Chapter 6: PE is the worst

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Warning this chapter may have some spelling mistakes because I didn't check for any I just wanted to release a new chapter so please vote so with that being said lets start.

Karasuma P.O.V

"Keep eyes on the target don't let your eyes be distracted if you can't predict his moves you can't encounter his basic menovers." Not to bad for 4 months of training every day these kids show more pro's take Isogai and Meahare for example they can almost hit me if they work together, then there is Karma, at first glance all you see is sarcasm and laziness but behind the act lies the instinct of a killer, and the girls Okado gymnastic backgrounds makes her moves unpredictable, and finally Meg she has the momentum of getting a hit on me, these are the stand out would be assassins of the group.

Then I noticed a weird aura of a python and blocked that person in the face flipping what seems to be Nagisa Shiota and leaving everyone in shock. "Ouch that hurt." He said then Karma came over and helped her up and glared at me. "Sorry that block was a little too hard." I said as I walked up to him,"It's okay I should've focused and payed attention." Nagisa Shiota what the? Did I just have a momentarily laps of sanity.

~Time skip~

Nagisa P.O.V

We were greeted with sweets with what was said to be our new PE teacher even Koro-sensei is eyeing the sweets repeating the words 'cake'. "Wow you are like the dad figure." Nakumura said turning her head to him "Dad I like the sound of that, life is too short to not spend it with family am I right gang." He said as he hugged Kayano and Okuda and then laughed with the rest off us, then I walked over to Karma resting my head on his shoulder. "What do you think, can trust him, I mean don't get me wrong he seems like a nice guy its just why replace Karasuma for him." "I know what you mean, i'm also a bit skeptical on the guy so at least let's keep an eye on him but to be honest I don't trust him and I think that should be the same for you." He said kissing my forehead as I nod in response, then he started coming near us. "Are you guys dating?" huh what a weird question to ask your students. "Yes sir." I said smiling at him. "Okay but I don't want you guys to act like that  when we train got it." He said shaking his head. "Yes sir we understant right Karma." I say as I nudge him because I can feel he wanted to disobay the teacher. "Yes Nagi-chan" He said then Mr. Takaoka left and Karma and I laughing at how serious we were but Karma does have a point we shouldn't trust him for now, or so we thought(Listen I think we can all agree we have watched this part of the anime so I think we all know this isn't going to end well, now don't you agree.)

~The next day~

"Okay things are going to be tougher than usual but you guys can do this so the more you co-operate the more sweets you can have." "For us or just for yourself." Nakumaura said. "Oh no I don't want to ruin this gerlish figure." Then we started laughing at his comment I wonder where Karma is I know he didn't want to come to this class because he is skepical of the new teacher.

"Alright so new teacher equals new schedule." He said as he walked to each of us handing the new time table.

Wait what we have to do this until 9pm. "Um excuse me sir but isn't this too much I mean we do need to study for tests and do homework we can't do this." Then as Meahara said that Mr Takaoka kicked using his knee onto Meahara's stomach. "Rule number 1 we don't do 'can't' and rule 2 we are a family and i'm the dad show me a dad with no control and i'll show you something we call a family crises, if this is to much for you i'll contact HQ and send replacements for the whole class and i'll prefere it if you rather stay, a farther loves his children so much that losing one of them brakes his heart even more than replacing them, we are going to save the world and we are going to do it as a family, we'll your going to do everthing farther tells you eh?" As he finished speaking Kanzaki stands up, I have a bad feeling about this. "Actually sir i'm not one for PE if I have to do it i'd rather prefer Mr Karasuma class." She said with a smile then Mr Takaoka slapped her which send her flying as Sugino, Kayano and I ran after her, Karma was right we can't trust him, then Mr Karasuma came over. "Stop it, hey move your head side to side it will help." "I'm okay." "Hey that goes for you too are you okay." Mr Karasuma said turning his head to Meahara. "Ya i'll survive." Meahara said holding his stomach.

~Time skip~

"Three hundred squats, I'll fricking die." Then we all hummed in response with Okajima's response. "Mr Karasuma please help us." Hinano said begging then Mr Takaoka came over and tried to punch her but then Mr Karasuma grabbed him by the arm to stop the impact of the punch. "If that's how you want to play fine pick a favorite and we'll battle if they touch me then I'll pack my bags and leave but we won't be using these rubber knifes no we'll use the real deal." Takaoka said taking out a real knife and gave it to Mr Karasuma. Then he turned to us and picked...

I was planning on ending it there but no i'm going to carry on until this thing ends got it so carry on reading my mysteries again want to become a mystery follow me and vote if you would like voting is optional of course but it tells me how much you enjoy the book onward with the chapter.

"Nagisa your up, in my eyes we are all soldiers on a mission to save earth, whatever our differences are we share the same goal, the least thing you kids deserve is my respect, so if you don't feel confortable you don't have to do this."

This man always looks me in the eyes, my own family can't even do that, but him no problem. Then I take the knife form him ready to fight. "Sure that's fine with me i'm your girl." "Oh come on this twig, you must be coming blind." Mr Takaoka said as I go over getting ready for the fight then Mr Karasuma whispered something to me before we fought. "It's important you understand he takes this thing serious he intends to make an example out of you, think of this as an assassination attempt you don't have to be stronger than him just get one good strike and then the job is done thats all it takes."

Okay this is bound to be a little different than what i'm use to so I need to stay focused, just  remember Mr Karasuma's advice on strike I just need one strike, so I'll give him a smile walk over to him like i'm walking to school. And before he know it I'll attack, I swang my knife over throwing him off balance, that's right your about to die noone keeps it together when the realise that even Koro-sensei gets thrown off and your nothing compared to him, once you lose your balance all it takes is a little tug here let me help you down. There we go you can block form the front but when you opponent is from the behind good luck, then mr Takaoka started screaming in fear as I hold the knife by his neck. "Looks like I win" I say as everyone is shocked.

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