Chaoter 5: Trip to Kyōto

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3rd P.O.V

Class 3-E were scheduled to go on a trip to Kyōto and they would need to plan for their assassination attempt. "So Karma want to be in our group." Nagisa said shifting his head towards Karma. "Ya I don't mind." He said heading to Nagisa's group. "So Karma are you going to behave yourself like no fight or anything funny." Sugino said to Karma feeling a bit suspicious of what he would do. "Ya sure don't worry I'll make the witnesses keep their mouth shut." He said as he held a photo of two beat up people. "Great now his part of our group thanks to you." Sugino yelled at Nagisa. "What can I say we are dating afterall."

~by the train station~

"Hey 3-E losers how's it in second class since you know kids with a future go to first class unlike you dweebs." One of the 3-A students said. "Sorry to interrupt your worthless lives oh wait you don't have a life to live since all you so is study at least we know how to have fun unlike you guys." Rio said as she stuck her power out making everyone laugh then 3-A teacher can in and said. "Now now you guys don't need to be salty you know the rules and he is right kids with a future do deserve first class." Now that was just sad of how a teacher which you think would be a lot nicer and would stop the fight can only bring down a class because of their teaching.

~Time skip~

"Hey guys who wants to come with me to get some drinks." Kanzaki asked and Kayano, Okuda and I volunteered to go with while the boys stayed to watch our bags.

As we were getting the drinks I felt as if somebody was watching us, probably nothing just my imagination then when we went back we were playing UNO in teams Karma and I, Kanzaki and Sugino and finally Okuda and Kayano and I could've sworn I saw Sugino steal glances at Kanzaki aww he has a crush on her so cute. This may not be such a bad trip afterall.....

~At  Kyōto (Sorry I can't spell the name right)~

Karma P.O.V

As Nagisa explains how many assassination attempts happend in Kyōto  and being cute I couldn't help but stare at her cute expressions I swear she is a bookworm (What's wrong with being a bookworm I'm one and proud to be one)

As we were in an empty alleyway discussing a plan to murder Koro-Sensei a group of thugs came. "I hope you don't take us the wrong way but I don't think you guys are tourists." I said giving my signature smirk to the ones infront of me. "Don't try and be a hero and hand over your lady friend and we'll be-" He was interrupted when I slammed his face onto the ground. "See what did I tell you without witnesses we can fight without getting into trouble." I said turning to Nagisa which she suddenly screamed for me to look out when a guy tried to attack me. "I'm going to cut you like a pig." He said as he charged to me with a knife in his hands I grabbed a nearby blanket and threw it over him then punched him in the face which send him flying. "Strong words for a guy kissing the sidewalk." I said toward the man. "let go of me." I turned my attention to see the men holding them while they are struggling I ran to get Nagisa when. "What did we tell you." Then everything went black damn I lost Nagisa I'm so useless...

~Time skip~

"Karma, Sugino are you guys alright." Okuda said turning to us worryingly. "Sorry I was hiding through the whole thing being a coward." She said as she apologized. "It is okay you did the right thing." I have to save Nagisa... oh and the other girls not that I forgot or anything. Then I asked myself what would Nagisa do...

I think I got it kinda.

Nagisa P.O.V

"So listen we are going to take some photo's and you can scream all you like but nobody will hear you, hey wait I know you aren't you that girl who always went to the arcade ya our boss ordered us to look out for a party girl look like you knew what was going to happen and stopped going there but don't worry I'm going to take care of you all night." One of the gang member said to Kanzaki. "Leave her alone." I shouted but big mistake he turned to me and slapped me and continued to kick me. "Shut u-, hey aren't you a cutie, hey I call the blue one." Damn now i'm in trouble well for one i'm bruised up and two these guys aren't just monsters no they are worse they are high schoolers.

Back to Karma's P.O.V

'What do you when a student is kidnapped.' "Oh wow Koro-Sensei can come up with a lot of weird things." "Well that's not it there is also 'how to cheer yourself up when a lovey dovey couple comes up' is it just me or is he talking about you and Nagisa Karma." Sugino said turning his head towards me as I shrugged it off. "Well I don't know but let's just think up with a way on how to save the girls." I said then we started to strategize on how to save Nagisa.





Oh and the other girls.

Nagisa P.O.V

"So that picture I have to admit it was a bit comforting to know even you went through a phase." Kayano said as I nodded in agreement. "Well my dad has always been strict with me but that's why I went to the arcade to get away from the stress and guess where I ended up yep E-class and now I don't even know where I belong." She said I feel bad for her she didn't deserve it. "Well it sounds like you would fit in with us and the blue one too the only thing that matters in this group is having a little bit of fun right." Another one of the gang members said and I said. "Your a jerk." Then next thing I knew was I was lifted up in the air but I didn't care because I knew if I didn't say anything this would've happend to Kayano. "Oh I see how it is I guess you didn't learn your lesson the first time now did you now you are going to pay." Then he started choking me and let me go after a short time.

Then the door started to open. "Heh speak of the devil the photographer is here. HUH!?" We turned our heads to see a man beat up and karma holding him up and then he threw him on the floor. "All right so what's it going to be gentelman fight or flight, we'll go easy on you if you back down now but what I can see you have done to my girlfriend you are not leaving this building unharmed and that's a promise." Karma said turning to him. Then a familiar yellow tenical appears, scaring them. "Say hello to them if you like but just so you know I don't think they are going to hear you." "KORO-SENSEI!" We screamed in excitement. "Sorry I came a little late I thought it would be best if you handled some of it on your own. "Um, sir why are you wearing a veil." I asked quite confused. "Voilence is always regretful." Koro-sensei said, then all of a sudden they charge at him with glass bottles that were shattered and with his Marc 20 speed he swang his tentacle at then knocking halve of them out.

~After that~

"You guys should've left me alone with the leader I would've taken him out." Karma said as his arma were wrapped around. "Alright we get it your a scary dude." Sugino said clearly tired, then we just laughed at them. "So Nagisa are you alright I mean if they hurt you I can always go back there and kill the guys who hurt you." Karma said clearly pissed. "Well one of them did kick me and strangle me and also another wanted to hang out with me for the night whatever that meant." Then when I finished I looked at him and it looked like he wanted to kill them. "But don't worry i'm fine it doesn't hurt that bad." I said giving him a sincer smile.

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