Chapter 10: The mysterious man revealed

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~At the top floor~

Nagisa P.O.V

As we enter the top floor to meet the mystery man who we hated his back was turned around so we couldn't see his face.

"That's it, it burns no matter how what I do, still one mans sensitivity is another mans hyper vigilance, makes me feel wired to my surroundings." He said as he tossed a bunch of buttons on the floor. "You didn't think this would be easy eh? I told you I'd find a way top kill the octopus, or as you can see when it comes to little details like detonator switches, I'm a bog believer in redundancy." 'We've heard that voice before, but it sounds even more sinister than I remember. "I reached out to four professionals before we came on this trip, three of them three house killers, but the other was an old friend who turns out to be this guy over there. DANMIT TAKAOKA." Mr Karasuma said as he screamed the last part, after that sentence we were all shocked to see him.

"What naughty children, trying to sneak up on dear old dad you disappoint me, I thought I raised you better than that, I know some children are going to end up in detention for the summer vacation." 'Mr Takaoka but how could he sure I beat him but still it is all to weird. "Let's head up to the roof Nagisa and I have something to discuss, oh and before any of you brats have anything to say bear in mind I can control your friends lives."

~At the roof~

"So I think you guys are wondering why I asked for the green haired vegetable, well I would've booked heer a full room with anti sensei BB's with the target, then blow the whole room into bits, the only think that would make the octopus return back to normal is blowing himself up, and that includes the vegetable and I think you all know what I was planning to do to Nagisa." 'This mans a monster' "Nagisa you and me are going to have a rematch." He said which shocked everyone 'I know i'm going to lose this thing but i'm going to have to go on.' As I was about to walk up Karma grabbed me by the arm. "Be careful ok." He said as I gave a confident nod and head up.

Karma P.O.V

Watching Nagisa go up thier made me scared, I can't lose her she's the love of my life.

Then Takaoka blew up the part conecting us from Nagisa to stop us from interfearring.

"Get on your hands and knees and apoligise say your sorry, for pulling a cheap trick." The monster said then Nagisa went on her knees. "I'm sorry-" "I DON'T BELIEVE YOU KNEEL DOWN LOWER AND APOLIGISE." I hate him so much I just want to be in her place and beat the crap out of him but she did as she was told. Then he took the brief case and threw it in the air causing Nagisa to scream "NO!" And then the antidote exploded.

Then I saw Nagisa go over and take the knife, her eyes are filled with bloodlust, then. "I. Will KILL YOU." Oh boy, I've never seen Nagisa this mad before and even though she's always smiling I believe she would kill him. "That is the spirit lets do this." He said cracking his knuckles. Then Terasaka threw a weapon at her hitting her I swear after this his so dead. "Get over yourself, don't think I missed the look you gave me when he blew up the antidote. Screw your pity! Quit wasting your energy on other people and think about yourself, look the virus is a lie I'll be fine his playing you an idiot, murder is murder get over it, it is not worth it, give into the bloodlust and your no better than him." "His absolutly right killing the fatty won't so you any good, anyway his probably bluffing about the antidote, we only need the poison downstairs, don't fight at Takaoka's level just get him to be unconcious!" I yelled at her well lets hope this worked because the fight is about to start.

Then she took the stun gun and put it in her belt, and took off her jacket. Then Takaoka charged at her kicking her in the stomach which sent her flying, and she started coughing, as she was attacking him all he did was block her and held her by the arm and punched her hard. He charged at her again and punched her continiously and added in some kicks, then she started coughing out blood. All I could do was stand there and watch her getting beaten up. This is not a fair match, has the advantage. Then he reached for something I wish he didn't pull out... a knife. That is it I was about to go in there when. "Stop, Nagisa can handle it." Terasaka said and that is when i snapped. "Don't you see what his doing to my girlfriend, she is getting hurt, if I was there Takaoka wouldn't have it so easy!" "Oh you think so, shows what you know if you didn't ditch training so much you'd have a clue, this fight isn't over yet idiot, just watch, his about to pull out the big guns."

~Flashback Terasaka P.O.V~

"This tecnique it never fails." Nagisa said as he was on the floor. "Don't be fool it only look easy, but it lies beauty i've used it many times in field, not in compares for getting out in pinch, the technique only works under certain conditions. First have at least two weapons ready for the battle, second you must be pitted against an expert, third and most important your opponent must already know what it means to face death." Mr Lavaro said

~End of flashback Karma P.O.V~

Then Nagisa started smiling and walking up to him, then he drops his weapon which takes his attention, then she claps her hands together creating a huge explosion and he falls backwards and gave her the sign that she must attack so she takes the stun gun and electrified him. Then put on a smile and knocked him out using the stun gun.

"YEAH WE BEAT THE FINAL BOSS." We all cheered and ran towards her, well we had to go around to get to the place. "Nice work Nagi~chan." I said walking up to her.

So that was it, the assassins who worked for Takaoka explained that everybody is going to be alright that they didn't give us the real poison.

Then the chopper came over to pick us up I of cause slapped terasaka on the head. "Hey what was that for!" he said shouting at me. "What do you mean you threw a weapon at my girlfriend."

~The next day~

Damn does Mr K ever sleep. Then a bomb was heard and we already know what happend. "Let's get this assassination vacation started." Koro-sensei said then Sugino ruined his mood. "Actually we head back Tomorrow morning." And then he started to do all sorts of things with his doppelgangers, and I take the shot to hit him. "What do you think your doing Karma." "Taking your advice teach, gotta strike when the irons hot." I said as he started laughing then everyone started firing at him. "Hey Blueberry feel like doing a few rounds." I say swinging the gun around my fingers. "No i'm good."

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