Karma vs Nagisa!?

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Karma P.O.V

As I heard that Nagisa talk about how she doesn't want to kill Koro-Sensei, but save him I speak up. "Always the talented one I see, figuring the odds and in the end everything will work out. Listen I love you, but you are being a bit tad full of yourself eh? Granted you are the most gifted one in the class, we should just give up everything we've been working on. What about the underdogs, the ones who work their buts hard? How are we suppose to feel." I said walking towards her as she looks at the ground in guilt.

"That's... that's not what I'm trying to say, besides I'm not the gifted on, because your the better assassin between the both of us." She said and I look at her with anger in my eyes.

"Ok, when you talk like that it just makes me more angry. You know what your problem is Nagisa, you've got no respect for hard this is for everyone who isn't you." "Woah, where is this coming from, I'm just telling you how I feel, do you have a grudge against Koro-sensei or something. He took us to the movies, his made learning fun!" She yelled at me, then I yelled back. "That's my point! He didn't want us to end up like half ass jokes, and look at you. Assassinating him is what this class is made to do, you're just trying to find a loop hole. Do you have the mind and the body of a 10 year old."

'I think I went to far on her.' I thought then she looked at me her eyes has some bloodlust in them, then my eyes were also filled with bloodlust. "Oh, What's with that look Nagi~. Does my little mouse feel like she wants to take on a lion." I said. "No-I-" She was interrupted when I pushed her. "What's that, kick my ass and you can say whatever you like, Oh don't be shy, lets settle this. Boyfriend vs girlfriend." I said as I continuously pushed her but then she puts me in a flying triangle hold.

"I am not a whiny half ass jerk!" She yelled as she kept me in this position, then I pulled her up attempting to push her. "Why you little-" I was interrupted when Isogai and Maehare came to hold me away from her. "Knock it off!" Maehare screamed holding me then Isogai added. "You guys are suppose to love each other, aren't you guys dating an-" He was interrupted when Koro-Sensei came over, and we turned our attention towards him.

"A good old fashion school yard fight, out standing. However you are the assassination classroom, this is how we settle our differences." he said holding knifes then on the floor in front of him were two boxes with weapons and each box has a different weapon blue and red. "Red for those who feel as if I should be assassinated and blue for the opposite reason, before we begin I want you guys to state your position. And then we fight like civilized human beings.

The teams were

Blue team

Yuma Isogai
Hiroto Maehara
Nagisa Shiota
Tomohito Sugino
Keade Kayano
Kotaro Takebayashi
Manami Okuda
Yukiko Kanzaki
Toka Yada
Meg Kataoka
Hinano Kurahashi
Sumire Hara
Yuzuki Fuwa

Red team

Itona Horibe
Hinata Okano
Karma Akabane
Ryunosuke Chiba
Rinka Hayami
Taiga Okajima
Sosuke Sugaya
Koki Mimura
Masayoshi Kimura (Justice)
Kirara Hazama
Rio Nakumura
Ryoma Terasaka
Takuya Muramatsu
Taisei Yoshida

(Sorry if that was not all of them)

3rd person P.O.V

As the games began Takebayashi and Kataoka were shot dead by Hayami. Then as Okajima and Chiba were talking Kanzaki snuck up behind them and shot them dead eliminating both of them. As Kanzaki ran towards the flag Karma grabbed her by surprise and sliced her neck with the fake knife and she was elimainated. As Sugino and Fuwa were eliminated by Hazama Isogai was shooting his gun at her and one of the bullets shot her headshot and eliminated her.

~Time skip when it was just the couple~

As they stood there, eyes filled with bloodlust they both charged at each other, thier knifes connect. "We kill." Karma yelled "We save." Nagisa argued back.

As Karma tried to twist Nagisa's arm, she uses that to advantage to flip her over  and that caused Karma to let her go, and she charged at him tackling and pushed him. Then Karma kicked her in the stomach which send her flying and they both stopped for a minute standing in fighting positions.

Then Karma charges at her swinging his knife towards her, but she blocks all the moves and tries to punch him but Karma catches her by the arm and twists it, which causes her to hit the ground hard. and then she gets up and hits him on the ground  and jumps on him charging the knife to him, which he caught, and flipped her over.

Then she charged towards him to which he kicked her in the face and he tried to hit her with the knife but she moved out of the way just on time kicking the knife out of Karma's hand out of reach for him to get, and then as she stood up Karma charges at her and hit her hard with his head and ran towards her and kicked her continuously on the stomach with his knee.

When Karma brought Nagisa up she took the chance and punched him in the face. "Oh that's all you got." Karma said as he slapped her but she kicked him in the face as she was sent flying.

As they kept attacking each other Karma punched Nagisa in the face and axe kicked her her on the floor as she looked unconscious, he went to get his knife and walked towards her and tried to stab her, but was interrupted when she used the stun clap move on him, but it doesn't stun him because he bit his tongue hard.

Then that was the signal Nagisa ran towards him and used the rest of the bloodlust in his knife to hit Karma, but it turns out their was no bloodlust in the knife instead he used marcheal arts and choked him and eventually Karma gave up.

(I know that fight scene sucked but at least I tried)

Karma P.O.V

As the blue team cheered for their victory I looked over at Nagisa and she looked tired. "Damn I never thought I would beat you out of all people." She said as I just smiled at her. "But you did good." I said as it became awkward, then we both talked at the same time.

"Listen I- um you go first, sorry, uh haha" "Listen you were right I was being a little disrespectful." She said and I added. "It's fine but I shouldn't of started pushing you." I said as she just smiled and we both sat up and  she just laid her head on my shoulder and I just kissed her forehead and we walked to the rest of the group.

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