Chapter 14: Meeting Nagisa's Mom

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In this chapter i'm going to make Nagisa's mom the same just like the anime, but instead all she wanted was Nagisa to act more feminine like in the anime so with that being said I hope you enjoy

Nagisa P.O.V

'November maturity month, everyone's really started thinking for themselves, which is good, because we only have four months left to assassinate Koro-sensei.'

"Hey Nagisa, what would you prefer Morocco or Thailand after graduation, I'm kinda into Thailand myself." Karma said. 'What do I want to be...

~Time skip~

'To look at them you wouldn't think anybody is thinking that hard, but believe it or not they actually are.' "Oh on, Miss Irana's top, the tag is still on." Kayano said as she was pointing at miss Irana's top. 'I guess she is not use to buying things off the rack, do you think we should tell her?" Karma asked as I stood up from my seat. "I'll take care of it." Then I walked off to Miss Irina's direction and pulled off the tag without her noticing and walked off to the teachers lounge to talk with Koro-sensei.

"Ok last but not least, have you made a disition on what your career should be Nagisa." Koro-Sensei asked me as I nodded. "Sir I think I want to become an assassin, I mean we both know I don't have any other strengths so what else should I be." I said. "Well if that's what you want to be then I'll support you, but I think you must think about it again." Koro-Sensei said as I nod my head in agreement and left the classroom.

~Time skip at Nagisa's house~

As I open the door I see my mom waiting for me with my report card. "Welcome home Nagisa take a seat please." She said as I head towards the seat across from hers. "What's up?" "Not your grades, like come on 54th for Midterms, the cut off for being onto the regular campus is 50th, I'm disappointed but don't loose hope, the school made us, whatever gets you out of E-class, I'll be scheduling with the D-class teacher, and I expect you to come with me." She said as I stood up from the table. "No you can't, please you have got to let me stay where I am right now, I know you don't like it, but I mean I'm bringing my grades up and I like it there, look I'll go to whatever collage you want but for junior high I would really-" I stopped myself. 'Oh no she is in one in her moods not good, here it comes.' then she suddenly grabs my pigtails and started shaking them hard.


'There is no way to talk to her like this, but it is my fault for mot saying anything at a better time.' "I'm sorry mom, I wasn't thinking." I said to her which calmed her down a little bit.

"Now listen to me your a child, you have no way of understanding life but mother knows best, I won't let you end up like your farther and I, you see I have it all planned out just trust me, the long term goal is to get you into Keisetsu University." 'One of the top schools on the country, she didn't make the cut.' "Then when you graduate from there you can go to Hishimaru." 'They are a famous company who didn't hire her."

"When I was a little girl your grandparents didn't like me to be to feminine, so I promised myself once I had a little girl I would allow her to wear all the frilly stuff I wasn't allowed." She said as he holds a pink dress, 'but here is the thing I don't like wearing those types of stuff, it's scary how determined she is, I don't think I'll be able to get out of these chains. Koro-Sensei saw right through me, I won't be the hero of my own life, not even close.

~The next day~

"Wow seriously your mom she's one tough cookie." Sugino said. "Well you shouldv'e seen how she reacted when Nagisa and I announced we were dating she was so furious, but eventually gave in after a few months." Karma said as we all laughed, at least he was trying to brighten up the mood."I don't see why I couldn't act as your teacher." Mrs Irana said as Hiami commented on that. "Problem is Mr Karasuma's name is on the teachers file, so if our parents decide to meet up it will be a little suspicious."

"Well there is a simple call, yours trolly becomes Tataomi Karasuma." Koro-sensei said as he walked through the door. "WORST COSTPLAY EVER. YOU DREW LINES ON YOUR FACE WITH A MARKER." Nakumura said as Koro-sensei added to her statement. "It's a furrow brow to imitate his view details." "Why do your arms look like summer sausages." Maehara said pointing to Koro-sensei said to be arms. "These are Karasuma's muscles."

~Time skip~

"It's a pleasure to meet you I'm mrs Hiromi Shiota, Nagisa's mother." My mom said shaking Koro-sensei's hand and sits down as he greets her as well.

"Yes, yes please have a seat, climbing up the mountain mustv'e made you tired, do you want a drink?" 'I guess it's kind off convincing.' "If I may say so madam your quite stunning, I see where Nagisa gets his looks."Koro-sensei said as my mom looks over to me and touches my hair. "Why thank you, you know if only this one acted more feminine, I wouldv'e groomed her to be my ideal." She said as she unties my hair. "Not quite sure I follow mam." "Well you see I wasn't allowed to have long hair and a girl is ever so beautiful with long hair, oh what I would've give to have such beautiful flowing hair, I was so mad when she started tying back up for school that I had to let it slide just this once. But we are not here to talk about this, we are here to talk about her future, I would like Nagisa to go to a certain school, but being so far off track will harm her chances, and came here to talk about how to get her out off E-class."

"And I trust you spoke with Nagisa on the matter." Koro-sensei asked. "Oh she is to young to understand what is at stake believe me, and as a parent it is clear to steer him on the mistakes I made at his age." She said as I tried to speak. "Mom I don't-" I was interrupted by her with her fake smile. "Hush now sweetie the adults are speaking." "Yes well I'm starting to see the clear picture of  how Nagisa became the person he is today." Then koro-sensei took off his wig leaving my mother and I shocked and carried on speaking again. "Yes I Tadaomi Karasuma wear a toupee, high schools, collages and hair styles. Mam forgive me for saying so are not a parents choice, I'm sorry Nagisa must live her own live, you'll get nowhere voicing your expectation onto her. Mrs Shiota let me be perfectly clear, unless Nagisa so desires she won't be allowed to leave E-class." Koro-sensei said as she stormed out of the classroom

~Time skip Nagisa's house~

"Looks great thanks" I said complementing my mom's dish. "Sorry for earlier darling, I shouldv'e not blown up at your teacher like that, it's just i'm so invested." "Yeah." I said eating some of the food she gave me. "Well anyway I've done quite a bit of thinking today and i've decide hat I will not have someone thinking they know better than me to decide on what happens in my life." And those were the last words I heard when I passed out.

~Time skip again~

When I woke up I saw my mom in front of my classroom with a stick on fire. "Mom?" I said quite confused. "This is where it started going all down hill, this is where you started disobeying me, this place turned you in to a monster, burn it to the ground." "Mom please what are you doing, calm down." I said as I stood up from the ground.

"Mother knows best honey, burn it down and the guilt will not let you face any of these people again." "What I don't want to." Then she started yelling at me again. "I BROUGHT YOU INTO THIS WORLD NAGISA, I SCRAPED TO SEND YOU TO CRAM SCHOOL AND PRIVATE SCHOOL, YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW MUCH THAT COSTED ME. I DO EVERYTHING FOR YOU, EVERY NIGHT DINNER IS ON THE TABLE, NO MATTER HOW EXHAUSTED I AM FROM WORK DOES E-CLASS DO THAT FOR YOU. I MADE YOU WHO YOU ARE, YOU OWE ME, YOU WILL DO WHAT I TELL YOU." 'She's wrong but she's also right how do I tell her, what do I say.' Then I remembered what Koro-sensei told me.

"You need to communicate your intentions more clearly, speak your mind."

"Mom listen I-" Then out of nowhere an assassin came up to us and cut out the fire. "How about you quit shrieking you old bag, sit back and enjoy the show like a good little girl, because nothing said I can't hurt you."

~After that (Lazy author here coming through)~

"Mom I'm grateful you had me and raised me, I may be asking alot but if you could be happy you have a child, then that's all I need to be happy."

~Time skip to Koro-sensei driving them home~

"So how's you and Karma?" Koro-sensei asked as I blushed a little. "Why do you want to know?" "Oh come on a teacher needs to know how their students are doing and plus, you're dating the devil himself, and your like a angel." He explained to me as I blushed a deeper shade of red. "Nothing now keep quite and drive." I said motioning him to focus on the road.

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