Chapter 9: Karma vs Samari and going to the club

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Nagisa P.O.V

"It's to dangerous whoever this guy is he is a pro, this scenario has been planned out in detail." Karasuma said holding Koro-sensei. Damn we have to clime so high. "Nagisa, Kayano be on your guard." Karasuma said turning his head towards Kayano and I then Isogai started climbing the wall. "Come on what are we scared of, it's just a ledge no big deal." Then everyone started climbing the tall wall I mean we have been training so we are quite use to this by now. "Whoever is waiting at the top is another story, so Mr K it would be great if we got a little guidance from the teachers." Isogai said as they all nodded their head in agreement."Alright listen up, when we reach our destination our objective is the hotel's top floor, this is a stealth infiltration, so the best weapon we have got is the element of surprise, I want you to use the same hand signals we've been doing at class, the only difference here is who we are targeting, you got three minutes to memorise the map, we commence in five." Karasuma said shouting load enough for us to hear"Yes sir."

When we entered the building we saw a large number of men on the first floor. "Come on people what are we waiting for let's just do it." Then she left the direction of the men leaving us in shock and pretended to be drunk and play the piano giving us 20 minutes to do this thing. 'When you think you know someone.'

"Now this is starting to feel like summer vacation." Koro-sensei said earning fearful glares. "Easy for you to say you have a protective shell show him what full swing really means Nagisa." Then without hesitation I swang him as fast as I could, then Karma caught my hand. "Take your belt off for a sec, I grab Mr Nice day down your pants if you don't shut up." Karma said as he was looking at Terasaka. "The hell you are!"

"Ok why does it feel like summer vacation sir." I asked. "Because my students are thinking independently of me, that is what summer is about, extended breaks from the routine of school, this is a assassination vacation so make the bast of it." Koro-sensei answered.

~Time skip~

As we were walking through the hall there was a creepy man looks like he is waiting for someone, then all of a sudden he brakes the glass cracking it. "Boring, I can hear your footsteps from a mile away, and what is your a scumbag, ha tough brake guess the gas got through to you." 'Nobody has got the nerve to say it but the way he talks.' Then karma started talking. "Dude what is with the stupid voice like come on it's weird ." Why does he always say what we are thinking we all thought. "It's how a Samaria's talks, I read somewhere it makes your voice sound intimidating, I like the way it plays makes me feel badass." He explains 'Ok so his a little off' "I was hoping for a good appoint but all I got is a weak mentor and some little kids i'm calling the boss to clean this place off." The man said then Karma suddenly threw a pot plant at the phone. "Speaking of let downs, you seem pretty average for a pro, if you ask me, and is braking glass suppose to be intimidating, because I can do that, what I wouldn't do is call reinforcements as an opening move, but then i'm not threatened by a bunch of armatures." He said surprising everyone, as Karasauma was about to scream his name Koro-sensei stopped him. "Not so fast Mr. Karasuma, the boys chin is down, Karma normally enters a fight chin up it shows his confidence, his literally looking down his nose at his appoint, this is different, true his words may be dripping with arrogance, but his eyes are staring daggers, his alert, locking his appoints gaze, finals were quite a blow to his precious ego, but I suspect he's taking lessons from the fight at hand." 'His right i've known Karma for so long I should've noticed this coming. "Go at everything you have got Karma you are going head to head with an adult," I said to him.

Karma ran toward the man and attempted to hit him with the weapon but the man caught the weapon. "Nice try kid, but as far as weapons go lady luck is not on your side." The man said as he crushed the weapon in pieces. "I guess I'll have to do without..."

~After the fight~

After the boys tied him up using the duck tape, Karma took the chance to torture him by shoving up mustard and wasabi up his nose. "Hey Nagisa, how did someone as nice as you end up with a sadist." Kayano asks as I shrugged my shoulders. "You know sometimes I worry for the boys future." Koro-sensei said as we all nodded in agreement. "Oh come on i'm not that bad, I just enjoy seeing people suffer." Karma said still torturing the poor soal, then I walk over to him put my hand over his shoulder and said. "I think that's enough now his been through alot." "But we were getting to the good part, but your right let's go Nagi~chan." Karma said as he put his arm over me and we started walking to our destination.

~Time skip~

"Attention the terris is just up these stairs." Ritsu said. "Might be tricky this is the club floor." Hiami said, as Ritsu added to her statement. "Correct, the executive floor can be access through the stair case just off the lounge area, unfortunately, the back entrance has a manual lock on it so we'll need to detour around through the part to open the others in." "So we are flying by the seat of out pants." Hiami said as Isogai added that a bar is the last place we want to go and we all agreed. "Yep bit all the boys hide here, leave the tricky part to those best qualified, we'll unlocked the door to the VIP stairs, you guys might be out of the question but us girls we'll do just fine, but we are going to have to change on of our appearance." Kataoka said as everyone looked to me, "Huh what." I asked as all the girls smirked. "Oh nothing it's just that your wearing boy clothes and we sort of have extra girl clothes for you to borrow." Oh no. "No way nuh uh you are not going to the club." Karma said clearly showing his over-protective side. "She'll be fine plus you weren't there when she fought Takaoka." Kayano said as the rest hummed in response. "It's fine Karma it's not like we'll be in thier for way to long." I say as all the girls drag me to the changing room and hand me a dress, oh boy...

~Time skip (again)~

As the girls walk in I was a bit nervous to do so. "Oh come on already you look great." Fuwa said dragging me to go out. "Oh why me why couldn't I wait with the boys." I said still hiding. "Come on it would not be that bad." and then I was revealed to be in a checkerd skirt, a top wich didn't cover my shoulders and my hair was loose oh lord help me.

"Yo" an anonymous dude said as we turned around. "How you doing shortie, wanna go get a drink anything you want, my treat, for real." Then Karaoka pushed me saying I must go and hang out with him while they do the mission. "Karma is going to kill you if he finds out what, you are planning Kataoka." And that was the last thing I heard from them

~After they left the club~

"Who was that Nagi~chan, was he bothering you if so I could always beat him up." Karma said as a scary aura surrounds him. "Nothing nothing at all." I said. "Hey at leat I got this cute photo of you." Karma said swinging the thing around and me trying to reach the phone but then he put his phone in the air and waved it around sadly for me I had to jump to get it, so I just gave up. "I hate you." "Love you too Nagi~chan"

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