Chapter 7: Pool disaster

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Karma P.O.V

I walk over to Nagisa's side as she talks to Sugino and Ritsu. "Hey Nagisa I heard from Rio and Kayano you were awesome with that fatty the other day, so tell me did he do anything to harm you." Damn that idiot trying to kill my Nagisa I should've been there to kill him. "Alright class feast your eyes on this." Koro-sensei said showing us our own watering hole, I have to say I'm impressed. Then everyone jumped into the pool playing games but Nagisa was on the edge not in the water so I headed over to her and picked her up bridle style and jumped into the pool. "Karma why." she complained as I gave her my classic smirk, but then Koro-sensei started being serious about the pool and making up rules, and that's when we discovered Koro-Sensei's weakness he can't touch water...

~Time skip~

As we were complimenting Koro-sensei for his bike Terasaka walked in and kicked the bike down leaving Koro-Sensei in tears. "Apologize immediately Koro-Sensei worked very hard on that." Rio said as the whole class nodded thier heads in agreement. Then Terasaka threw a smoke bomb in the class making us all cough  but then I went over to Nagisa and hugged her hoping she didn't breath in whatever the hell that was. "Your a monster, a freak of nature you hear me, anybody who falls for your nice guy act is stupid." I had enough of his crap his so selfish. "If his such a monster why not man up and kill him last time I checked that is what we are suppose to do here." I said leaving Nagisa from the hug and turn my head to him as he started speaking. "You want to start something smart guy, I always wanted to bash your head." Then I grabbed him from the mouth and put my finger to my lip. "A little advice, you got this backwards you gotta bash my head before you speak." Then he slapped my arm away and walked out of the classroom.

~The next day~

So Terasaka suddenly asked us for help but we declined but when we left the octopuses mucus was running wild and hardening making everyone stuck to the floor and his looking so gross.

~After class~

"Karma are you sure you don't want to come." Nagisa asks we were behind the classroom. "Ya I don't want to help the idiot but if you need me I'll be right here got it." I say as she nods her head in agreement, then I kiss her on  her forhead. which makes her giggle a little bit. "Well bye Karma love ya." "love ya to" Then she ran off to catch up with Rio and Kayano.

Then I suddenly hear an explosion coming from where Nagisa was so I sprinted there I swear if that idiot did something that harms her his so dead mark my words...

As I head there I see nobody but Terasaka running over to me. "IT WASN'T MY FAULT YOU KNOW." He said with a horrid look on his face. "You never had a plan did you, you just let yourself be controlled by someone else." "LISTEN DAMNIT IT WASN'T MY FAULT YOU BELIEVE MY RI-" Then I punched him on the floor. "Hey idiot you have two choices one you either help me out or 2 you stay here and pray that Nagisa is alright cause if she isn't then we are going to have a problem got it." I say as I ran into the direction Nagisa might be in.

~After the fight (Listen you got a lazy author for this book)~

After the fight between Itona and koro-sensei Terasaka threw me into the water same with rio and made me dirty I wanted to fight them off but then I saw Nagisa laugh at how funny we were well at least she's happy..

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