The Storm

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I notice the blue and green tails of my parents glistening in the light of the water as they come closer to my spot on the ocean floor.

I let out a soft sigh as I put the sleeping baby turtle on the rock next to me. "There you go little guy." I tell it softly and smile. "Angelina!" I hear the sharp tone of my mother and flinch.

"Mother, father, fancy seeing you here." I tell them as I turn around to face them. Anger is evident on their faces my gold eyes meet their blue and brown ones. "What are you doing?" My father asks.

"Nothing, just going for a quick swim." I tell him. "Angelina, what have we told you about going out alone?" My mother scolds. "Mother I'm eighteen, I'm pretty sure I can manage on my own for a couple of minutes." I say.

Her anger flares and my father grabs her hand. "You know damn well why you can't." She says and I huff softly.

"Angelina, we are going home." My father says and I reluctantly nod as I follow them. I get my mother's looks and her dark hair, my father has brown hair and strong features. Swimming from place to place allows us to be fit and healthy. Especially since our diet mainly consists of kelp and occasionally a type of fish.

I feel my face hit my father's back and my black hair swirls around my face as they stop suddenly. "What's wrong?" I ask them. "There's a storm coming. We need to get home now." My father says. "It's just a storm. How bad can it be?" I ask him and his eyes glaze over.

"The council says one of the biggest in history and is advising everyone to stay inside." He replies as his brown eyes return and my mother gasps softly.

They were mind linking. It's how we communicate underwater when we are far distances from each other.

I notice the water get darker as the clouds cover the sun and we start moving faster. Thunder sounds and echoes through the water like a drum causing my mother to jump.

I feel my eyes flash as fear runs through me. The water goes cloudy as the storm picks up the sand. I feel the tide grip me and I let out a scream as I swim against it.

My parents are long gone by now and I can barely see my hand in front of my face. I let out a yelp as I feel myself being tugged down. Another clap of thunder sounds and I can see the faint outline of lightening.

I swim harder but I'm snapped back down and I feel my head hit a piece of coral. I feel my vision start to fade and I blink a couple of times trying to stay awake. I let out a soft groan as I feel my head hit the coral once more and red spots cloud my vision and dizziness consumes me. Darkness starts to fog my vision as I feel my eyes close and the sounds around me disappear.


I let out a soft moan as pain shoots through my head. I hear the soft sound if waves crashing in the background and I slowly open my eyes. I feel water rush up my throat and I lean over coughing it up. I take in a breath and wipe my mouth softly. "Oh shit." I mumble.

I notice the bright blue sky and sun shining down causing the heat to warm up my body. My breathing hitches and I gasp softly as I look around.

I'm not in the water anymore, quite frankly I have no idea where I am. My eyes widen as they find my legs.

No tail, no pretty scales and strong fin, but legs. I am completely nude aside from the coral seashell bra that I have on. I look around and notice that the beach is completely empty. I let out a soft sigh as I feel my body relax.

I get up on shaky legs and grip onto a nearby rock. "Jesus." I groan out softly. I have never been on land before, my parents have been many times. But they have never let me come with them due to the fact that my abilities aren't known to anyone else.

I see some seaweed and quickly start fashioning a skirt out of it. I look down and shrug. "This is good enough." I mumble as I see it covers everything that needs to be.

I take a step forward and feel the warm sand under my toes and a small smile forms on my lips. I see my now curly hair fall around my face and my smile turns into a grin. I push it out of my face and take another step as my legs shake but I will them to stop and keep moving forward slowly.

I eventually find the tree line and my breathing hitches. I look back to the water and then back to the vast forest. "Should I?" I ask myself softly. I know my way through the waters like the back of my hand but I don't know anything about land or anything that inhabits them.

I feel the wind blow gently and I close my eyes as I take in a breath. I hear the trees sway and I open my eyes. I look back to the water once more and nod before taking a step forward onto the grass and I smile as I move forward slowly.

"Here we go." I mumble softly as I keep walking forward feeling the wind hit my face softly.



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