Chapter 16: Karmagisa in space final chapter

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Nagisa P.O.V

There were alot of unknowns, alot to be terrified of, but when there is a problem we come together and tackle it together.

"Okay we have a plan, time to put that plan into action. First of the rocket only holds two people, who's going?" Isogai asked as all the boys held up thier hands. "This is an experimental vessel, with no successful flight now who's going now?" Koro-Sensei explained as all the boys put thier arms down.

"I want to go it's just I feel as if Nagisa and Karma should go." Itona said as Karma and I looked at him in confusion. "What, I'm not that fond of taking big risks, especially with my life on the line and Nagisa is not going either, why don't you send Terasaka and the dummy instead, thier both expandable." Karma said which caused Terasaka to fume at him, but then Kataoka agreed with Itona.

"I agree with Itona Karma the fighter incase there is a scuffle and Nagisa the assassin just to be safe." Then the whole class started to agree with the idea. "Oh and don't even think about ditching on this, you nearly killed each other to get us all on the same page, be responsible for once in you life and take charge." Terasaka yelled as Karma turned his the opposite direction. "Well for one I think it's a great idea, I mean this could count as a date to outer space." I said hoping to try and convince Karma, as his look softens. "Ya whatever, but only to protect you ok." He said with a slight blush forming on his face.

~The next day~

As we were about to head into the ship we saw Koro-Sensei there like he wanted to come with. "Anyone else smell a liability suit underneath." Karma said with his usual smirk. "Please don't say stuff like that." Koro-Sensei said then Ritsu started talking from my phone.

"All clear, I'm relaying the pre-recorded footage of the dummy pilots, you can swap them out now, nobody will notice." Then Karma and I headed in the space shelter waiting for lift off.

Then when the countdown was finished the rocket began going to outer space and it was fast faster than Koro-sensei with traveling at Mach 23 wich send Koro-Sensei flying off the rocket.

~In space~

When we landed by the spacecraft one of the astronauts came over to get the dummies but we took the chance to hold him as our hostage. "Oh uh hi sir." I said awkwardly as the astronauts looked shocked. "What the I don't remember them saying anything about kids coming."

Then I cleared my throat. "So we have a bomb and we want to keep things nice and peaceful, ok so would you back away please do we could talk" "what she's trying to say is that it's getting a little cramped in here, and I agree so I think we should move this inside where there is more elbow room, yeah that's right let's go." Karma said trying to sound all playful as we headed inside the shelter.

"Okay so all we are after is a copy of the American teams research data, that's it you have my word that that's the only thing we want and no other demands shall be made." I finished then Karma added more to the sentence explaining why. "You probably already know this but our teacher is the monster you're studying, no telling what he will do if you refuse to, remember he is capable of destroying the whole planet." Then all the astronauts started looking a little bit calmer that's wierd the one of them started clapping thier hands.

"Well let me congratulate you on your achievements, but really you can't seriously think we're That easy to take out, were not gonna drop to our knees over a bomb. How about we put down the weapon and talk like the civilized people we are and say you help us with our work and we'll give you the research, but before all this starts we want our friend back." He finished then I gave Karma a nod and he let the man go.

"This is nuts even if you do steal the data how do you plan on getting back, you're just gonna ask the guys you just threatend to give you a lift." The one we held hostage said then i replied. "We can manage on our own, our classmates figured out a statagy to get us back home." "Look pal I'm not here because I want to be no I'm here because of my girlfriend." Karma said then I started to giggle. "Seriously?"

In the end I think the crew just wanted to keep a couple of junior high kids the experience of a lifetime.

~Time skip~

"There you go every last file you need and of there is anyway to defuse him it's in there."

Then after that we started explaining the fake bomb thing and that we weren't really going to hurt them.

"It is me or does time fly when you're in space." I asked leaning my head on Karma's chest then he just hummed in agreement.

Anyway I'm have to say congratulations you made it to the end of this book yay, the reason I didn't want to do Koro-Sensei's death because I don't want to cry again so anyway I guess this is the last time you're going to here this  in this book

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