Isogai added. "Um miss if you are not going to teach can we swap you out for Koro-sensei because Mid-terms are coming up and we want to be prepared." "Ha you want to swap me out for that disgusting Octopus your worried about entrance exams when the planet is about to be destroyed it must be paradise being able to slack off give it a rest even if the earth wasn't in danger entrance exams are ment for children with a future, news flash that's not any of you losers how about this forget the studying and help me kill that monster and i'll give you a nice percentage of the reward that's the best deal any of you E-class jerk of are going to get out of life." And that did it she pushed the last button we attacked her it was her fault anyway.

Time skip

While we were all talking miss Bitch walked in and apologized for her actions. "Well it was our fault with the name calling but we have to call her something how about Professor bitch." Fuwa said and then we all agreed to call her Professor Bitch though she didn't like the name but we still call her that because we could.

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