Chapter 13: Taking care of the kids

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Warning this may have some spelling mistakes because it has not been edited so please bear with me you may continue reading the book now.

Nagisa P.O.V

"Ok boys and girls it's time to surpass A-class I want us to go at this hot hotter than Hades hotter than the sun." Koro-sensei said. 'Ever since we side stepped Asano little trap at the sports festival, we've been hunkering down for the Mid-terms, we are exited but at the same time, the atmosphere was uneasy, only five months left until the assassination deadline, the clock was ticking we were inpatient.'

~Time skip~

As we were having the time of our lives jumping from one building to the next, Isogai and Kataoka tried stopping us but then also enjoyed it, when Okajima jumped down the building and landed on a innocent man riding his bike, then this random person saw and called the ambulance as quickly as possible

~At the hospital~

"It seems like the gentleman has hairline fracture, doctors says he can go at about 2 weeks or so, what complicates this is that you kids are suppose to be a secret, you'll likely go to court, but my men would have to talk about this." Karasuma said then Koro-sensei came his face turned pitch black scaring us. "Koro-sensei it wasn't our fault the street was to narrow, what we were doing was to sharpen our skills, but we are under alot of pressure saving the worlds a big dea-" Terasaka was interrupted when Koro-sensei slapped each of us in the face, but it wasn't that hard. "Perhaps you were to strong for your own good, you were drunk on power, that makes you no different than your counter part of the main campus." 'It stung to be called out like that, but what could we say in our defence we screwed up it's the least we deserved.' Then all of a sudden Koro-sensei tore up the book. "We are now exactly two weeks away from Mid-terms, consider yourselves banned from studying from them, now this isn't a punishment you must study something else first, I might of included them in the thing also." Koro-sensei said looking at a window.

~The next day~

"Attention class our homeroom teacher fallen ill and these young students are going to care for now." The homeroom teacher said as all the kids looked at us confused like 'what are you guys doing here' look.

Then as Karma and I were talking some kids started walking to us. "Hey red or whatever your name is, you do know this girl has coodies." This one kid says as the Karma looks at me with his playful grin oh I know what this means. "Oh my Nagisa you didn't tell me you had coodies and I'm your boyfriend your so mean." He said as he was acting hurt. "Oh I see you've finally seen my evil plan." I said as the kids started giggling at us. "Oh now you've done it, hey kids want to help me with this evil girlfriend of mine." He said as the kids started nodding their heads, and chased me along with Karma.

"Hey dweebs, stop fooling around and help out." This girl with pink hair said as the boys look terrified. "Oh no, sis Sakura is mad." Then all of a sudden she started walking towards us clearly wanting to punch us, but when I was about to stop her she fell due to the bad renovation. "I wanted to warn you to stop." I said as Karma picked her up and helped her on her feet. "Mph." She said as she walked away pissed.

~Time skip~

'Sharp as she is Sakura is falling behind, till she moves onto primary school, the girls basically spinning her wheels, kay lets see how do I explain to someone like her so she would understand.' "Come on I don't have all day." She says as she bangs the table making me flinch. "If you're wondering why in still here it's because of bullies, once kids find out how strong they are they will bully you, with no mercy." Sakura says then all of a sudden we hear the kids wanting to ask for help for a cat that got stuck on the tree, so we headed that direction. "Hey Nagisa want to help me." He asked as I nod my head.

So I start running up Karma and he boosts me up to the tree to try and take the cat off and I did leaving the kids in shock at what we just did. "Here you guys go." I said as I jumped down the tree, Karma of course catches me, and I hand the cat to the kids and walk over to Sakura, and start explaining the situation (You got a lazy author ok don't judge.)

'We learned alot in these two weeks, and not the stuff you learn in class and before we knew it time had flown by'

~2 weeks later~

"Okay listen so you can spruce up this place for all I care, but what my kids need are mentors who can speak to their experience, if you haven't gotten through to them, then this was all just for nothing." The owner said. "Hey Nagisa, Tada I came in second." She said as she showed me her test scores. "That's great Sakura."  I said as she hugged me. "So um will you teach me more tricks then." She said as I just nodded my head. "That is one scary girl." Meahara said. "She's terrifying because, she has no idea how terrifying she can get." Kataoka said.

'And with that our special lesson was at an end still though, Mid-terms were the very next day, and it ended as a disaster, the migority of us got booted out of the top spots.'

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