Chapter 11: The pudding

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Warning once entering this chapter There is going to be spelling mistakes because this has not been edited anyway I hoped you enjoy this chapter

Nagisa P.O.V

So Kayano had this plan to make a giant pudding with anti-sensei BB's. This plan might actually work, I mean she is the one people would least expect to do this but that is what would make it better and also it is also Koro-sensei's weakness he has a sweet tooth.

~In the evening~

I walk up to Kayano and she leans her head onto my shoulder (This is something best friends do because I sometimes do this to story sharky sometimes at break) "Tired huh, but I don't blame you it has been a rough day." I said as she nods her head. "But you came up with this all on your own I'm impressed, but not to offend you, but this is surprising I never thought you could come up with a plan like this Forever flat." I said and that just ticked her off. "HEY THAT'S NOT FAIR WHY DOES EVERYONE CALL ME FOREVER FLAT SURE YOU HAVE A D-CUP BUT STILL I'M GOING TO KILL YOU SHIOTA." She said as she chased me around the area while I laugh, luckily a certain red head came to my rescue. "What did you do now Nagi." he said running next to me as he also laughed at how silly Kayano and I were. "Oh nothing just called her forever flat the usual." That just did it we both laughed and she started screaming at us.

~The next day~

So it was the day we put this assassination plan on the go. We remove the cover that holds the pudding in place and it keeps it size then we all screamed we did it and cheered and now all we need is the target and we are ready

~Time skip~

As Koro-sensei gets here he sees the giant pudding and starts drooling over it. "And i'm allowed to eat this entire thing. "He said pointing towards the pudding then Kayano nods her head. "Yep all for you, I just didn't want these eggs to land up on a landfill." She said then we all told Koro-sensei how this was all her idea as she laughed, then koro-sensei grabs her by the hand crying. "You made me so happy." Now that was the signal to go into class and see him die once and for all...

~In the classroom~

As Koro-sensei devores it I see Kayano look all worried then she snapped. "My pudding, I can't let something my heart and soal be blown into smitherins." She said banging her head onto the door, then Terasaka grabs her preventing her from going after the pudding.

Then all of a sudden Koro-sensei comes over here. "Wow my jaws need a break but as I was enjoying the pudding I caught a faint wiff of this." He said as he held up the bomb that was suppose to be in there wait the detonator been attached. "I ate a path through the cake then proceeded to tunnel from underneath to remove the bomb." He said as he ate the bomb. "Well since you all have worked so hard on the pudding together you should enjoy it together, I made each of you an equal portion of the pudding." He said as each one of us took some of the pudding.

"Hey Nagisa." Karma said as he held up some of the pudding. "Yes Karma." I say giving him an innocent smile. "Well can you feed me?" He asked me as I just gave him some. "Hey lovebirds stop torturing single people." Isogai said to us. "Hey when are you going to confess Maehara." Karma said as the two boys blushed. "Speaking of confessions." Nakomura said smirking at me as all the girls also smirked at me including Mrs Bitch. "And that's my cue to leave bye Karma." I say sprinting away from Karma leaving him and the boys confused.

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