Chapter 26: Captured

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After I read the letter, I showed it to Gomin when he came home.

"What do you think he means?" I asked once Gomin finished reading it.

"Well, it's pretty straightforward. He'll still help us." Gomin replied.

"Ya. But with what?"

"I honestly don't know. I'm sick and tired of Z."

"Should we show the others?"

"Ya. I'll go call them." and with that Gomin left.

It took 5 minutes to find everyone. We sat in a circle on the floor. Kate was laying down on the bed. They removed the cast but she limped and the doctor told her not to walk a lot.

Robby read the letter out loud. Once he was down he said. "At least he'll help us." Robby's eyes were full of so much hope, it hurt. He's been moody and grumpy. He barely talks to us and is always disappearing. I caught him a couple of times at the verge of tears, looking at a picture of Sinaya and Rodger.

"Ya. But with what is he going to help us?" Kate wondered.

"Maybe he will give us a clue about where The Great Book is." Kameron suggested.

Gomin and I looked at each other. We still haven't told them about the riddle. We still haven't solved the problem. I've been thinking about it a lot but it was too complicated.

"Maybe." I replied.

"What do we do now? I mean, I wish we could tell the grown ups. They would probably know what to do, but I don't think it's worth the risk." Robby said.

I sighed, rubbing my temples. I had a bad headache. "Guys, I honestly don't know. Man, how am I the child of this prophecy. I'm going to fail everyone." I said, closing my eyes and resting me head on my folded legs.

"Don't say that. I'm sorry, Mickey. I didn't mean to make it sound like that." Robby said, giving me a hug.

I didn't move. I really felt sick. It was too much. Even if we somehow managed to solve the riddle and get the book, how will we do the magic when only a Lari can do it. I'm not a Lari. I don't have magic.

At that moment, I hated my life. I wish I never found the key. I wish Gomin never came into my life. I wish I was back home with my two best friends and my little twins. I silently cried and eventually fell asleep.
I woke up with an ache on my neck from the position I fell asleep in. I didn't know for how long I slept but everyone was gone.

I slowly got up and stretched. I will never sleep on the floor again. I sighed getting up. And froze. No. No. No. No. Not this again.

On my bed, there was another letter. Wasn't one enough. I cautiously took a step towards my bed. I had a horrible feeling at the pit of my stomach. I slowly opened it and read the letter.

'Listen closely, your friend is in danger. He's taking a nap in a cave at Dormaselor. Hon, you should be careful what you wish for. Now Danny is here.

I felt cold all over. Danny. Danny is in danger. Without a second thought, I raced downstairs. I passed by the main room where Gomin, Kate, Robby and Kameron were. Kate tried to talk to me but I was running out before she could say anything. I yanked the door open and bumped into a hard chest. I fell on my butt.

"Wow. This is how we first met." Stark chuckled, giving me a hand up. I took it.

"Move." I yelled and tried to shove him away. He grabbed my arms and made me stop and look at him.

"What's wrong, are you ok?" He asked.

"No. Let me go." I frantically yelled.

"Mickey, what's going on?" Gomin asked.

"Let. Me. Go. I have to leave."

"Not until you clam down and explain." Kameron said, calmly.

I tried to free myself for a couple of seconds but gave up trying to fight and took a deep breath.

"Ok. Ok. I'm fine."

"Good. Now explain why your going crazy." Kate said.

"Danny." I said, as an explanation.

"Oh this again." Gomin said, rolling his eyes.

"No. They have Danny." I said.

"Who has Danny?" Robby asked.

"The Maligns. The Maligns have Danny."

"Wait, what? How do you know?" Kate asked.

"I got a letter from Z. He told me that Danny is in danger and he is in a cave in Dormaselor."

"Well, you can't just go. What if he is lying." Kameron said, trying to be reasonable.

"Heck ya I am. He's my best friend." I argued.

"But what if it's a trap?" Stark asked.

"I. Don't. Care." I said through gritted teeth.

"Well I,- I mean- we do." Gomin said.

I looked at Stark. "Imagine if they said it was Fany. You would go, wouldn't you."

He didn't say anything so I continued. "Please Stark, please."

No one said anything for 5 minutes

"Fine." Stark said.

I flung my arms around him. "Thank you. Thank you. Thank you." I squealed.

"By my self." Stark continued.

"No." We all said at the same time.

"I'm coming." Kameron and Gomin said.

"Mickey can't go." Kate and Robby said

"I'm coming. I don't care what you guys say." I said.

We argued and finally they let me go.

"Fine. Gomin, Robby and Kameron will also come." Stark said.

"And me." Kate said.

"No." Kameron immediately said "You can't even walk."

Kate pouted but stayed behind.

"We need some weapons." Gomin said. He got us all weapons. Sadly I didn't know how to use it but I had four, trained boys with me so I was good.

We called a cab. During the ride, I was full of worry. The last time I talked to Danny, I insulted him and now the Maligns have him. I just hope nothing happened to him.

It was the longest 15 minutes of my life. Once we got there, we stared at The Gate. Then Stark pressed the window so we can go to Dormaselor.

(A/N) I'm sad......Danny boy!!! Well what did you guys think? It's Christmas break so.....I'll be updating faster and it's almost coming to an end, I think...... I would like to thank a friend of mine for making the new book cover! Thanks a bunch!! Vote and comment please. And share. Until next time, take care❤

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