Chapter 3 New student

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Nagisa P.O.V

As we were training to kill our teacher which we called him Koro-sensei with out instructor Mr. Karasuma. "Ah what a beautiful day to see the students exercise for their battle against me so quite so beautiful." Koro-sensei said with a flower in his hand. "Your in the way here man go do something else." Karasuma said to him I have to admit he is right about that. "But i'm lonely." Koro sensei said sadly. "Find something else to do like there is a sand box at the back do something with it." And with that sentence koro-sensei left and played with the sandbox saying. "The kids liked it better when I was their teacher." Then we stopped our training "Ya, not so much, don't get us wrong you are a great teacher it's just that you take it way to far." After that he went to the sandbox building a sandcastle while sobbing.

~After training~

As me and Sugino head to class complaining on how we have a pop-quiz now I spot someone I know of very well. "Hey Nagi happy to see me." Oh boy. "Hey Karma what are you doing here." "What can't I be in the same class as my girlfriend." This idiot doesn't know the meaning of a secret does he. "GIRLFRIEND!" The class screamed in shock. "Oh ho ho Nagisa I didn't know you had a boyfriend how come you didn't tell me." Kayano says pouting. "I'm sorry Kayano it was meant to be a secret but somebody told the secret anyway I'll meet you in class bye." I say as I was about to walk off Koro-sensei came to greet Karma. "Mr Akabane pleasure to meet you I know your new and all but I don't accept people being tarty." He said as his face turns purple. "Oh sorry I must still get use to this school thing it's been to long and I prefer you to call me by first name." He said offering his hand to koro-Sensei. "Well this is going to be an interesting year for 3-E." Koro-Sensei said shaking his hand but then it exploded and then he attached with his knife leaving us in shock. "Hey Nagisa what type of guy is Karma anyway?" Kayano asks feeling a bit suspicious of him.

"Well he is violent and if anything he can kill koro-Sensei blood and violence is what he loves-" I was cut off by karma. "You make me doing like I'm the devil or something but you forgetting one more thing also love is important to me." He said smirking at me making the girls all scream in excitement while i'm over here blushing in embarrassment. "Yeah yeah whatever let's go already Kayano." I said dragging her away from him.

~In class~

looks like Karma hit a nerve in Koro-sensei cause he's been down this whole day "Alright we get it can you are distracting us on our quiz." Toka shouted clearly pissed. "Oh uh yeah sorry carry on." Koro-Sensei said worryingly. "Are you sure you know what you know what your doing the octopus his smart and you saw what he did back then with the incident." Terasaka said making Karma look at him with his signature smirk . "Who wouldn't be mad if their life was on the line." Karma said then he turned his head looking at me giving me the innocent smile I know way to well. "KARMA, TERASAKA STOP TALKING OR ELSE THAT WILL COUNT AS CHEATING GOT IT." Koro-sensei said as his face turns red. "I'm done with my test now to eat my ice-cream." Karma said as he licked the ice-cream. "No eating in and cl- HEY THAT'S THE ICE-CREAM I WAS SAVING FOR AFTER CLASS DO YOU KNOW WHAT I'VE BEEN THROUGH JUST TO GET THE ICE-CREAM." "Oh I'm sorry I just saw It lying around in the teacher lounge are you going to get it." Karma said as Koro-Sensei was about to get it his foot exploded cause there were anti me BB's on the floor. "You know I'm going to keep on doing the same stunt interrupting classes, shooting you, assassination attempts you name it." He said as he puts the ice-cream on his shirt then hand the test and says. "Bye Nagi see you after class." Then he left leaving us all in shock and Koro-Sensei looks so depressed.

Karma is smart, his cold, his violent, he is determined to kill he would not miss a chance to kill a teacher.

~With Koro-Sensei after class(This is his P.O.V for now once I change it, it will be back at Nagisa P.O.V)

"That kid sure is something I must keep an eye on him in the future, I am the teacher he is the student." Koro-sensei said flying through the sea.

~Back to Nagisa P.O.V After school~

"Bye Nagisa see you Tomorrow." Sugino said waving to me and left as I waved back.

"Are you kidding me is that actually Nagisa." One of the bullies said and another added. "Look at her enjoying herself with the E-Class Idiots and have you heard they are sending that kid Abakane." I started to feel depressed with those words. "Oh ya I heard of him I'd rather die than be in the class." The first bully said. "Oh what are you saying about my girlfriend so you want to die I can make an exception for you." Karma said knocking a glass bottle on the poll and then pointing it at the bullies. "No thanks I would rather want to leave." They said as they ran away. "You okay Nagi." He said as he put an arm over my shoulder. "Yep but you didn't need to do that i'm use to it remember." I remember me telling him about those two and saying how it was okay he didn't need to care so much about it but as always he ignores what I say and continues to be an overprotective boyfriend well he is Karma after all. "Ya whatever but do you mind if I ask you a few questions about the octopus." He said as we carried on walking to the train station.

~After the questions (I'm sorry ok i'm just a lazy author)~

"Interesting, interesting indeed." He said as his train arrives. "Wait I know that look all to well your planning something." "Of course I am you know me so well Nagi well my trains here so I gotta go bye." He says as he gave me a goodbye kiss and headed in the train.

~The next day 3rd person P.O.V~

"My ice-cream funds gone and pay day with an internity away." Koro-Sensei said as he was walking across the hallway and into the classroom with all the children looking dull. "Hey what wrong?" He asked but then he turned to look at his desk to see... an octopus with a knife on its head. "Oops, that's on me sorry innocent mistake I thought that was you so I guess I must take it out." Karma said with his smug smirk at Koro-Sensei. "Yes you should." Koro-Sensei said as he went to take the octopus away he went out and came came back with his Mach 20 speed and cooked Karma some food and he did that for the rest of the day with Karma trying to kill him and koro-Sensei stopping the attack and dress him up in the process.

~After school Nagisa P.O.V~

"Come on Karma we will kill him together in the process." I said as he was sitting at the edge of the cliff. "Ok but can I ask you something would it tick you off to die in some place." Karma said 'Oh no I know where this is going. "Oh karma I just bought a new set of tools to use when your finished with your attempts." Koro-Sensei said with his cocky voice. "Can I ask you something will you always save your students life or death crises." "Of course what sort of teacher would I be if I didn't." "That's good." Then he fell down the cliff I screamed his name as load as I could but then koro-Sensei saved him and the last thing I saw was Karma smiling at him probably thinking his lost the battle.

As Karma can up I ran and hugged him. "Your an idiot don't ever do that again got it." I said as he hugged me back. "Yeah yeah i'm not going to do it again I promise.

And that was it it was probably one of my longest chapters ever well I hope you enjoyed

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